Faculty Senate Bylaws
Section 1: Rules of Order
1-1-1 Meetings of the Senate shall be conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedure as provided by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised except as hereinafter provided.
1-1-2 As provided in the Constitution, a quorum for items published on the agenda for any regular or special meetings shall consist of those present. A quorum for business that has not appeared on a published agenda shall be a majority of the Senate. This definition of quorum shall also apply to the Senate’s duly established Councils and Committees.
1-1-3 Absentee voting and proxy voting are not allowed in the Senate or in its Councils and Committees.
1-1-4 Email votes on routine items may be taken in the Councils and Committees, provided that:
email voting must be kept open for at least 48 hours and
there is no request by any member to postpone the vote to a regular meeting of the Council or Committee. The item is adopted if a majority of the total membership of the Council or Committee explicitly agrees in the email vote.
1-1-5 A question or resolution or other matter may be made a special order for the following Senate meeting by a simple majority of those voting. A motion to this effect is always in order during New Business.
1-1-6 Non-voting members of the Senate shall have the same rights to speak as voting members. Non- voting members of Councils and Committees shall have all the rights of voting members except the right to vote.
Section 2: Attendance
1-2-1 Except when in executive session, Senate meetings shall be open to non-members. The Presiding Officer may grant non-members the privilege of the floor, provided they are seated in a designated section of the meeting hall reserved for non-members. The Senate may move into executive session upon a 2/3 vote of those present.
1-2-2 Meetings of all Councils, Committees and Ad Hoc Committees shall be open to non-members except when in executive session. Councils and Committees may move into executive session upon a 2/3 vote of those present.
1-2-3 The Admissions and Records Committee meetings will be held in executive session to comply with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements.
Section 3: Agenda
1-3-1 Agendas for regular meetings shall be prepared by the Rules Committee and shall be sent to each member of the faculty at least five working days prior to the meetings. Business to be placed on the agenda shall be submitted to the Secretary at least fifteen calendar days prior to the date of the next regular meeting.
1-3-2 Agendas for special meetings shall be sent to each member of the faculty at least two working days prior to the meeting and shall include a statement indicating by whom the special meeting is called, except that the agenda for special meetings called in emergency situations shall be announced by the Presiding Officer at the outset of the meeting.
Section 1: General Arrangements
2-1-1 The Rules Committee shall provide for regular and by-elections, including the apportionment of election districts, the calculation of vacancies to be filled, the selection of dates, the preparation of election ballots, and (if required) run-off ballots, and for the counting of votes.
2-1-2 Tenure-system faculty, non-tenure system faculty, and librarians on half-time or greater appointments, as well as retired faculty on post-retirement appointments, are qualified voters. Qualified voters shall have the right to vote in regular elections and in by-elections.
2-1-3 Qualified voters with at least one academic year of service shall be eligible for election to the Senate.
2-1-4 Voters shall be allotted to election districts of at least 20 but not more than 80 voters, grouped in a reasonable manner, with each academic department or other subdivision entirely within one election district.
2-1-5 The number of members to be elected from each district shall be the nearest whole number to the product of 1/x times the number of qualified voters allotted to that district, the value of x being such that the total number of elected members shall not be less than 60 and not more than 90, except that no district shall have less than two elected members.
2-1-6 Regular elections shall be held in March with elected members assuming office at the first regular meeting of the ensuing academic year. By-elections shall be held no later than the second week following the creation of the vacancy, with elected members assuming office immediately.
Section 2: Principles
2-2-1 Election procedures shall conform to the following principles:
- The Faculty Senate Office, acting for the Rules Committee, shall notify qualified voters in each election district of an impending regular or by-election by email and invite nominations (including self-nominations) by return email within seven calendar days;
- After the nomination period has ended, the Faculty Senate Office will distribute ballots to qualified voters by email and qualified voters will have seven calendar days to cast their ballots by return email;
- If the number of nominees is less than or equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, ballots shall include space for additional write-in candidates;
- If the number of nominees is at least equal to, but not more than twice, the number of vacancies to be filled, ballots will list those candidates;
- If the number of nominees exceeds twice the number of vacancies to be filled, a preliminary election by email shall be held to reduce the number of candidates to twice the number of vacancies. Qualified voters shall have seven calendar days to cast their ballots by return email. Rank plurality of votes cast shall determine which candidates shall appear on the ballot for the final election; and
- Candidates shall be listed on all ballots in alphabetical order by last name, then first name.
2-2-2 The election of members shall be determined by majority vote where one member is to be selected from a district, and by rank plurality of votes cast where more than one member is to be elected.
Section 1: Secretary
3-1-1 A Secretary shall be elected from among the members of the tenure-system faculty to serve a term of three years. The election of an elected senator to the position of Secretary shall create a vacancy in the member’s district. Prior to the first of January of the year in which a Secretary’s term expires, or whenever for other reasons the office falls vacant, the Chancellor shall appoint a special nominating committee of three members of the Senate. The committee shall nominate one or more candidates to fill the position of Secretary and shall report its nomination(s) to the Senate no later than the first regular meeting in March. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. The Secretary shall be elected at the first regular meeting of the Senate after the meeting at which the committee presents its nomination(s) using the procedures for election of Senate officers specified in
Section 3-6-1 letters d through l. The Secretary shall assume the duties of office on July 1 of the same year, or, if the office becomes vacant prematurely, as soon as possible.
3-1-2 The Secretary shall:
- Be the administrative officer of the Senate and shall:
- coordinate the activities of the Senate, its Councils and Committees, ensure appropriate leadership and organization for each Council and Committee, oversee the implementation of Senate enactment, and ensure the observance of the Constitution and Bylaws;
- receive and transmit all agenda items to the Rules Committee;
- keep minutes of Senate meetings, distribute and disseminate all agendas and minutes to the Faculty Senate;
- maintain the Senate website (www.umass.edu/senate), and posting there the minutes of Senate and documents important to the work of the Senate;
- preserve all documents of the Senate and its Councils and Committees in a central file and ensure preservation of information submitted through the campus’ Course and Curriculum Management System;
- post up-to-date lists of Senate members, Council and Committee members, and the Senate’s Constitution and Bylaws on the Faculty Senate website;
- post Council and Committee minutes and reports to the Faculty Senate website and supply Councils and Committees with copies of Trustee documents, minutes and Committee reports and other information necessary to facilitate their work;
- keep the Nominating Committee informed of Constitutional and Bylaw requirements relating to the selection of individuals to serve on Senate Councils, Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees; and
- approve graduation lists on behalf of the Faculty Senate.
- Serve as the Senate’s official spokesperson to the administration, the faculty, the librarians, the student body, and other interested parties;
- Preside at meetings of the Senate on those occasions when the Presiding Officer is unable to discharge the duties of the office;
- Publish Senate attendance records at the end of each semester; and
- Interpret the Board of Trustees’ Statement on University Governance (T73-098A, as amended) in consultation with University Administration Officials and the Rules Committee and, when appropriate, so inform the Senate and its constituent bodies as to their responsibilities, duties, function and procedures under the statement.
