Youngmin Yi
Assistant Professor

Dr. Yi is a sociologist and social demographer who studies the intersection of family life with the criminal justice, child welfare, and immigration systems in the United States. She is especially interested in two broad issues: (1) these institutional intersections as sites of (re)production and moderation of social disparities in wellbeing and (2) the role that these policy institutions play in shaping and racializing our definitions and experiences of family and familial relationships and the life stages of childhood and the transition to adulthood.
Her current research projects use a combination of administrative and survey data to explore the unequal distribution of child welfare and criminal legal system involvement across social groups and space as well as the relationship between this unequal distribution of policy system contact and disparities in health. She has published her work in peer-reviewed journals including the American Journal of Public Health, Journal of Marriage and Family, Population and Development Review, and Social Forces.
Dr. Yi welcomes opportunities to connect with students. In Spring 2022, Dr. Yi is available to meet via Zoom. Students enrolled in Dr. Yi's classes should refer to course materials for information about student hours dedicated to their class. All other students are invited to contact Dr. Yi by email to schedule a time to meet.
For more information about Dr. Yi and her research, current course offerings, and teaching and mentoring philosophy and activities, please visit her personal website.
PhD, Sociology, Cornell University, 2020
MA, Sociology, Cornell University, 2016
BA, Economics and French, Wellesley College, 2010
Research Areas:
inequality, social demography, race/ethnicity, family, incarceration, child welfare, transition to adulthood, immigration, health