NEW WORLDS OF ADOPTION: Contact Between Adoptive and Birth Families: What Works?
April 11th &12th, 2013
- Marla Allisan
- Susan Ayers-Lopez
- Amanda Baden
- Mary Beek
- Judy Cockerton
- Janie Cravens
- Rachel Farr
- Janice Goldwater
- Harold Grotevant
- Christopher Langelier
- Ruth McRoy
- Jenae Neiderhiser
- Elsbeth Neil
- Susan Ogden
- Adam Pertman
- Susan Livingston Smith
- Emma Ward
- Gretchen Miller Wrobel
Contact issues in domestic infant, child welfare, and intercountry adoptions
Clinical practice issues and mediation relating to contact
Legal aspects of communication agreements between adoptive and birth parents
Research perspectives and findings relating to contact
The role of social media in searching and contact
First-hand accounts of young adults, adoptive parents, and birth parents involved in contact