Posters can be downloaded at our scholarworks website here:
What parents are doing when they discuss birth parents and the adoption story with their children
Susanne Agerbak (Tufts University), Melissa Philips, Loey Bromberg, Amanda Young, Ellen E. Pinderhughes -
The Personal Experiences of Chinese Adoptees in the United States
Marguerite S. Aldrich (Western Connecticut State University) -
Do Adoptive Families Avoid Discussing Search and Reunion?
Diana L. Baltimore (Iowa State University), Sedahlia Jasper Crase -
Adoption Motivations, Coparenting, and Mental Health among Same-sex and Heterosexual Couples
Rachel Farr (University of Massachusetts Amherst) -
When "what works" becomes "what worked": Changed social context and adoptee views toward contact
Quade Yoo Song French (University of Massachusetts Amherst) -
An Exploratory Analysis of Microaggressions Experienced By Adolescent Adopted Individuals
Karin J. Garber (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Harold D. Grotevant -
How are Internal Attributes Related to Korean Transracial Adoptees Sense of Belonging and Exclusion
Danielle Godon (Mount Holyoke College), Patricia G. Ramsey -
The Strengths in Adopted Adolescents: Links with Emerging Adulthood
Holly Grant-Marsney (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Harold D. Grotevant, Christina Roth -
Planning for Open Adoption in Korea
Hyang Eun Kim (Kosin University) -
Testing a theoretical process involving associations among personality, family interactions, and adolescent externalizing in adoptive and non-adoptive families
Bibiana D. Koh (Augsburg College), Martha A. Rueter -
Children, Youth and Parents Speak Out on Open Adoption
Christopher Langelier (HEROES/Treehouse Community), Kim Stevens -
Contact and Knowledge in the Adoption Kinship Network: What Benefits Network Members Most
David M. Martin (University of Minnesota), Jenae M. Neiderhiser, Leslie D. Leve, Daniel S. Shaw, Laura V. Scaramella, David Reiss -
Constructing Adoptive Fatherhood: Narratives of Adoption After Primary Infertility
Ross W. McCallum (University of Manitoba), Maria I. Medved, Diane Hiebert-Murphy, Kerstin Roger -
Consequences of a Gay Adoption Ban: Perspectives of Gay and Lesbian Parents in Florida
April M. Moyer (Clark University), Elizabeth R. Weber, Abbie E. Goldberg -
Birthmothers Experiences with Open Adoptions: Satisfaction and Disappointment and Long-term Adjustment
Karen Tessier (Mount Holyoke College), Patricia G. Ramsey -
Adoption: a knowledge - attitude - practice – study amongst infertile couples
Saumya Vinod Joshi (AFMC, Pune, India), Rupesh Prasad, Arvind Kushwaha -
Same-sex adoptive families: Parent-child conversations about legal inequalities
Elizabeth Weber (Clark University), Abbie Goldberg -
Birth Parents & Openness with Adoptive Families: An Examination of Actual Contact & Satisfaction with Contact
Amy L. Whitesel (George Washington University), Jody M. Ganiban, Leslie D. Leve, Daniel S. Shaw, Misaki N. Natsuaki, David Reiss, Jenae M. Neiderhiser