University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Our website will be transitioning to a ne​w platform. Please refer to the this document for further details and announcements.

Planning Your Visit

We are delighted to have you visit the UMass Amherst campus for the 2018 Rudd Adoption Conference on April 13, 2018. 
In order to prepare for your arrival we have created a quick list of all the information you need to plan for your visit including: travel directions, parking, hotel booking codes, and many other helpful resources.

CLICK HERE for a detailed UMass Amherst campus map.

The Amherst campus of the University of Massachusetts is located in western Massachusetts, which is approximately two hours west of Boston. The University is close to major highways, including Interstate routes 90 and 91. UMass Amherst has an extensive Visitors Gateway site that includes detailed information such as directions, parking locations, campus maps and area lodging.

Directions and Parking

By Car
We recommend using Google Maps to create turn-by-turn directions if you are driving to UMass Amherst by car.

Alternatively, you may wish to use the following directions:


  • From the North (Brattleboro/Greenfield) via I-91 South: Take exit 25 in Deerfield. At the end of the ramp, turn left and follow road to the intersection. Turn right onto Routes 5 & 10 South. Go 1 mile, then turn left onto Route 116 South. Follow 8 miles to the UMass exit.
  • From the Northeast (Lowell/Leominster)via Route 2 West: Take exit 16 (Belchertown/Amherst). Follow Route 202 for about 15 miles to blinking light at Route 9 and 116 Amherst exit (Pelham). Turn right and follow for 7 miles to Amherst Center. Follow signs to UMass.
  • From the West (Albany, NY/Pittsfield) via I-90 East  (Mass Pike): Take exit 4 (West Springfield). Follow I-91 North to Exit 19. From the exit ramp, turn right onto Route 9. Travel approximately 4.5 miles to Route 116 North (turn left at traffic lights). UMass exit is 1 mile.
  • From the East (Boston/Worcester) via I-90 West  (Mass Pike): Take exit 8 (Palmer). Follow exit ramp and make a left at the light onto MA-32. Proceed for half a mile and turn left at sign for Three Rivers (High Street). Follow signs for MA-181 north through Bondsville, then Belchertown Center. After Belchertown Center, turn left onto MA-9 north. Follow signs to UMass.
  • From the South (Hartford/Springfield) via I-91 North: Take Exit 19 in Northampton. From the exit ramp, turn right onto Route 9. Travel approximately 4.5 miles to Route 116 North (turn left at traffic lights). UMass exit is 1 mile.
  • From the West (Williamstown/North Adams) via Route 2 East: Follow to Greenfield/I-91 exit. Take I-91 South to exit 25 in Deerfield. At the end of the ramp turn left and follow the road to the intersection. Turn right onto Routes 5 & 10 South. Go 1 mile, then turn left onto Route 116 South. Follow for 8 miles to the UMass exit.


Daily Parking

Participants traveling to UMass on a daily basis will be able to park at the Garage for $6.50 a day. You will receive a discounted parking pass with your registration materials on the day of the conference--you do not need a pass to enter the garage on arrival. The parking garage is centrally located at: 1 Campus Center Way, Amherst, MA 01003. Hotel Guests: Those participants staying in the Campus Center hotel may park in the garage for free. Please pick up a parking pass when you check in at the hotel front desk.

Hotel UMass Discounted Accommodations:  Rooms book early--reserve now!

A limited number of discounted rooms are available at the Hotel UMass at $145 each (* plus applicable fees, currently 6% plus $1.00 per room, per night.) Conferees should contact the hotel directly at (877) 822-2110 to request a room. Please refer to Group Code RAC18C to receive the discounted rate. Rooms must be booked by March 15, 2018 to obtain the group rate.

By Bus

Peter Pan Bus (motorcoach): (800) 343-9999

Megabus (motorcoach): (877) 462-6342

By Train

Amtrak: (800) 872-7245 (Northampton Station, then car or bus service

Visitors' Guide to Amherst
For information about places to dine in Amherst, local buses, local shops, local gyms and much more, please visit our Guide to Amherst & UMass page.