3-1-3 The Secretary shall serve as an ex officio voting member of the Rules Committee. The Secretary or a designee shall serve as an ex officio non-voting member of all Councils, Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees of the Senate, except that the Secretary shall be ineligible to serve on the special nominating committee provided for in 3-1-1.
3-1-4 Upon the entry of a newly-elected Secretary into office, the previous holder of that office will serve as Past Secretary for a period of six months to provide the new Secretary with such advice and assistance as the new Secretary desires.
Section 2: Presiding Officer
3-2-1 The Senate shall annually elect from its membership a Presiding Officer at the last regular meeting in the spring semester. The Presiding Officer shall preside at all meetings of the Senate and shall serve ex officio as a voting member of the Rules Committee.
Section 3: Delegate to the Board of Trustees
3-3-1 The Senate shall elect from its membership a Delegate to the Board of Trustees at the last regular meeting in the spring semester. The Delegate shall serve a term of two years and shall assume office on June 1, serving as liaison between the Senate and the Board of Trustees and serving ex officio as a voting member of the Rules Committee.
Section 4: Associate Delegate to the Board of Trustees
3-4-1 At the first regular meeting of the fall semester, the Senate shall elect from its membership one Associate Delegate to the Board of Trustees for a term of two years. The Associate Delegate shall assume office forthwith, assisting the Delegate in serving as liaison between the Senate and the Board of Trustees. The Associate Delegate shall also serve ex officio as a voting member of the Rules Committee.
Section 5: At-Large Members of the Rules Committee
3-5-1 In addition, the Rules Committee shall include five other elected members. No at-large member shall serve more than three consecutive years on the Rules Committee. Anticipated vacancies in at-large seats shall be announced by the Secretary at the final regularly scheduled Faculty Senate meeting of each academic year. Following this announcement, nominations for vacant at-large seats will be received in the Faculty Senate Office until the first Faculty Senate meeting of the new academic year.
3-5-2 The Senate shall annually elect at its first regular meeting:
- Sufficient persons to provide for a Rules Committee of nine members; and
- A Chairperson of the Rules Committee from among the five at-large members.
Section 6: Procedures for the Election of Officers of the Faculty Senate
- The Secretary will announce anticipated vacancies no later than 10 days in advance of the meeting at which an election is scheduled to be held;
- Names of candidates nominated in advance will appear on the agenda;
- At the meeting at which elections will be held, an opportunity for further nominations from the floor will be provided;
- Voting will be by written secret ballot, with the names nominated in advance on the ballot and space for a write-in candidate provided on the ballot;
- The Presiding Officer will appoint two tellers from among continuing members of the Rules Committee or other senators as appropriate;
- As the votes are collected by the tellers, a member of the Faculty Senate office staff will verify and check off voters on the current list of all Senators eligible to vote;
- The tellers will count the votes and report the results to the Presiding Officer;
- If, on the first ballot, a candidate obtains a majority of the votes cast, the Presiding Officer will declare that candidate elected;
- If, on the first ballot, no candidate obtains a majority of the votes cast, there will be a second ballot between the two candidates who obtain the highest number of votes cast on the first ballot; in the case of a tie vote for the highest number of ballots cast on the first ballot, the second ballot will include only the names of the candidates creating the tie vote on the first ballot; in the case of a tie vote for the second highest number of votes on the first ballot, there will be a separate ballot to identify the candidate who will appear on the second line of the second ballot;
- On a second ballot, the Presiding Officer will declare the candidate with the highest number of votes elected;
- In the case of a tie vote on the second ballot, there will be additional ballots until a candidate is elected; and
- In the case of an uncontested election, for which there is only one nominee, the Presiding Officer may waive the formal procedures d-k above and declare the nominee elected on the basis of a positive voice vote.
Section 1: Definitions and Procedures
4-1-1 “Councils” are subordinate units of the Senate established for the following purposes:
- To review and evaluate existing campus policies and programs and to develop policy recommendations within their assigned responsibilities to be presented in the form of reports, with motions, for subsequent Senate action; and
- To provide advice on implementation of policy within their assigned responsibilities. Such advice shall be provided directly to the administration, provided, however, that detailed summaries of advice rendered shall be reported to the Senate at least once every semester.
4-1-2 “Standing Committees” are subordinate units of the Senate established for the following purposes:
- To review and evaluate existing campus policies and programs within their assigned responsibilities, and to report thereon to the Senate; and
- To develop policy recommendations within their assigned responsibilities, to be presented in the form of reports, with motions, for subsequent Senate action.
4-1-3 The conduct of Council and Committee meetings is governed by Sections 1-1-2, 1-1-3, 1-1-4, and 1-1-6 of these Bylaws; attendance at Council meetings is governed by sections 1-2-2 and 1-2-3 of these Bylaws.
Section 2: Duties
4-2-1 Councils and Standing Committees shall:
- Meet at least once every semester;
- Exercise their powers and duties as prescribed by the Constitution and these Bylaws;
- Keep and distribute minutes of all meetings. One copy of all minutes together with all relevant documents shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Senate who shall make them available to inquiring faculty members/librarians by placing them on the Senate’s website;
- Prepare and submit an annual report by September 1st of each year, and such other reports as may be ordered; and
- Create or discontinue such subcommittees as deemed necessary for the conduct of the business of the Council or Standing Committee except for those subcommittees that are required by Bylaw. A majority of subcommittee membership shall normally be drawn from the membership of the Council or Committee and the chairperson shall normally be from the Council or Committee. Where a Council or Committee needs to establish a large number of subcommittees or where other special circumstances prevail, a modification of these requirements on membership may be granted by the Rules Committee.
Section 3: Membership
4-3-1 Except as otherwise provided, the term of office of faculty members and librarians on all Councils and Standing Committees shall be three years. The terms shall be so arranged that the terms of approximately one third of the members shall expire each year.
4-3-2 Except as otherwise provided, the selection of faculty members and librarians shall be by nomination of the Nominating Committee and ratification by the Senate; members of the administration shall be appointed by the Chancellor; student members shall be appointed as the Student Government Association and Graduate Student Senate shall determine, or as otherwise deemed appropriate by the Rules Committee when these organizations fail to appoint student members by the end of the second week of the fall semester; representatives of the non-academic professional staff and the non-professional staff shall be appointed as their representative groups shall determine; and representatives of the Massachusetts Society of Professors shall be appointed as the Massachusetts Society of Professors’ board shall determine. Ex officio members shall serve for an indefinite term and shall have all privileges of membership on Councils and Committees, including the power to vote, except as otherwise specified and in the unique case of the Secretary, who votes only on the Rules Committee. Such members shall be ineligible to serve as chair. Senate ratification of Council and Committee nominations may be waived by the Senate when voting to establish Ad Hoc Committees or in the case of temporary replacements to Committees that must function during the summer.
