Sanjiv Gupta
Associate Professor

Ph.D., Sociology, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor, 1999
Research Areas
Time use, Climate change, Gender, Family
Selected Publications
In press. Sanjiv Gupta, Liana C. Sayer, and Philip N. Cohen. “Earnings and the stratification of unpaid time among U.S. women.” Social Indicators Research.
Sanjiv Gupta and Michael Ash. “Whose money, whose time? A non-parametric approach to modeling housework.” Feminist Economics, v.14: pp.93-120. 2008.
Sanjiv Gupta. “Autonomy, dependence, or display? The relationship between married women’s earnings and housework.” Journal of Marriage and the Family, v.69: pp.399-417. 2007.
Sanjiv Gupta. “Her money, her time: women’s earnings and their housework hours.” Social Science Research, v.35: pp.975-999. 2006. Read more.
Sanjiv Gupta. “The consequences of maternal employment during men’s childhood for their adult housework performance.“ Gender & Society, v.20: pp.60-86. 2006.
Recent presentations
2006 — “Absolute earnings, relative earnings, and women’s housework.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles.
2005 — “Housework, income, and nation: a comparative investigation of the effects of women’s and men’s incomes on housework hours.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia.
Grants & Proposals
“Women’s earnings and the risk of divorce, 1968-2003.” Proposal for the R03 program under review, NICHD.
Funded Projects
FRG. Love and Marriage in Contemporary Urban India.