James A. Kitts

Ph.D., Sociology, Cornell University, 2001
M.A., Sociology, Cornell University, 1998
M.S., Natural Resources & Environment, University of Michigan, 1995
B.A., Environmental Studies, Oberlin College, 1992
Research Areas
Social Networks, Computational Social Science, Social Movements, Social Psychology, Organizations, Public Health, Medical Sociology
Selected Publications
Liu, Shuyin, Nolin, David, and James A. Kitts. (2024) "Name Order Effects in Measuring Adolescent Social Networks Using Rosters." Social Networks. 76:68-78.
Kitts, James A., Grogan, Helene, and Kevin Lewis. (2023). "Social Networks and Computational Social Science." In McLevey, John, Carrington, Peter J., and John Scott (Eds.) Sage Handbook of Social Networks (Second Edition).
Kitts, James A. and Diego Leal. (2021). "What Is(n't) a Friend: Dimensions of the Friendship Concept Among Adolescents" Social Networks. 66: 161-170.
Kitts, James A. and Eric Quintane. (2020). "Rethinking Social Networks in the Era of Computational Social Science" In Light, Ryan and James Moody (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Social Networks. pp 71-97. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kitts, James A. and Yongren Shi. (2018). "Toward an Analytical Framework of Social Influence: Behavioral Diffusion" National Academy of Sciences Report: Exploring the Development of Analytic Frameworks.
Kitts, James A., Lomi, Alessandro, Mascia, Daniele, Pallotti, Francesca, and Eric Quintane. (2017) “Investigating the Temporal Dynamics of Interorganizational Exchange: Patient Transfers Among Italian Hospitals.” American Journal of Sociology. 123(3): 850-910.
Kitts, James A. (2014) “Beyond Networks in Structural Theories of Exchange: Promises from Computational Social Science.” Advances in Group Processes. 31: 263-98.
Wyatt, Danny, Choudhury, Tanzeem, Bilmes, Jeff, and James A. Kitts. (2011). “Inferring Colocation and Conversational Networks Using Privacy-Sensitive Audio" ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2(1).
Kitts, James A. (2009). “Paradise Lost? Age Dependent Mortality of American Communes.” Social Forces 87(3):1193-1222.
Goodreau, Steven, Kitts, James A., and Martina Morris. (2009). “Birds of a Feather or Friend of a Friend? Using Exponential Random Graph Models to Investigate Adolescent Friendship Networks.” Demography 46(1):103-125.
Wyatt, Danny, Choudhury, Tanzeem, Bilmes, Jeff, and James A. Kitts. (2008). “Towards the Automated Social Analysis of Situated Speech Data.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing.
Kitts, James A. (2006). “Collective Action, Rival Incentives, and the Emergence of Antisocial Norms.” American Sociological Review 71(2): 235-259.
Kitts, James A. (2003). “Egocentric Bias or Information Management? Selective Disclosure and the Social Roots of Norm Misperception.” Social Psychology Quarterly 66(3):222-237.