4-3-3 Council and Committee members shall be drawn from the widest possible range of available talent among the faculty and librarians, including those with Emeritus status for up to 5 years following their date of retirement, and where appropriate, the administration, the professional staff, the alumni and students.
4-3-4 Unless otherwise specified in the composition of a particular Council or Committee, members serving ex officio have a vote.
4-3-5 Except as otherwise provided, the chairperson of each Council and Standing Committee shall be elected annually, in the fall, and shall be eligible for re-election. Chairpersons of Councils and Committees who are not senators shall be accorded the privilege of the floor, when deemed appropriate by the Presiding Officer.
4-3-6 Council and Committee members may resign from membership at any time prior to the expiration of a term by notifying the Secretary of the Senate in writing. Council and Committee members who are absent from five consecutive meetings in an academic year may be replaced by the Nominating Committee.
4-3-7 Members of the Senate, its Councils and Committees shall also notify the Secretary of any impending academic leave of absence.
4-3-8 For the purpose of membership on Councils and Committees, the phrase “School/College headed by a Dean” shall not include the Graduate School or Commonwealth Honors College.
Section 4: Ad Hoc Committees
4-4-1 Motions establishing Ad Hoc Committees shall include:
- The name of the Committee and its charge;
- Its size and composition;
- Whether it shall be elected or appointed, and by what methods; and
- A date by which the Committee is expected to present a progress or final report.
4-4-2 Ad Hoc Committees shall keep and distribute minutes of all meetings in the manner prescribed in 4-2-1 (c).
Section 5: Floor Action on Council and Committee Reports
4-5-1 A copy of each report of all Councils, Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees shall be sent to each senator at least five working days before its presentation. The report shall contain a summary of the matters considered, a list of recommendations in the form of motions for Senate action and, where appropriate, reference to prior Senate actions and policies.
4-5-2 Council and Committee recommendations shall be subject to Senate action except:
- When the Senate empowers a Council or Committee to act for it, in which case the Council or Committee’s annual report shall include a full account of actions taken; or
- When emergency conditions require immediate actions, in which case all actions shall be reported immediately to the Rules Committee in writing and included in the agenda for a subsequent regular meeting.
Section 1: Councils
5-1-1 Beginning with the first academic year after the adoption of these Bylaws, Faculty Senate Councils to be appointed shall be:
- An Academic Matters Council;
- An Academic Programs and Budget Council;
- An Athletic Council;
- A Campus Physical Planning Council;
- A Commonwealth Honors College Council;
- A General Education Council;
- A Graduate Council;
- A Health Council;
- An International Studies Council;
- An Information and Communication Technology Council;
- A Public Engagement and Outreach Council;
- A Research Council;
- A Research Library Council;
- A Status of Diversity Council;
- A Status of Women Council;
- A Student Affairs and University Life Council;
- An Undergraduate Education Council; and
- A University Relations and Advancement Council.
Section 2: Academic Matters Council
5-2-1 The Academic Matters Council shall:
- Develop policy recommendations relating to every aspect of the academic and curricular life of the campus, except that every aspect of the graduate curriculum shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Graduate Council; and
- Examine proposals of major and minor programs from the several schools and colleges to ensure adherence to University policies. Course proposals shall be referred to the Council for its review. After consideration, the Council shall make its recommendation to the Faculty Senate in the established manner.
5-2-2 Its membership shall be:
- One Faculty Member from each School/College headed by a Dean;
- Nine Faculty Members or Librarians selected at large;
- A Representative from the Commonwealth Honors College Council, appointed by the Chair of the Commonwealth Honors College Council;
- The Associate Chancellor and Chief Planning Officer or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Senior Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Provost for Enrollment Management or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Dean of Commonwealth Honors College or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Program and Budget Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Associate Provost for Student Success or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The University Registrar or a designee, serving ex officio;
- Two Associate Deans from the Schools and Colleges of the University selected by the Dean’s Council;
- The Director of the Internship Program or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Five Colleges Executive Director or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- The Chairperson of the Student Government Association’s Academic Affairs Committee, serving ex officio;
- One Graduate Student; and
- Three Undergraduate Students.
5-2-3 The Academic Matters Council shall establish a committee on Military Studies consisting of five faculty members, none of whom shall be members of either of the two Military Science departments. One non-voting representative from each of the said departments shall be invited to the committee’s meetings. The committee shall:
- review all matters pertaining to the curriculum of said departments to ensure compatibility with prevailing academic standards; and
- screen candidates for faculty positions in said departments on which matters the subcommittee shall report directly to the Provost.
5-2-4 The subcommittee on Calendars shall develop proposed academic calendars. It shall consist of: five faculty members; the University Registrar or a designee, serving ex officio; the Graduate Registrar, serving ex officio; the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio; the Coordinator of Five Colleges, Inc. or a designee, serving ex officio; the Provost or a designee, serving ex officio; three undergraduate students, and two graduate students.
5-2-5 The Academic Matters Council shall establish a University Without Walls (UWW) Faculty Advisory Board for the purpose of reviewing and approving the curriculum of the UWW Program. New course proposals by the UWW Program must be approved by the Board before being sent to the Academic Matters Council. In addition, the Course Subcommittee of the AMC will vet proposed new UWW courses through the relevant academic department prior to submission to the full AMC for approval.
Section 3: Academic Programs and Budget Council
5-3-1 The Academic Programs and Budget Council shall:
- Provide advice to the Administration on matters of academic planning and priority;
- Provide advice to the Administration relating to the growth, stabilization, reduction, merger or closure of academic programs;
- Review, at the request of the Administration, long-range plans affecting academic priorities or the condition of academic programs;
- Review all proposals for new programs. Since the concept of priority includes competition for resources, the Council’s review may include an assessment of the priority of the proposed new program in relation to existing programs with which the new program will compete;
- Provide to the Senate, at its request, advice regarding academic planning or academic programs; and
- Review and make recommendations regarding the AQAD process.
- Participate in an advisory capacity in the campus operating and capital budget processes, including the current fiscal year and plans which are developed for future years;
- Undertake, at the request of the Senate or the Chancellor, reviews of the cost, sustainability, and impact of proposed and existing programs and policies; and
- Review the administration of funds on the Amherst campus.
Its membership shall be:
- One Faculty Member from each School/College/Libraries headed by a Dean;
- Nine Faculty members or Librarians selected at large;
- A Representative from the Commonwealth Honors College Council, appointed by the Chair of the Commonwealth Honors College Council;
- The Chairperson of the Academic Matters Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Campus Physical Planning Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Research Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Graduate Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Council on Public Engagement and Outreach, serving ex officio;
- A Representative of the Massachusetts Society of Professors;
- The Associate Chancellor and Chief Planning Officer, serving ex officio;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Campus Budget Officer or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- One Graduate Student; and
- Two Undergraduate Students.
