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Fall 2024 Drop-in advising with Peer Advisors

Thompson 1012

Monday: 11-2
Tuesday: 9-10, 11:15-1:30
Wednesday: 9-10, 12-1
Thursday: 9-10, 11-1
Friday: 10-1

Academic advising is also available by appointment.
Advising Questions? Email us @email


The Sociology Undergraduate Program sets high expectations for students pursuing the major and has an advising structure that supports academic success and the pursuit of opportunities from admission to graduation.

Students are expected to meet with an advisor regularly to check on degree progress, develop a meaningful pathway through the major, discuss enrichments and opportunities to apply academic coursework, and to remove barriers to a successful and timely graduation. Sociology advising can take many forms—from meeting with a professional academic advisor to discussing career paths with faculty or choosing courses with peer support. The Sociology Advising program is here for you!

We also have a robust Sociology Peer Advising program—our Peer Advisors are here to support students every step of the way. They offer drop-in advising hours during the school year, host regular social and educational events for our majors. Interested in becoming a Sociology Peer Advisor? We accept applications every spring. To find out more, email us at @email.

Peer Advisors 2024-2025