University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Poster Session

     ​2018 Conference Posters

  1. Psychological Presence of Adult Adoptees: Exploring Birth Mother Perspective
    Addie Wyman Battalen (Boston College School of Social Work), Christina Sellers, Krystal Cashen, Ruth McRoy, Harold Grotevant
  2. Associations Between Peer Attachment and Positive Adoption Affect Throughout Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood.
    Dominique K. Altamari (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Krystal K. Cashen, Harold D. Grotevant
  3. RESONANCE: Resilience and Early Brain Development
    Jessica Hanratty (Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island), Viren D'Sa, Sean Deoni, Rebecca McLean, Vanja Klepac-Ceraj, Susan Carnell, Monique Lebourgeois
  4. “Siblings wish to be adopted together”: An Exploratory Study of Descriptions of Sibling Relationship in State Photolistings​
    Reihonna L. Frost (Clark University), Abbie E. Goldberg
  5. A translational social work approach to help teens tolerate preadoptive transition
    Rhys Gardiner, Anni Keane, Lauren Frey, Victoria Nasanga, Jennifer Perez, Ruth McRoy, PhD
  6. How is the Birth Father Relationship (or Lack Thereof) Related to Preoccupation with Adoption?
    Haley LeRoux (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Maguatte Mbengue, Marion Worley, Jessica A.K. Matthews, Harold Grotevant, Ruth McRoy
  7. Expanding the Concept of Birthparent Loss to Orphans: Exploratory Findings of Adolescents in Institutions in South Korea
    Hollee McGinnis (Virginia Commonwealth University)
  8. How is parent-reported family race/ethnicity related to parents’ understanding and explanation of adoption bias?
    Xian Zhang (Tufts University), Raimy Shin, Anna Kimura, Alexandria Cinney, Kel Boland, Ana Jurca, Jenna Kupa
  9. The Influence of Early Trauma on Children Adopted from Foster Care: Parents’ Perspectives
    Emma W. Needles (Clark University), Reihonna L. Frost & Abbie E. Goldberg
  10. Who Prefers Open and Who Prefers Closed Adoption?: Perspectives of Emerging Adult Adoptees
    Krystal K. Cashen (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Dominique K. Altamari, Harold D. Grotevant
  11. 'Moving to adoption': developing a practice programme to support positive moves from foster care to adoption.
    Elsbeth Neil (University of East Anglia), Mary Beek, Gillian Schofield
  12. Waiting Child, Ready Parents: Parents' Perceptions of Pre-Adoption Preparation for China's Waiting Child Program and Child Well-Being
    Sarah Elizabeth Neville (Education Development Center, Inc.), Ellen E. Pinderhughes
  13. Connections of Adoption Emotions to Close Relationship Development
    Holly Grant-Marsney (Bridgewater State University), Rachel Daley, Harold D. Grotevant
  14. Adoptive Mothers' and Fathers' Psychological Distress: Parenting Teens Adopted from Birth
    Christina Sellers (Boston College), Adeline Wyman Battalen, Lisa Fiorenzo, Ruth G. McRoy, Harold D. Grotevant
  15. Infertility as a reason for adoption: A descriptive study
    Jing Wang (University of California, Riverside), Misaki N. Natsuaki, Leslie D. Leve, Jenae M. Neiderhiser, Daniel Shaw, Jody Ganiban, and David Reiss
  16. Ethics and Children's Rights. The role of psychologists in adoption procedures.
    Lucía Coler (University of Buenos Aires)
  17. Adoption Status and Social Network Inequality: Disparities Among Adolescents in Foster Care
    Richard Carbonaro (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
  18. Adverse Relinquishment & Adoption Experiences (ARAEs)
    Marie Dolfi
  19. Building Peer to Peer Community
    Diane Tomaz (Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange), Bridget Chiaruttini, Joe Sandagato
  20. Using administrative data to understand longitudinal post adoption outcomes
    Nancy Rolock (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee), Rowena Fong, Kevin White, Kerrie Ocasio, Lixia Zhang, Michael J. MacKenzie