5-3-2 Its membership shall be:
- One Faculty Member from each School/College/Libraries headed by a Dean;
- Nine Faculty members or Librarians selected at large;
- A Representative from the Commonwealth Honors College Council, appointed by the Chair of the Commonwealth Honors College Council;
- The Chairperson of the Academic Matters Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Campus Physical Planning Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Research Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Graduate Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Council on Public Engagement and Outreach, serving ex officio;
- A Representative of the Massachusetts Society of Professors;
- The Associate Chancellor and Chief Planning Officer, serving ex officio;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- One Associate Dean from the Schools and Colleges of the University selected by the Dean’s Council;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Campus Budget Officer or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- One Graduate Student; and
- Two Undergraduate Students.
Section 4: Athletic Council
5-4-1 The Athletic Council shall implement the “Statement of Athletic Policy” adopted by the Board of Trustees on February 14, 1957, and any related resolution which the Board may adopt thereafter. Consistent with present policies on admissions and academic standards, the Intercollegiate Athletic Program shall be developed to a point where it is representative of the best efforts of the University, with aims and ideals of achievement comparable to those expected of the academic departments.
This development shall proceed in accord with policies and regulations of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, and all athletic conferences in which the University maintains membership. The Athletic Council shall review the efforts of the department of Athletics, including academic progress of student-athletes, student-athlete health and wellness, departmental compliance with NCAA regulations, finances, and matters of equity and diversity in its programs.
The Athletic Council shall also review activities of Camus Recreation, including Intramural and Club Sports, Fitness, Aquatics, and Outdoor Pursuits, related Wellbeing initiatives, and the Campus Recreation Center and related facilities, and help ensure that Campus Recreation is staffed and equipped to meet the needs of all students who desire to participate. The University shall encourage participation through a varied program including sports with carry-over value for life after graduation.
The Athletic Council shall submit an annual report to the Faculty Senate, the Student Government Association, and Graduate Student Senate. This report shall include a detailed breakdown of the administration and operation of the Department of Athletics. The report shall address academic performance of student-athletes, compliance with NCAA regulations, equity and diversity, facilities, finances, and studentathlete health and wellness (including mental health and sports medicine.
5-4-2 Its membership shall be:
- Eleven Members of the Faculty and Professional Staff, three of whom shall be alumni selected by the Alumni Association for three-year terms. The other eight shall be Faculty Members or Librarians selected at large, nominated by the Nominating Committee, and approved by the Faculty Senate, for three-year terms;
- One at-large position for an alumnus/alumna, not necessarily a current member of the faculty or staff, to be appointed by the Alumni Association for a three-year term;
- The Director of Athletics, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- The Director of Campus Recreation, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of the Alumni Association, serving ex officio;
- A Faculty Member appointed by the Chancellor as the University Faculty NCAA Representative;
- A Faculty Member appointed by the Faculty Senate’s Rules Committee as the Faculty Senate’s Representative on the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (COIA);
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- The President of the Graduate Student Senate or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The President of the Student Government Association or a designee, serving ex officio; and
- Six undergraduate students to be chosen for two-year terms. No team shall be represented by more than one participant.
Section 5: Campus Physical Planning Council
5-5-1 Mission: The Campus Physical Planning Council advises the UMass Amherst administration on issues relating to the physical environment of all campuses and properties of UMass Amherst as they contribute to and affect the mission, goals and quality of academic life at the University.
The CPPC serves as a forum for the communication and exchange of ideas and proposals regarding the physical development on the campus and its impact on the campus community, the surrounding neighborhoods, and the towns of Amherst and Hadley.
The intent of the Council’s involvement is to carry out intelligent and representative reviews of proposed projects, and to offer timely and constructive comment, expert advice, and recommendations directly to the administrative group managing the projects as well as serving as an advisory body to the Provost, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, and Faculty Senate. Scope of Council Reviews:
The CPPC reviews initiatives that will result in a physical alteration to the campus fabric and other university properties.
The types of projects that fall under the Council’s review include:
- Policies and priorities for existing and new buildings and structures, site conditions and findings of note, and other related issues, with consideration of the campus master plan;
- Site selection for new buildings or other space development;
- Site development for buildings or landscape architectural projects and infrastructure such as plazas, open space areas, recreational areas, pedestrian zones, parking lots, or solar arrays and other major utility projects;
- General character, size, massing, materials, and construction processes of proposed new buildings or major renovations;
- Proposed alterations to historic and other existing elements of the campus;
- Plans for changes to the patterns of access and circulation systems on campus, and their connection to town systems;
- Issues related to environmental sustainability of buildings and landscape elements;
- Issues related to Frank A. Waugh Arboretum and other vegetated spaces;
- Policies concerning the scheduling and utilization of University academic space; and
- Policies designed to improve campus services.
Evaluative Criteria: The CPPC reviews proposals to consider the general ‘fit’ between the project and a range of contextual conditions, including:
- The health and safety of students, employees, visitors and residents of the campus;
- Potential impacts on movement, physical and visual accessibility, and environmental conditions in the surrounding context in which a project is located or proposed;
- Incorporation of sustainable practices in site and building design and development;
- The aesthetic and functional impact of the proposed development;
- The impact of the proposed project on the campus master plan and future development considerations; and
- Use of campus for teaching and research.
Council Procedure:
The Council reviews proposals in the preliminary phase of the site selection, planning and design process at the stage when suggestions and recommendations can still be incorporated. It receives information on the projects again at the completion of key milestones during the design development stage and the project’s execution.
- Facilities and Campus Services (F+CS) brings projects before the Council at the appropriate stages of planning and/or development.
- The Council will produce reports, in an advisory capacity, to the Provost, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance and Faculty Senate through the faculty Council chair. The Council will vote on pertinent issues when necessary.
- F+CS provides staff support for the Council.
- The Council or its committees will meet monthly (generally, on the 1st Thursday of each month), 12 months per year.
- The Council Chair or faculty member designee may participate as member of client team on select campus (or other university-associated) projects.
5-5-2 Its membership shall be:
The following individuals will have voting membership on the Council:
- Eight Faculty Members, selected at large, with an intent of broad representation from several colleges and schools;
- One Faculty Member from the Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, one from the Department of Architecture, one from the Building and Construction Program and one Librarian;
- One Member from the Massachusetts Society of Professors, selected by the Massachusetts Society of Professors;
- The Chair of the University Public Art Committee or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of the Stockbridge School of Agriculture or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Associate Chancellor and Chief Planning Officer, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities and Campus Services or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Executive Vice Chancellor for University Relations or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Associate Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of Disability Services or designee, serving ex officio
- The Director of Athletics or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The President of the Graduate Student Senate or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The President of the Student Government Association or a designee, serving ex officio; and
- One Graduate and One Undergraduate Student appointed by their respective governing bodies.
