Contact Us

Reach Out

Depending on the nature of your request, please contact the appropriate person. If you are unsure as to whom to contact, please fill out the general contact form at the bottom of this page. You can generally expect a response within three (3) business days. As always, you can stop by our office in Student Union 305 to speak to a representative in person.

If you have feedback that you would not feel comfortable or safe associating your name with, you can submit feedback anonymously.

Note: If you have feedback relating to elections or perceived campaign violations, they cannot be submitted here and must instead be sent to the SGA Elections Commission.

Alternatively, if you have feedback relating to discrimination by an RSO or RSOs, please use the RSO Discrimination Reporting Form.



  • Executive authority of the SGA.
  • Violations of the Constitution, General Bylaws and Acts of the SGA.
  • Deals with employment with the SGA.

Vice President

  • Extension of the office of the SGA President, supporting in projects, initiatives and agenda of the SGA President.
  • In the event of resignation or impeachment of the President, the Vice President assumes the office.

Chief of Staff

  • Organizes Student Advisory Boards and Faculty Senate Councils
  • Manages the Bike Share Program.
  • Oversees the SGA office managers.

Attorney General

  • Serves as the chief legal counsel of the SGA.
  • Supervise and coordinate the SGA Conduct Advisors Program.
  • Act to effectively implement the Constitution and Bylaws of the SGA.
  • Represent parties before the Student Judiciary.

Secretary of Registry

  • Manage Registered Student Organizations and Agencies on campus.
  • Oversees policy and storage space allocation and lockers.
  • Screen, evaluate and determine the status of annual applications for new student organizations.

Secretary of Finance

  • Make sure ESO's are able to pay their expenses and are financially healthy.
  • Serve as resource for any organization which is confused or has concerns on financial matters regarding group.
  • Holding Student Government responsible for their spending and managing their funds.

Secretary of Diversity

  • Lead advocate on behalf of diverse student groups.
  • SGA point of contact for CMASS, Stonewall Center, Cultural & Religious RSOs, disability services & Greek organizations.
  • Can reach out if looking for information regarding the DIA fund.

Secretary of PR & Marketing

  • Lead Public Relations contact for SGA.
  • Runs SGA social media accounts and branding.
  • Reach out for RSO collaborations or SGA co-partnerships.

Secretary of University Policy

  • Creating and making sure University Policies are met.
  • Assisting RSOs and Agencies with maintaining their constitutions according to the Bylaws.
  • Liaison between Administration and Student Life.

Secretary of Health & Wellbeing

  • Helps check in and promotes holistic health across campus with campus organizations and surveys.
  • Serves as primary liaison for campus health partnerships.
  • Helps provide resources and advocates for students dealing with food and house insecurities.

Secretary of Technology

  • Deals with technology within the SGA, including the website.
  • Works to promote and advocate for students' technological needs and concerns.
  • Works with IT Board to further aid students.

Secretary of External Affairs

  • Act as liaison from student body/SGA to town of Amherst government
  • Act as liaison from student body/SGA to state and federal government
  • Promote information about local/state/federal elections (including voter registration and voter engagement)

Secretary of Sustainability

  • Student Sustainability Coalition/Environmental RSOs
  • Questions about sustainability
  • Earth Day Extravaganza

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

  • Point of contact for all Veteran, Active duty or ROTC students.
  • Connecting students with military opportunities.
  • Reach out for any ways I can advocate for and bring resources to the veterans community on campus/


Office of Speaker

  • Collaboration on campus and RSO projects/initiatives.
  • Liaison to communicate with the Senate and UMass administration.
  • Assistance in navigating the UMass bureaucracy.

Chair of the Undergraduate Registry Oversight Committee

  • Help RSO Applicants with their preliminary Constitution and Strategic Plans.
  • Work with the UROC on RSO Constitution amendments.
  • Lead the RSO Constitution audit every academic year.

Chair of Ways & Means Committee

  • Questions about the budgeting process for RSO.
  • "Why was my budget cut so much?"
  • "What are more ways that I can get more money aside from budget process?"

Chair of the Administrative Affairs Committee

  • Maintains the Constitution and General Bylaws of the SGA, and reviews motions for amendment.
  • Hears all appeals for RSO applications, ESO suspensions, ESO budget allocations, and Finance Reserve allocations.
  • Reviews motions pertaining to Agency and Subsidiary Governance Body affairs. This includes establishing an Agency, establishing/amending an Agency Charter, and establishing/amending a Subsidiary Governance Body Charter.
  • Hears all petitions to expel or impeach and officer of the SGA.

Chair of Social Justice & Empowerment

  • Lead campaigns to improve student rights and representation in university decisions, working closely with diverse student organizations.
  • Develop and manage campaigns aligned with Trustee Document T73-098 to enhance undergraduate student involvement in decision-making, partnering with groups like Student Bridges, CEPA, Cultural Registered Student Organizations, and more.
  • Establish partnerships with campus, state, and federal student organizations to advocate for well-funded, accessible, and democratic public higher education systems.
  • Foster collaborations to advocate for affordable and well-staffed higher education systems, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.

Chair of Undergraduate Services Committee

  • Serves as the SGA's Liaison to dining, parking, athletics, university health services, UMass Police, CCPH, residential life, and other relative services.
  • Initiates and oversees projects intended to improve the experience of the Undergraduate students..
  • Regularly meets and communicates student feedback with Departmental Leaders and Administrators.

Chair of Academic Oversight

  • Advocates for the student body.
  • Assists and educates students on available resources and tools.
  • Communicates and collaborates with the faculty senate and student provost.

Chair of Outreach and Development Committee

  • Advertise elections and SGA related content throughout campus.
  • Conducts senate vacancy interviews.
  • Helps improve the development of SGA.
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The SGA Office

305 Student Union, UMass Amherst

Phone: 413-545-0342

  • Monday: 9