University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Poster Presentations

Posters can be downloaded at our scholarworks website here:

  1. What parents are doing when they discuss birth parents and the adoption story with their children
    Susanne Agerbak (Tufts University), Melissa Philips, Loey Bromberg, Amanda Young, Ellen E. Pinderhughes

  2. The Personal Experiences of Chinese Adoptees in the United States
    Marguerite S. Aldrich (Western Connecticut State University)

  3. Do Adoptive Families Avoid Discussing Search and Reunion?
    Diana L. Baltimore (Iowa State University), Sedahlia Jasper Crase

  4. Adoption Motivations, Coparenting, and Mental Health among Same-sex and Heterosexual Couples
    Rachel Farr (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

  5. When "what works" becomes "what worked": Changed social context and adoptee views toward contact
    Quade Yoo Song French (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

  6. An Exploratory Analysis of Microaggressions Experienced By Adolescent Adopted Individuals
    Karin J. Garber (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Harold D. Grotevant

  7. How are Internal Attributes Related to Korean Transracial Adoptees Sense of Belonging and Exclusion 
    Danielle Godon (Mount Holyoke College), Patricia G. Ramsey

  8. The Strengths in Adopted Adolescents: Links with Emerging Adulthood
    Holly Grant-Marsney (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Harold D. Grotevant, Christina Roth

  9. Planning for Open Adoption in Korea 
    Hyang Eun Kim (Kosin University)

  10. Testing a theoretical process involving associations among personality, family interactions, and adolescent externalizing in adoptive and non-adoptive families
    Bibiana D. Koh (Augsburg College), Martha A. Rueter

  11. Children, Youth and Parents Speak Out on Open Adoption
    Christopher Langelier (HEROES/Treehouse Community), Kim Stevens

  12. Contact and Knowledge in the Adoption Kinship Network: What Benefits Network Members Most 
    David M. Martin (University of Minnesota), Jenae M. Neiderhiser, Leslie D. Leve, Daniel S. Shaw, Laura V. Scaramella, David Reiss

  13. Constructing Adoptive Fatherhood: Narratives of Adoption After Primary Infertility 
    Ross W. McCallum (University of Manitoba), Maria I. Medved, Diane Hiebert-Murphy, Kerstin Roger

  14. Consequences of a Gay Adoption Ban: Perspectives of Gay and Lesbian Parents in Florida
    April M. Moyer (Clark University), Elizabeth R. Weber, Abbie E. Goldberg

  15. Birthmothers Experiences with Open Adoptions: Satisfaction and Disappointment and Long-term Adjustment
    Karen Tessier (Mount Holyoke College), Patricia G. Ramsey

  16. Adoption: a knowledge - attitude - practice – study amongst infertile couples
    Saumya Vinod Joshi (AFMC, Pune, India), Rupesh Prasad, Arvind Kushwaha

  17. Same-sex adoptive families: Parent-child conversations about legal inequalities
    Elizabeth Weber (Clark University), Abbie Goldberg

  18. Birth Parents & Openness with Adoptive Families: An Examination of Actual Contact & Satisfaction with Contact
    Amy L. Whitesel (George Washington University), Jody M. Ganiban, Leslie D. Leve, Daniel S. Shaw, Misaki N. Natsuaki, David Reiss, Jenae M. Neiderhiser