The following individuals will have non-voting membership on the Council:
- The Director of the Physical Plant;
- The Director of Design and Construction Management;
- The Director of Campus Planning;
- The Dean of Libraries;
- The Director of Environmental Health and Safety;
- The Director of Parking;
- The Director of Transit;
- One Representative from the Town of Hadley;
- One Representative from the Town of Amherst; and
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee.
5-5-3 The Council is chaired by a faculty member elected by the faculty members from among voting Council members.
Section 6: Commonwealth Honors College Council
5-6-1 The Commonwealth Honors College Council shall:
- Provide advice to the Dean of Commonwealth Honors College (CHC) on all matters relating to the administration of the Honors College, its curriculum and policy, including:
- honors course (H) approvals;
- standards governing the establishment, modification and termination of all Departmental Honors and Multidisciplinary Honors programs;
- standards governing CHC student admission and graduation; and
- standards governing the direction of Honors theses/projects and independent studies.
- Send minutes of its meetings to principal administrative officers and to all academic deans as well as to those listed in Section 4-2-1 of the Faculty Senate Bylaws.
5-6-2 Its membership shall be:
- Fifteen Faculty Members, including at least one from each School/College headed by a Dean, one lecturer from CHC, and one Librarian;
- One Representative from Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke or Smith Colleges, designated by Five Colleges, Incorporated;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Dean and Associate Dean of Commonwealth Honors College, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Research Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Academic Matters Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Undergraduate Education Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the General Education Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Program and Budget Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- The Director of the Office of National Scholarship Advisement, serving ex officio;
- The Registrar or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- The Executive Director of Residential Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- Two members of the Commonwealth Honors College Student Advisory Board or designees, appointed by the Dean of Commonwealth Honors College;
- One Undergraduate Student, appointed by the Student Government Association; and
- One Undergraduate Student, appointed by the Chair of the Commonwealth Honors College Council.
5-6-3 The Chairperson of the Commonwealth Honors College Council shall be elected annually from among the faculty members of the Council appointed in accordance with Section 5-6-2 above. The Dean of the Commonwealth Honors College will provide staff assistance to the Chairperson with respect to preparation and dissemination of agendas, minutes, and such other items as required for the effective functioning of the Council.
5-6-4 The Commonwealth Honors College may establish, modify, or terminate committees to assist the Council in its work.
Section 7: General Education Council
5-7-1 The General Education Council shall oversee that part of the University curriculum required of all undergraduate students. It shall:
- Review and recommend proposals and policies concerning General Education requirements;
- Establish guidelines and criteria for all courses that satisfy General Education requirements; review the courses and curricular options proposed for General Education and existing distribution requirements and make appropriate recommendations to the Faculty Senate;
- Review courses and curricular options previously approved to fulfill General Education requirements (or distribution designations) within five years of their approval (and within every five years thereafter) in order to recommend their re-approval to the Faculty Senate;
- Serve as an advisory body to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate and Continuing Education on matters relating to General Education; and
- Serve as an advisory body to curriculum committees in schools and colleges on matters pertaining to General Education and other requirements (excluding requirements for the major).
5-7-2 Its membership shall be:
- Twenty-Five Faculty Members or Librarians (with at least one from each School/College headed by a Dean and one Librarian);
- A Representative from the Commonwealth Honors College Council, appointed by the Chair of the Commonwealth Honors College Council;
- The University Registrar or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of Transfer Affairs or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Provost for International Programs or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of the University Writing Program or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Assistant Provost for Assessment and Educational Effectiveness, serving ex officio;
- TheAssociate Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Five College Coordinator or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Dean of Commonwealth Honors College or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Academic Matters Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- Two Graduate Teaching Assistants/Associates; and
- Three Undergraduate Students.
5-7-3 The General Education Council shall establish a committee on Variance consisting of: the University Registrar, the Director of Transfer Affairs, the Provost’s designee, and at least three faculty members. The committee Chair shall be a member of the General Education Council, appointed by the Chair of the General Education Council.
One or more members of the Variance Committee, who also serve on the General Education Council, shall be appointed as (Co)-Chair of the Variance Committee by the Chair of the General Education Council. The Committee shall review all student petitions for variances from the General Education Requirements. The following conditions and procedures shall apply:
- such petitions shall be made through the student’s Academic Dean, with an accompanying letter from the Dean, and forwarded to the Registrar’s Office by the Dean for consideration by the Committee. This written rationale from the Academic Dean will state explicitly whether he or she supports, does not support, or is neutral on the student’s appeal, along with the reasoning for his or her decision,
- all requests for variance from the General Education requirements based on an allegation of misadvising shall include a statement verifying such mis-advice by the academic advisor or dean involved,
- requests for the use of non-General Education courses to fulfill a specific General Education designation requirement must be accompanied by faculty documentation that supports the appropriateness of the General Education designation for the non-General Education course being substituted. Such faculty support will include evidence that the non-General Education courses address all the requirements for the General Education designation being requested.
This evidence will be based upon the criteria for the General Education designation as described in the Curriculum Areas and Designation information on the General Education website. In addition, the student petition should outline his or her reasons for appeal, including why it would be a severe hardship to take another course with the needed General Education designation, and - a student may register an appeal to the committee’s decision only with a written rationale from his/her initiating Dean, to be submitted to the office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate and Continuing Education for consideration.
5-7-4 The General Education Council shall establish a subcommittee on the Integrative Experience consisting of the Chair or designees of the Academic Matters, General Education, Program and Budget and Undergraduate Education Councils, in addition to three or more members of the General Education Council, or other full-time teaching faculty not on the General Education Council, approved by the Chair of the General Education Council. The subcommittee Chair shall be appointed by the Chair of the General Education Council. Staff support to the Integrative Experience Subcommittee shall be provided by the Office of Institutional Planning and Assessment.
Section 8: Graduate Council
5-8-1 The Graduate Council shall:
- Provide advice to the Dean of the Graduate School on all matters relating to the administration of the Graduate Program on the campus;
- Develop policy recommendations on all matters relating to graduate studies within the University, including (i) the standards governing the establishment, modification and termination of all graduate programs including cooperative graduate programs with other colleges and universities and joint programs in the University of Massachusetts system;
- the standards governing graduate student admission, financial aid, and graduation;
- the qualifications required for membership on the graduate faculty and participation in the Graduate Program including the direction of theses and dissertations; (iv) the development of a system designed to resolve such differences as may arise between graduate students and members of the faculty; and
- Send minutes of its meetings to principal administrative officers and to all academic deans as well as to those listed in 4-2-1.
