ISSR Methodology Workshop | Advanced Introduction to STATA
Instructor: Onupurba Das
STATA is a statistics software broadly used for social analysis. This is an introductory workshop designed for users who are completely new (or need a refresher) to using STATA. It is geared towards folks who wish to become more comfortable working with quantitative data and running basic statistical analyses.
The workshop will start with understanding the STATA environments and the use of do-files. We will then move into learning commonly used syntax (commands) and techniques for importing and organizing data. Once we have our data in order, we will run some basic statistical analysis and a regression. Throughout the workshop, we will work with sample data, developing the basic comprehensive knowledge needed to use the STATA software for your own projects.
Please note that the course will use Stata for PC. A few commands and functionalities differ in Stata for Mac, but Mac users are also encouraged to attend the workshop.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Understand the common STATA environments
- Work with STATA DO-files
- Import data from excel or csv formats
- Generate, recode and destring variables
- Create basic descriptive statistics
- Run a simple regression (Time permitting)
See information on how to obtain STATA under ‘Stata for students’ in the following link:
ISSR Methodology Consultants are generously supported by the Graduate School at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.