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  1. A cross-listed course is a single course offered by two or more departments or programs under their distinct course rubrics. The term “offering” is used herein to designate the parallel departmental or program listings of a cross-listed course. 
  2. Cross-listing is most appropriate when the subject matter of the course is directly relevant to the academic programs of the two or more departments or programs interested in cross-listing; when a single instructor holds a joint appointment in two departments; when a single instructor with a tenure home in one of the cross-listing departments has been named an adjunct faculty member in the other department or program interested in cross-listing the course; or when there are faculty members in each cross-listing department or program having the expertise needed to teach the course effectively. 
  3. All offerings of a cross-listed course must be taught at the same level (indicated by the first digit of the course number) and have the same content, title, description, outcomes, same or equivalent prerequisites, and be offered for the same number of credits. It is preferred that cross-listed courses also have the same number, but this may not always be possible. 
  4. If one offering of an undergraduate (100-level to 400-level) course proposed for cross-listing already carries or is later granted any of the General Education designations AL, AT, HS, SB, BS, PS, I, SI, DU, DG, R1, or R2, the offerings under the other rubric(s) must also carry the same designations. With courses already designated or later seeking designation as a Junior Year Writing or IE course, each department or program cross-listing the course may decide whether its offering can be used by its own majors to satisfy the Junior Year Writing or IE requirement. 
  5. A lead department or program must be identified for each cross-listed course. The lead department or program holds the primary administrative responsibility for the course. This responsibility involves either undertaking course scheduling and assignment of instructors for all offerings or ensuring that each department or program involved does so for its own offering. When applicable, the lead department or program will also prepare the materials needed for quinquennial review of General Education, Junior Year Writing, or IE designations. Each department or program offering the cross-listed course will be responsible for handling any special registration permissions students need to register for its offering of the cross-listed course. 
  6. Each offering of a cross-listed course will be treated as a distinct course for purposes of credit and grade replacement, except that earning a grade in one offering precludes granting that student credit for taking the other offering(s). Students who change majors between the offering departments or programs will be allowed to count the course towards their new major even if they took it under a different department’s or program’s rubric and course number. 
  7. A graduate-level (500 or above) cross-listed course must be designated by each participating department or program as carrying graduate credit for at least some group of graduate students. Each offering department or program may decide whether the course will be a required or an elective course in their master’s or doctoral programs. 
  8. Course proposals and syllabi for a new cross-listed course must be discussed and approved by the curriculum committee and chair/head of all the departments or programs planning to crosslist it, as well as the relevant college curriculum committee(s) and dean(s) before review by the Faculty Senate. 
  9. A newly developed course to be cross-listed may be proposed by the offering departments or programs as an experimental course (using a common x90-alpha number) with the normal limit of teaching it three times before either terminating it or seeking its conversion to a permanent course. Alternately, the offering departments or programs can move directly to proposing it as a new course to be added to the permanent catalog upon Faculty Senate approval. 
  10. Proposals to make an existing course already offered by one department or program into a cross-listed course by adding offerings in other departments or programs will also go through the departmental and college-level review indicated above. If the course is unchanged in its name description, main content and weekly plan, record of the agreement to cross-list will be provided to the chairs of the Academic Matters Council for courses at the 100 through 500 levels, the chair of the Graduate Council for courses at the 500 through 800 levels, the Secretary of the Faculty Senate, the Provost, and the Registrar. If those discussions lead to any changes in those features, the course proposal rule in paragraph 8, above, applies.

Source: Sen. Doc. No. 19-045