5-8-2 Its membership shall be:
- Fifteen Graduate Faculty Members, with at least one from each School/College headed by a Dean and two Librarians;
- The Director of Five Colleges, Incorporated or a designee, serving ex officio;
- One Graduate Faculty Member from the Boston, Dartmouth, Lowell or Worcester campuses, chosen from among or designated by the membership of the Intercampus Faculty Council;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Dean of the Graduate School or designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Research Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Academic Matters Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- The President of the Graduate Student Senate or a designee, serving ex officio;
- Four Matriculating Graduate Students chosen by the Graduate Student Senate; and
- Two Associate Deans from the Schools and Colleges of the University selected by the Dean’s Council;
- The Senior Associate Registrar of the Graduate School or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of International Studies Council or their designee, serving ex officio.
Section 9: Health Council
5-9-1 The Health Council:
- Proposes, recommends, evaluates and reviews, processes, vehicles, operations and policies relating to health of the campus community, where health is to be understood as encompassing all aspects of safety and wellness, both mental and physical;
- Advises campus administrators on any matter relating to health of the campus community;
- Reports its advice, deliberations, and proposals to the Faculty Senate, the Graduate Student Senate or the Student Government Association as appropriate.
5-9-2 Its membership shall be:
- Nine Faculty Members or Librarians selected at large;
- Four Professional (exempt) Staff (one to be selected by the Professional Staff Union, if available;
- The Director of the Center for Health Promotion, serving ex officio;
- The Director of Public Health, serving ex officio;
- The Executive Director of the University Health Services, serving ex officio;
- The Medical Director of the University Health Services, serving ex officio;
- The Director of the Center for Counseling and Psychological Health, serving ex officio;
- The Director of Environmental Health and Safety, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- Four Classified (non-exempt) Staff (one to be selected by the University Staff Association, if available; one to be selected by AFSCME Local 1776, if available;
- Two Graduate Students selected by the Graduate Student Senate; and
- Up to seven Undergraduate Students selected by the Student Government Association.
Section 10: Information and Communication Technology Council
5-10-1 The Information and Communication Technology Council shall review and make recommendations with respect to campus infrastructure, policies, planning, and priorities related to information and communication technologies.
5-10-2 Its membership shall be:
- Ten Faculty members or Librarians at large, to the extent possible divided between early and middle-cohort technology adopters and representing a diverse cross-section of colleges, schools and departments;
- Ten Faculty members appointed by respective deans to represent the College of Natural Sciences, the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, the Isenberg School of Management, the College of Engineering, the College of Nursing, the College of Information and Computer Sciences, the School of Public Health and Health Sciences, the College of Education, the Commonwealth Honors College, and Continuing and Professional Education;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chief Information Officer, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for University Relations or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Associate Provost for Instructional Innovation, serving ex officio;
- The Director of the Center for Educational Software Development (CESD), serving ex officio;
- The Dean of Libraries or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of Administrative Technology or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The University Registrar or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- Three graduate students, appointed by the Graduate Student Senate; and
- Three undergraduate students, appointed by the Student Government Association.
Section 11: International Studies Council
5-11-1 The International Studies Council shall:
- Advise the Provost on all international and ethnic programs and studies, such activities to be known in this section as Council activities;
- Coordinate campus internationalization efforts with other components of the University and other institutions of higher learning;
- Serve as a forum for the exchange of information on international studies in the University and the Five Colleges;
- Coordinate and encourage efforts to acquire outside funding for Council activities;
- Evaluate and coordinate proposals for Council activities;
- Advise and recommend the assignment of priorities in budgetary allocations for Council activities; and
- Exercise faculty primary responsibility for the curriculum by reviewing and approving all credit-bearing international activities designed and taught by UMass faculty. Such approvals must be recorded in the minutes and the annual reports of the Council. Formal exchange agreements between the University of Massachusetts Amherst and foreign institutions, however, remain subject to full governance review and a vote by the full Senate.
5-11-2 Its membership shall be:
- Twenty Faculty Members, including one from each School/College headed by a Dean and one Librarian;
- Two Faculty Members selected by the Area Studies Programs (Latin American, Asian, Modern European and Judaic and Near Eastern Studies);
- Director for the Center of International Education, or designee;
- The Vice Provost of Global Affairs and Director of International Programs Office or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of the Five College Center for World Languages or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of International Students and Scholar Services, serving ex officio;
- The Director of Education Abroad, serving ex officio;
- The Dean of the Graduate School or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Five Colleges Executive Director or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Provost for Online Education or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- One Graduate Student, selected by the Chair of the International Studies Council; and
- One Undergraduate Student, selected by the Chair of the International Studies Council.
Section 12: Public Engagement and Outreach Council
5-12-1 The Council on Public Engagement and Outreach shall:
- Monitor and review campus-level activities and develop policy recommendations relating to the definition, development, promotion, delivery and evaluation of public service and outreach activities; and
- Serve as a liaison to system-level service and outreach task forces and administrative bodies.
5-12-2 Its membership shall be:
- Thirteen Faculty Members, including at least one from each School/College headed by a Dean and one Librarian;
- The Chairperson of the Academic Matters Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Research Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chairperson of the Research Library Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for University Relations or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Dean of Commonwealth Honors College or a designee, serving ex officio;
- One Representative designated by the Massachusetts Society of Professors;
- The Dean of Libraries or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of UMass Extension, serving ex officio;
- The Executive Director of the UMA Alumni Association or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of Civic Engagement and Service Learning (CESL), serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- A Community Member;
- The President of the Graduate Student Senate or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The President of the Student Government Association or a designee, serving ex officio; and
- The Student Trustee or a designee, serving ex officio.
Section 13: Research Council
5-13-1 The Research Council shall:
- Advance the research mission of the University;
- Advise the administration on policy issues regarding and major changes affecting research. This includes, for example, Research Trust Fund (RTF) distributions; research personnel and negotiations affecting research personnel; research facilities, resources and infrastructure; and sponsored research and research administration;
- Review and make recommendations regarding the awarding of internal campus-wide research and scholarship-oriented grants and awards such as Faculty Research/Healey Endowment Grants, Public Service Endowment Grants, Faculty Fellowships, Armstrong Fund for Science Grants and Conti Faculty Fellowships;
- Make recommendations related to Research Institutes and Centers to the Faculty Senate and other interested faculty.
5-13-2 Its membership shall be:
- Twenty-Two Graduate Faculty Members, with at least one from each School/College headed by a Dean and one Librarian;
- A Representative from the Commonwealth Honors College Council, appointed by the Chair of the Commonwealth Honors College Council;
- The Chair of the Graduate Council, serving ex officio;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Information Technology or a designee, serving as ex officio
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement, serving ex officio;
- The Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement, serving ex officio;
- The Dean of the Graduate School, serving ex officio;
- The Director of the Office of Grants and Contracts, serving ex officio;
- The Research Compliance Coordinator, serving ex officio;
- The Dean of Libraries, serving ex officio;
- The Director of the Institute for Applied Life Sciences;
- Two Associate Deans from the Schools and Colleges of the University selected by the Dean’s Council;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio; non-voting;
- The President of the Graduate Student Senate, serving ex officio;
- The President of the Student Government Association or a designee, serving ex officio;
- Two Graduate Students; and
- One Undergraduate Student.
