
To study the delivery and learning outcomes of the diversity general education requirement by considering SGA proposals and policies at peer institutions and by reviewing through wide consultations with campus constituencies – including, among others, Academic Deans, Associate Deans, chief undergraduate advisors in the various colleges and departments, undergraduate program directors, the campus administration, and the student governance bodies – current diversity offerings, and to make recommendations to the General Education Council, the Status of Diversity Council, the Rules Committee, and the Administration regarding such changes, if any, in patterns of instruction or policies that advance the university’s goals in this area.



The Ad Hoc Committee may form subcommittees to pursue particular topics in depth and report their findings to the full Committee. These subcommittees may include other members of the campus community.


Reporting Date:

The Ad Hoc Committee should be composed early enough to begin its work by March 2022. It shall deliver a preliminary report no later than October 2022, and a final report of its findings and recommendations no later than the last Faculty Senate meeting of the Fall 2022 term. Should it require additional time, it will request an extension of deadline from the Faculty Senate. In no event will the deadline be extended beyond May 2023. 

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