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Adoptive Parenting: Navigating the Calm and Rough Waters (5/19/2017)

Friday, May 19th, 9 - 11:30 AM
UMass Center at Springfield
1500 Main St., Springfield, MA

Adoption is one of the most effective alternatives for children who have experienced early adversity, as it allows for catch-up and reorganization to occur in critically important developmental domains, such as physical growth, language development, and social relationships. Despite these important opportunities for positive growth, the legacy of early adversity can remain, even years after the adoptive placement. This talk will focus on what adoptive parents, as well as professionals who work with adopted children, need to know to create the best possible growth-promoting environment for children recovering from early adversity. The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion in which Professor Jesus Palacios and local adoptive parents and professionals discuss best evidence-informed practices.

Jesus Palacios, Ph.D.
Jesús Palacios, Ph.D., has conducted research on both domestic and international adoptions in Spain, especially focusing on issues of recovery after early adversity and parent-child relationships. He has published numerous books and articles on foster care and adoption, including Psychological Issues in Adoption: Research and Practice, coedited with David Brodzinsky (Praeger, 2005). He has developed protocols for the assessment of adoption suitability and has coauthored a pre-adoption training program for prospective adopters, as well as books for both prospective and adoptive parents. In Spain and other countries, he consults regularly with governmental agencies about how to improve systems of foster care and adoption on behalf of children, and he has played a leadership role in connecting adoption researchers around the world. He hosted the successful Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research in Bilbao, Spain in 2013.


Friday, May 19, 2017 - 09:00