5-13-3 The Research Council shall establish a Research Computing Subcommittee
- It will review, evaluate, and advise the Council and the Campus Administration concerning policies and campus resources that support the various research computing and research data management needs of campus scholarly and academic researchers. Its purview includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
- infrastructure for research computing and research data management on campus and beyond;
- policies and priorities concerning such infrastructure and its management;
- strategic planning concerning such infrastructure and its management; and
- compliance with related requirements, including access to, handling, and reservation of sensitive data.
- Its membership shall be:
- six faculty members – five designated by the Research Council from among its members, with attention to the diversity of scholarly and research use of computing and data be researchers of this campus, and one designated from among its members by the Information by the Information and Computer Technology Council to also serve as liaison to that Council;
- one librarian designated by the Dean of Libraries;
- one member form Information technology designated by the Vice Chancellor for Information technology/Chief Information officer having expertise in research computing infrastructure and its security;
- one member designated by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement having expertise in compliance;
- one graduate student designated by the graduate Student senate; and
- one undergraduate student designated by the Student Government Association.
- It shall make its recommendations with respect to the above to the Research Council, the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement, the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology/Chief Information Officer, and the Dean of Libraries.
5-13-4 Minutes of Research Council meetings shall be sent to the Academic Deans and to other recipients as required by these Bylaws.
Section 14: Research Library Council
5-14-1 The Research Library Council shall represent the faculty by:
- Advising the Dean of University Libraries regarding the functions and operations of the University’s research libraries including the use of library space, research needs of all library patrons, provision of library collections and information services, staffing levels, fundraising initiatives, ranking as a research library, and service to the community;
- Advocating on behalf of the University Libraries regarding activities and services that advance the research enterprise, such as open scholarship and academic freedom;
- Addressing issues of policy regarding campus funding priorities as they affect the Libraries;
- Communicating budget priorities and discussing library resource needs;
- Supporting surveys of such matters as collection development, accessibility, security, or adequacy of staffing, at the request of the Senate, the Dean of University Libraries, the Provost or the Chancellor.
- Serving as liaisons to the units the members represent by bolstering two-way communication between the Libraries and their patrons.
5-14-2 Its membership shall be:
- Fifteen Faculty and Librarian Members, with at least one from each unit headed by a Dean;
- The Chairperson of the Research Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Dean of University Libraries or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Dean of the Graduate School or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- The President of the Graduate Student Senate or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The President of the Student Government Association or a designee, serving ex officio; and
- The Speaker of the Student Government Association or a designee, serving ex officio.
- The Director of the University of Massachusetts Press or designee, serving ex officio.
Section 15: Status of Diversity Council
5-15-1 The Status of Diversity Council shall make recommendations on all matters affecting the status of diverse populations and underrepresented communities on the campus, including such matters as faculty, librarian and staff recruitment, retention, promotion and salaries, the recruitment, admission and retention of undergraduate and graduate minority students, granting of financial aid, and the development of programs to reflect the needs of our diverse community.
5-15-2 Its membership shall be:
- Thirteen Faculty Members, including one from each School/College headed by a Dean, selected at large (priority should be given to members of School/College Committees on the status of diversity), and one Librarian;
- One representative from the Massachusetts Society of Professors, selected by the Massachusetts Society of Professors;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Associate Vice Chancellor of Equal Opportunity Access or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Senior Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion, serving ex officio;
- The Associate Provost for Student Success, serving ex officio;
- Two Associate Deans from the Schools and Colleges of the University selected by the Dean’s Council;
- The Director of the Fine Arts Center, serving ex officio;
- The Chief of Campus Police, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- Two Members of the non-professional staff selected by the appropriate unions;
- One Member of the professional staff chosen by the Professional Staff Union (PSU);
- Four Graduate Students; and
- Five Undergraduate Students.
Section 16: Status of Women Council
5-16-1 The Status of Women Council shall make recommendations concerning gender, equity and inclusivity on the campus, including issues affecting those who were born as women or identify as women, trans, or non-binary. Its areas of concern include hiring, promotion, salaries and the granting of tenure; institutional support for childcare and caregiving; gender equity in admission, financial aid, funding and degree completion; matters related to Title IX, gender-based harassment, discrimination and violence; and programs, policies and initiatives that support campus community members in their many roles and responsibilities as teachers, students, employees and caregivers.
5-16-2 Its membership shall be:
- Thirteen Faculty Members, including one from each School/College headed by a Dean and one Librarian;
- One Representative from the Massachusetts Society of Professors, selected by the Massachusetts Society of Professors;
- One Representative from the Center for Women and Community;
- Two Members of the non-professional staff, selected by the appropriate unions;
- One Member of the professional staff, chosen by the Professional Staff Union (PSU);
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- Associate Vice Chancellor of Equal Opportunity and Access or a designee, serving ex officio;
- Two Associate Deans from the Schools and Colleges of the University selected by the Dean’s Council;
- The Chairperson of the Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies Program or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of the Office of Family Resources or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- Two Graduate Students; and
- Two Undergraduate Students.
Section 17: Student Affairs and University Life Council
5-17-1 The Student Affairs and University Life Council shall:
- Provide consultation, advice, and recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life and other members of the administration on matters that intersect with faculty and academic affairs including but not limited to student retention, student success, and campus climate; and
- Act as liaison to the Faculty Senate and make recommendations to it on policies that appropriately call for faculty review.
5-17-2 Its membership shall be:
- Ten Faculty Members selected at large and one Librarian;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for University Relations, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- Two Graduate Students; and
- Five Undergraduate Students.
Section 18: Undergraduate Education Council
5-18-1 The Undergraduate Education Council shall serve as initiator and advocate for the quality of the undergraduate educational experience on the Amherst campus. The Council shall review, deliberate, and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate with respect to all areas of undergraduate experience insofar as it relates to academics. The Council’s primary tasks shall be to:
- Strengthen teaching excellence;
- Investigate curricular and programmatic resource problems that impact undergraduate education;
- Monitor and make recommendations on both immediate and long-term challenges to the quality of undergraduate education on the Amherst campus;
- Deliberate and make recommendations on any policy, programmatic, curricular, or resource issues relating to undergraduate education brought forward by the campus administration; and
- Help to coordinate the work of other Councils and Committees on undergraduate education.
