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Ivan Lee

Assistant Professor, CICS
Director, UMass Integrative Locomotion Lab
Affiliated Faculty


Professor Lee's research interests are in Mobile & Personalized Health, focusing on the use of digital technologies to understand health conditions and promote health behavioral change in individuals with motor/cognitive impairments, such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injuries, osteoarthritis, etc. With a primary focus on evolution, his specific research interests include 1) developing novel sensors and remote monitoring solutions that are motivated by practical medical needs, 2) design appropriate human studies, and 3) applying human-centered approaches to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the efficacy of the developed solutions.


Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles (2014), M.S., Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles (2013), M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (2010), B.A.Sc., Computer Engineering, Simon Fraser University (2008). Professor Lee joined the faculty of the College of Information and Computer Sciences as an Assistant Professor in 2016. From 2014 to 2016, he was a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School.


Ivan is a recipient of the NSF CRII Award (2018) and the NIH Trailblazer Award for Young Investigators (2018). His work has won a number of cover-page/featured article awards, best paper awards, best demo awards, and runner-ups at premier academic venues including IEEE TNSRE, IEEE JBHI, ACM SenSys, and ACM MobiSys. He is currently an Academic Editor of PLOS ONE and an Associate Editor of the IEEE OJEMB. He is also serving as an elected Standing Member of the Technical Committee on Wearable Biomedical Sensors and System of the IEEE EMBS. Ivan has served as technical program committee members and workshop chairs for several flagship conferences in the area of wearable computing and health informatics. Ivan also frequently serves on scientific review panels for funding agencies such as the NSF, NIH, and DARPA.

Recent Publications

Hwang, H., Jung, H. T., Giudice, N. A., Biswas, J., Lee, S. I., & Kim, D. (2024). Towards Robotic Companions: Understanding Handler-Guide Dog Interactions for Informed Guide Dog Robot Design. In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Hwang, H., Xia, T., Keita, I., Suzuki, K., Biswas, J., Lee, S. I., & Kim, D. (2023, May). System configuration and navigation of a guide dog robot: Toward animal guide dog-level guiding work. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 9778-9784). IEEE.

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