The BOLTWOOD Project
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
A Community Service Outreach Learning Program
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The BOLTWOOD Project

(Serving others since 1969 -- and, STILL counting!!!)

The BOLTWOOD Project ™ is a community service learning course offered by the University of Massachusetts, at Amherst. The course is offered by the Civic Engagment & Service Learning Department (as of F'12).

The BOLTWOOD Project ™ is a community outreach program consisting of about fourteen groups working primarily with individuals who are mentally or physically challenged, in the greater Amherst, Northampton, Turners Falls, and South Hadley communities. Our sponsoring organizations include; The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (several Group Homes); Amherst Leisure Services & Supplemental Education (Fun Club & Los Amigos); The Berkshire Hills Music Academy (South Hadley); a Special ScoutTroop; and, The Farren Care Center (Turners Falls).

Our purpose is two-fold: to provide additional opportunities for general skill development and recreation-oriented activities for individuals who are mentally challenged and physically disabled, as well as for children of homeless families; and, to provide university students with the opportunity to gain experiential education within human service organizations dealing with these populations. The end result is a mutually beneficial experience for the students and residents of the surrounding communities.


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Website Creator: Merle G. Willmann

September 2011

Many of the materials created for this Website and this CSL course are the intellectual property of the Faculty Director and The BOLTWOOD Project. This includes, but is not limited to, the syllabus, background information, etc. Except to the extent not protected by copyright law, any use, distribution or sale of such materials requires the permission of the Faculty Director and/or The BOLTWOOD Project. Please be aware that it is a violation of University policy to reproduce, for distribution or sale, course materials, unless the faculty director or organization has explicitly waived copyright. Copyright 2006, Merle G. Willmann.