Monday, July 22, 2024 - 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - 1:30pm to 4:30pm

In this two day (6 hour) workshop, participants will be introduced to the environment of Jupyter notebook, an interface for using Python, and the basic web scraping techniques using Python programming language. No previous experience with Python is required.
The goal is to equip participants with Python skills that will benefit their research. Sample data and worksheets will be provided. On the first day, we will focus on getting familiar with Jupyter notebook and Python as well as reading and importing data from various resources. We will also explore the Google Codelabs. On the second day, we will cover data management skills and web scraping. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to run basic Python code and scrape a webpage using Python. If participants have specific questions about using Python for their own research projects following the workshop, they are encouraged to make appointments for individual consultations.
Instructor: Alex Karl
Alexander Karl is a PhD student in the Sociology Department at UMass Amherst and holds a certificate in Computational Data Science from the Manning College of Information & Computer Science. He has previously held positions in industry in software engineering and data science roles. Alex specializes in computational social science methods. His research interests include social networks, text-as-data, and internet culture.
Questions? For more information about this or any of the ISSR Summer Methodology Workshops, please contact ISSR Director of Research Methods Programs, Jessica Pearlman (
Important: If you are registering for more than one workshop, please verify that all workshops are in your cart with the correct institutional and career status selected, for accurate pricing.
Five College Students and Faculty
- Five College Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Postdocs: $75/person
- Five College Faculty and Staff: $135/person
Non-Five College Students and Faculty
- Non-Five College Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Postdocs: $150/person
- Non-Five College Faculty, Staff and Other Professional: $210/person
Registration note: The Five Colleges include: UMass Amherst, Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, and Smith College. Faculty, students and staff from University of Massachusetts Boston, Dartmouth and Lowell campuses and UMass Chan Medical School pay the five college rates. Registration closes for each workshop 2 full business days prior to the start date. If paying with departmental funds, contact Sue Falcetti (
Cancellation note: In cases where enrollment is 5 or less, we reserve the right to cancel the workshop. In cases where the registrant cancels prior to the workshop, a full refund will be given with two weeks notice, and 50% refund will be given with one week notice. We will not be able to refund in cases where registrant does not notify us of cancellation at least one week prior to the beginning date of the workshop.