The BOLTWOOD Project
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
A Community Service Outreach Learning Program
Home            For Current Volunteers            For Prospective Volunteers           General Information
Announcements    l      Calendar     l     Syllabus & Requirements     l   Group Information      l     Contacts


Announcements for Current Volunteers

Dear BOLTWOOD Project Volunteers:

Below are some important events to remember:

  • Even if you served with The BOLTWOOD Project in past semesters, you must attend one of the 3 Recruitment Nights on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday evening of the second week of each semester and be interviewed for acceptance into one of our groups. Each Supervisor selects the best team of Volunteers to work with our current Participants. As usual, you must then pick-up your 'Acceptance letter" at our BOLTWOOD table from 9AM-4PM on the CC Concouse-level on Thursday. NO TELEPHONE CALLS!!!
  • Check SPIRE when your Supervisor tells you to make sure that you have been correctly added for the proper number of credits .
  • Turn in HARD copies of ALL reports at the BEGINNING of your next Group meeting. NO email reports accepted and NO excuses for late reports!
  • Remember that there are NO unexcused absences! Our Participants and fellow Volunteers expect us at EVERY meeting.
  • If chosen as the Assistant Supervisor for your Group, you have additional responsibiities spelled out in the Asst. Supervisor Job Description, including attending some weekly Supervisor meetings, which your Supervisor will bring to your attention.
  • Miscellaneous Notes:
    • Remember to write a Journal (Reflection report) for the seminar that you attend and also another journal for the community service project. Follow directions for minimum number of full pages, proper spacing, and margins.
    • All Final Papers are due by your last group visit.


BOLTWOOD Administration

Home            For Current Volunteers            For Prospective Volunteers           General Information



Website Creator: Merle G. Willmann

September 2011

Many of the materials created for this Website and this CSL course are the intellectual property of the Faculty Director and The BOLTWOOD Project. This includes, but is not limited to, the syllabus, background information, etc. Except to the extent not protected by copyright law, any use, distribution or sale of such materials requires the permission of the Faculty Director and/or The BOLTWOOD Project. Please be aware that it is a violation of University policy to reproduce, for distribution or sale, course materials, unless the faculty director or organization has explicitly waived copyright. Copyright 2006, Merle G. Willmann.