5-18-2 Its membership shall be:
- Ten At-Large Members of the Faculty, with at least one from each School/College headed by a Dean;
- One Librarian;
- The Chair of the Rules Committee or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chair of the Academic Matters Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chair of the General Education Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Chair of the Academic Programs and Budget Council or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Dean of Commonwealth Honors College or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Assistant Provost for Analytics and Assessment or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Senior Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Senior Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of Disability Services or a designee, serving ex officio;
- Assistant Vice Chancellor for Advocacy, Inclusion, and Support Programs or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Associate Provost and Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, serving ex officio;
- The Five Colleges Executive Director or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- The Student Trustee or a designee; and
- Three Undergraduate Students.
Section 19: University Relations and Advancement Council
5-19-1 The University Advancement Council shall represent the faculty by:
- Participating in an advisory capacity regarding the function of the Office of University Advancement including: alumni relations, University communications, development, public affairs, and University relations;
- Addressing issues of policy and its implementation; and
- Reviewing the budget of all University Advancement units.
5-19-2 Its membership shall be:
- Thirteen Faculty Members, including one from each School/College headed by a Dean and one Librarian;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Executive Vice Chancellor for University Relations, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of Athletics or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- The Editor of the Massachusetts Daily Collegian or a designee;
- One Graduate Student; and
- One Undergraduate Student
Section 1: Admissions and Records Committee
The Admissions and Records Committee shall recommend policies concerning:
- Admission and readmission of undergraduate students;
- Residence requirements and completion of degrees in absentia;
- Minimum and maximum course loads;
- Registration procedures; and
- Academic records and distribution of grade reports. At the request of the Provost, and in conjunction with recommendations from the student’s Academic Dean, the Committee will make decisions regarding individual student cases involving modifications to academic records, academic standing and other academic matters.
6-1-2 Its membership shall be:
- One or more Faculty Members (other than an Academic Dean) from each School/College headed by a Dean;
- The Director of Undergraduate Admissions or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of Transfer Affairs or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The University Registrar or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Graduate Registrar or a designee, serving ex officio; and
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting.
6-1-3 Minutes of meetings shall be sent to the Academic Deans and to the Chairperson of the Academic Matters Council as well as the distribution listed in 4-2-1 (c).
Section 2: Nominating Committee
6-2-1 Except as otherwise provided by the Constitution, Bylaws or by motion establishing an Ad Hoc Committee, the Nominating Committee shall:
- Nominate to the Senate for ratification all faculty members and librarians of all Faculty Senate Councils and Standing Committees. Upon the request of any Senate Council or Standing Committee, the Nominating Committee shall consult with the Council or Committee in question and attempt to take into account nomination preferences of said bodies prior to the presentation of official recommendations to the Senate. Graduate and undergraduate members shall be selected, as their respective governance units shall direct; and
- Act in good faith to fill the vacancy with a member of that constituency whenever a seat on a particular Council or Committee is assigned to a specific constituency. Any time that the Nominating Committee tries and fails to fill such a vacancy on that basis, the Nominating Committee shall proceed to fill the vacancy for its full term of membership with a faculty member or librarian chosen at large.
6-2-1 Its membership shall be:
- One elected senator for each 86 faculty members/librarians or a fraction thereof from each School/College headed by a Dean provided that each School/College headed by a Dean shall have at least one representative. These senators shall be elected by the Rules Committee, and shall serve for a term of office that shall coincide with the unexpired portion of their Senate term of office.
- The Chancellor or a designee;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- One Member from the Status of Diversity Council; and
- One Member from the Status of Women Council.
Section 3: Rules Committee
6-3-1 The Rules Committee shall:
- Receive from the President, Chancellor, Provost and Deans’ requests for Senate advice, and refer them to appropriate Councils and Committees for study. The Secretary of the Senate shall publicize requests that have been acted upon, indicating to which body each has been referred;
- Receive from the Secretary all items of new business, including those proposed by the Faculty, Councils, Committees and the Student Senates, and determine the appropriate disposition;
- Report to the Senate regularly regarding the status of all items of business submitted to the Rules Committee;
- Provide for the temporary replacement of elected officers in case of resignation or retirement;
- Prepare the Senate agenda;
- Review the Constitution and Bylaws, the Council and Committee structure, for needed revisions and report thereon, not later than February of each year;
- Continuously review and investigate the implementation of actions of the Senate, its Councils and Committees, and report thereon at least every semester;
- Conduct regular elections and by-elections to the Senate;
- Recommend changes in election districts, as needed;
- Act in an advisory capacity to the President, the Chancellor, and/or the Provost during the summer months or the January break, and in cases of emergency, as determined by the President, the Chancellor or the Provost;
- Act in an advisory capacity to the administration to make faculty nominations to non-Senate bodies, or bodies where Faculty Senate participation is not called for;
- When necessary, appropriate and expedient, act for the Faculty Senate in routine matters (such as course approvals recommended by the Academic Matters Council or Graduate Council) during the summer months and January break, provided that any such actions shall be reported and confirmed at the first regular meeting of the Faculty Senate following such action by the Rules Committee; and
- When necessary, appropriate, and expedient, act for the Faculty Senate in unanticipated, time constrained situations during the summer months and January break, provided that any such actions shall be reported and confirmed at the first regular meeting of the Faculty Senate following such actions by the Rules Committee.
6-3-2 Its membership shall be nine members, as provided in Chapter 3 of these Bylaws.
6-3-3 The terms of office shall be as provided in Chapter 3 of these Bylaws.
Section 4: University Press Committee
6-4-1 The University Press Committee shall:
- Control the imprint of the Press and approve all of its publications;
- Recommend policies concerning the administration and operation of the Press; and
- Recommend policies concerning the funding of Press activities.
6-4-2 Its membership shall be:
- Eleven Faculty Members or Librarians from the Amherst campus, selected at large;
- One Full-Time Faculty Member from the Boston campus, chosen by the Provost;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Director of the Press, serving ex officio; an
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting.
Section 5: University Writing Committee
6-5-1 The University Writing Committee shall:
- Recommend policies concerning the administration and operation of the University Writing Program;
- Monitor and oversee the Freshman Component of the Writing Program;
- Approve and monitor the Junior-Year Writing Component in the University’s academic units;
- Evaluate the program and, on the basis of this evaluation, suggest changes in procedures or policies; and
- Advise the Provost on the distribution of funds designated for the Junior-Year Writing Component.
6-5-2 Its membership shall be:
- Seven Faculty Members, selected at large;
- One Faculty Member from each School/College headed by a Dean, and One Librarian;
- The Director of the Writing Program, serving ex officio;
- The Associate Director of the Writing Program for Junior Year, serving ex officio;
- The Provost or a designee, serving ex officio;
- The Secretary of the Faculty Senate or a designee, serving ex officio, non-voting;
- One Graduate Student; and
- One Undergraduate Student.
You can also download the entire “Bylaws and Constitution of the UMass Amherst Faculty Senate” (pdf).