The availability of courses offered by University Without Walls is governed by the policies of UWW. In all cases, University Without Walls course registration fees must be paid in addition to regular University tuition and fees.
Students who are enrolled as undergraduate students in the University during a fall or spring semester may register for up to eight credits of courses offered by University Without Walls providing they are concurrently enrolled in 6 credits of regular university courses. Permission of a student's undergraduate dean is needed, if the combined enrollment in regular University courses and courses offered by University Without Walls exceeds the maximum credit load of the student's school/college. Students concurrently enrolled will still be matriculated students in the University, and will be considered fulltime if their total credit load is at least twelve credits.
Students whose work schedules prohibit their enrollment in regular University course offerings may obtain an exception to the credit limit in the above policy. This exception may be obtained from the University Registrar.
Students receiving this exception will only be permitted to use this exception to register for courses offered by University Without Walls. They will not be permitted to register in any regular University course offerings through University Without Walls. Students are responsible for taking any steps necessary to ensure that their enrollments are merged, that the Registrar's Office has their correct enrollment status (full-time or part-time), and that any payment/credit adjustments necessary are made by the Bursar's Office and Financial Aid Services. Nonmatriculated students may be removed from UWW classes if they fail to attend or participate in classes before the end of add/drop for the class.
Source: Academic Regulations