Academic Regulations > Enrollment Regulations for University Without Walls (UWW) > UWW Enrollment in Courses by Non-Matriculated Students

Academic Regulations > Enrollment Regulations for University Without Walls (UWW) > UWW Enrollment in Courses by Non-Matriculated Students Faculty Senateā€¦

Students who have never matriculated in a baccalaureate degree program at the University may register through University Without Walls for both regular University courses and courses offered by University Without Walls. They are classified as non-degree University Without Walls students. Enrollment is on a space-available basis (no pre-registration is allowed; access may be restricted by departments or programs). Students pay University Without Walls registration and fees. Students who have never matriculated in a baccalaureate degree program at the University are not subject to any of the following regulations.

Students who have already received a baccalaureate degree from the University, and who are not currently matriculated in a second baccalaureate program, are not subject to any of the following regulations.

Students who matriculated in a baccalaureate degree program at the University, but subsequently transferred to a degree program at another University or campus, are not subject to any of the following regulations. However, acceptance by another institution of courses completed on this campus is subject to the regulations of that campus.

All of the above students are regarded as non-matriculated students. The Committee on Admissions and Records will not be asked to rule on any issues involving non-matriculated students. This includes admission to courses, withdrawal from courses, or academic standing. Non-matriculated students are not held to the standards for academic status applicable to students pursuing a degree program.

Source: Academic Regulations

UWW Enrollment in Courses by Non-Matriculated Students