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Language programs for Russian language (Study Abroad)

We encourage you to supplement your Russian language studies with a summer, one, or two semesters of study in Russia. Experience in an immersion environment will boost your language skills and provide you with a unique opportunity to experience Russian, East European, or Eurasian culture firsthand. 

It's a good idea to start thinking about studying abroad early in your language-learning career. For general advice on studying abroad, choosing a program, and choosing a city, please contact Regine Spector. Check with the UMass IPO for application deadlines, available financial aid, specific program requirements, and academic credit early on in your decision-making process.

In Eurasia:

American Councils (KZ, Armenia and Georgia)

The program provides intensive, immersion-based language instruction in several Russian-speaking countries for a semester, summer, or academic year. The program provides approximately 20 hours per week of in-class instruction in Russian language and other history and culture classes. Participants receive academic credit for the program through Bryn Mawr College and it is open to students with at least one year of college-level Russian.

Arizona Critical Languages Institute

The Critical Languages Institute (CLI) at Arizona State University’s Melikian Center is a national training institute for less commonly taught languages, offering summer intensive courses and study-abroad programs around the world. CLI does not charge tuition (in-state or out-of-state) for its credit-bearing courses.

Bard Abroad in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a fascinating place to study Russian outside of the European context and experience post-Soviet society. In addition to the variety of liberal arts course offerings of the program, Bard Abroad also offers to students “language track”, that is open to students with at least two years of college-level Russian. 


SRAS destinations include a variety of options: Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Latvia, Poland, and Uzbekistan. There are short-duration programs and semester-long programs. SRAS offers in-person programs and online programs.

In the United States (Summer Programs) 

Arizona Critical Languages Institute

Arizona Critical Languages Institute offers intensive in-person immersion programs. Students have the opportunity to live on the sprawling Arizona State University campus alongside faculty and staff while speaking, studying, and living in Russian. All levels of Russian are offered. 

Bryn Mawr Summer Language Institute 

The program offers four-week programs and eight-week programs. Courses accommodate beginners to the advanced level (three levels total) of language learners. Through the highly intensive course work and cultural activities, students receive the equivalent of an academic year of college-level intensive Russian in eight weeks. 

Indiana University 

Indiana University offers intensive eight-week in-person immersion programs. Students have the opportunity to live on the Indiana University campus alongside faculty and staff while speaking, studying, and living in Russian. All levels of Russian are offered. 


The intensive (full immersion) program offers eight-week instruction to undergraduates, recent graduates, graduate students at other institutions, professionals, and lifelong learners.

Pittsburgh Summer Language Institute (SLI)

The SLI Russian program is currently being offered in a domestic format in Pittsburgh. Russian at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, and fourth-year levels taught at the SLI provides the equivalent of one academic year's worth of study.