University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Poster Presentations

Violated Expectations across the Transition to Adoptive Parenthood: A Mixed Methods Study of Age, Race, Sex, and Special Needs Preferences among Foster-to-adopt Parents by April Moyer

Strengths and Competencies in Adopted Adolescents: Links with Attachment to Parents and Problem Behavior by Christina Roth 

Strategies for Addressing the Needs of Young Internationally Adopted Children by Linda Tirella 

Self-Reported Risks and Strengths among Prospective Adoptive Couples: Findings from Home Studies by Thomas Crea

Revisiting Public Perceptions of Adoption: 50 Years Since by Sarah Doughtery 

Re-Envisioning Foster Care by Kerry Homestead 

Providing Vital Post Adoption Support to Families by Lisa Mintz

Post Adoption Needs - A North American Survey of Adoptive Families by Kim Stevens

Internationally Adopted Siblings: Emergent Themes Related to Siblinghood by Carly Turer

Emotion and Adjustment Outcomes in Domestic Infant Adoptees by Matthew Lyle

Early Challenges of Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Foster-to-adopt Parents by Hannah Richardson

Daughters of China: A Conceptual Framework for an Inquiry into the Experiences of Adolescent and Young Adult Chinese-American Adoptees by Marguerite Scaglione Aldrich 

Coparenting and Child Adjustment among Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Couples and their Adopted Children by Rachel Farr

Communication That Matters: How Salient is Adoption Communicative Openness to Adjustment? by Bibiana Koh

Black and White Thinking? Negative Responses to Transracial Adoptive Families by Emily Doyle