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Depending on a student's preference, graduate students will have between two and four defenses in their academic careers at UMass. 

Comprehensive Exams

At least one of the two comprehensive exams must be an empirical paper. The other can be an empirical paper, a theoretical/meta-review paper, or an actual written examination conducted over a period set by your committee.

A public defense is required for at least one of the two comprehensive exams. A written exam cannot be defended publicly. 

The first comprehensive exam can also be a Master's thesis, in which case it must be defended publicly. In almost all cases, a Master's thesis is an empirical paper. It cannot be a written exam. 


You are not required to hold a public defense for your prospectus. Rather than a public defense, you may have a closed meeting with your dissertation committee.


There is a required public defense that is advertised to the department and broader community. The defense must be announced a minimum of 30 days before the defense date.