A Six-Year Longitudinal Study of Gambling and Problem Gambling in Massachusetts (Executive Summary) MGC Factsheet
The MA Gambling Impact Cohort (MAGIC): Transitions Across Four Waves (Executive Summary) Presentation Slides
The MA Gambling Cohort: Analyses Across Three Waves (Executive Summary) Presentation Slides GREO Research Snapshot
Analysis of the Massachusetts Gambling Impact Cohort (MAGIC) Wave 2: Incidence and Transitions (Executive Summary) Presentation Slides
Fact Sheets:
Gambling Behavior Transitions of Massachusetts Residents
There are a number of reports relevant to the MAGIC study. We recommend:
Correlates of Problem Gambling: A Bibliography, July 13, 2016
Links to Other Longitudinal Studies
- Leisure, Lifestyle, and Life Cycle Study (Study Final Report)
- Manitoba Longitudinal Study of Young Adults
- Quinte Longitudinal Study of Gambling and Problem Gambling (Study Final Report)
- Swedish Longitudinal Gambling Study
- Gambling Research Australia
- Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study
- Australian Twin Cohort Study
- Pacific Island Families Study