All requirements for any advanced degrees to be awarded at a given degree-granting period (February, May, September) must be completed by the appropriate deadline as published on the Graduate School's calendar (generally, mid-January for February; early April for May; and the last working day of August for September). The completed Degree Eligibility Form, signed by the candidate, the Graduate Program Director, and the Department Chair/Head, must be submitted to the Graduate Student Service Center by the specified date so that all the candidate's credentials can be certified before the degree is actually awarded. Please refer to the Graduate Student Handbook for further detailed guidance in the preparation and completion of a program of study. Guidelines for Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations are also available online.
Any Graduate School regulation or procedure shall not preclude graduate programs from developing specific regulations or procedures which are more restrictive or selective.
Master's Degree Requirements
In addition to the Master of Arts (M.A.) and Master of Science (M.S.) degrees, the University also offers the following master's degrees: Master of Architecture (M.Arch.), Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.), Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Master of Science in Business Analytics (M.S.B.A.), Master of Science in Accounting (M.S.Acctg.), Master of Design (M.Des.), Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Finance (M.F.), Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.), Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.), Master of Music (M.M.), Master of Regional Planning (M.R.P.), Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (M.S.B.M.E.), Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (M.S.Ch.E.), Master of Science in Civil Engineering (M.S.C.E.), Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (M.S.E.C.E.), Master of Science in Engineering Management (M.S.Eng.Mgt.), Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (M.S.Env.Eng.), Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (M.S.I.E.O.R.), Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (M.S.M.E.), Master of Public Policy and Administration (M.P.P.A.), Master of Public Policy (M.P.P.), and Master of Public Health (M.P.H.). Programs are described elsewhere in this Bulletin; for all other programs consult specific program of study.
Dual master's degrees are offered in the following programs: Architecture (M.Arch.)/Design (M.Des.), Business Analytics (M.S.B.A.)/Management (M.B.A.), Civil Engineering (M.S.C.E.)/Management (M.B.A.), Education (M.Ed.)/Public Policy and Administration (M.P.P.A.), Environmental Engineering (M.S.Env.Eng.)/Management (M.B.A.), Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (M.S.I.E.O.R.)/Management (M.B.A.), Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)/Architecture (M.Arch.), Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)/Design (M.Des.), Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)/Regional Planning (M.R.P.), Mechanical Engineering (M.S.M.E.)/Management (M.B.A.), Public Policy and Administration (M.P.P.A.)/Management (M.B.A.), Public Policy and Administration (M.P.P.A.)/Public Health (M.P.H.), Public Policy and Administration (M.P.P.A)/Regional Planning (M.R.P.), Regional Planning (M.R.P.)/Architecture (M.Arch.), Regional Planning (M.R.P.)/Civil Engineering (M.S.C.E.), Regional Planning (M.R.P.)/Geography (M.S.), Sport Management (M.S.)/Management (M.B.A.), Sustainability (M.S.)/Regional Planning (M.R.P.).
Requirements for All Doctoral Programs
(Including Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education Degree Requirements)
The doctoral degree is conferred upon graduate students who have met the following requirements:
- Successful completion of all courses and projects specified by the adviser/guidance committee within the guidelines of the candidate's graduate studies program.
- A doctoral candidate must spend the equivalent of at least one continuous academic year of full-time graduate work (nine credits per semester) in residence at the university. The residency year must be either in fall/spring or spring/fall sequence. During this year, the student must spend some part of each week physically on campus. Doctoral students enrolled in recognized off-campus programs may satisfy this regulation at their off-campus site.
- Satisfactory completion of foreign language requirements, if required by the candidate's graduate studies program. (These requirements are listed in the departmental sections of this Bulletin.)
- Passing a preliminary comprehensive examination conducted by the major department. Any student who fails the comprehensive examination may, at the discretion of the examining committee, be permitted a second and final examination.
- Registration for the required number of dissertation credits (refer to the Policies and Regulations section of this Bulletin).
- Submission of an approved dissertation prospectus to the Graduate School at least seven months prior to the Final Oral Examination (defense of dissertation).
- Preparation of a dissertation satisfactory to the Dissertation Committee and the Department Head/Chair.
- Passing a final (at least partly oral) examination conducted by the Dissertation Committee. This examination shall be primarily upon, but not necessarily limited to, the candidate's dissertation. This examination time and date shall be submitted to the Graduate Dean for announcement to the Graduate Faculty when all of the Dissertation Committee members and the Department Head/Chair agree that the dissertation is sufficiently complete to stand defense; approval of the dissertation, passing the defense, and/or recommending the degree are not implied by scheduling this examination.
- Doctoral students are expected to achieve candidacy within six years and required to complete their program within five years of achieving candidacy. Candidacy is recommended by the academic department upon satisfactory completion of coursework and passing the qualifying examination. One- or two-year extensions to this policy will be considered by the Graduate Dean upon recommendation from the student's Graduate Program Director.