Governing Documents

The Constitution and General Bylaws of the SGA

Approved by the University Undergraduate Senate in 1994, the Constitution and General Bylaws are the two governing documents of the Student Government Association. The responsibility of maintaining the Constitution and General Bylaws is vested in the Committee on Administrative Affairs, along with entertaining motions of amendment and providing up-to-date versions of the documents.

Other Governing Documents

The Wellman Document

The Board of Trustees Document T73-098, known as The Wellman Document, was passed by the Board of Trustees in 1973. This document established the idea of joint governance between the Board of Trustees, the University faculty, and the student body. The SGA derives the “right, responsibility, and the privilege of advising on policies affecting the University” from this document.

Student Consultation Policy

The 2016 Student Consultation Policy expands upon the responsibilities outlined in the Constitution and General Bylaws of the SGA regarding the consultation of the undergraduate student body. This document requires SGA to consult the undergraduate student body on certain SGA matters that may arise.

UMass Consultation Policy

The 2015 UMass Consultation Policy expands upon the responsibilities outlined in The Wellman Document, and defines how the University is to communicate and seek consultation from the SGA. This document requires University administrators to consult with SGA on “potential significant changes” facing the University. Additionally, Student Advisory Boards were created by this policy.

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding the SGA Governing Documents please contact Administrative Affairs.