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What is Fluvial Geomorphology?

Policy Report

Fluvial Assesment

Stream Crossings

  • Water, sediment and debris: How, why and where culverts fail, and what happens then
  • The multiple benefits of upgraded stream crossing infrastructure
  • Culverts, bridges and other stream crossings: Where are they in the landscape, and what kinds are there?

Streamflow, Flood Stages

  • USGS Flood-Inundation Mapper website: a set of maps that shows where flooding may occur over a range of water levels in the community’s local stream or river. There are three interactive maps done in the Deerfield River watershed. Zoom in where you see a green triangle on the map.
  • Flood prediction, information and safety (NOAA)
  • Real-time streamflow and flood stages (USGS)
  • USGS Current Water Data for the Nation: Daily Streamflow Conditions: Colored dots indicate real-time stream flow and gauge height conditions as a percentile at gauge stations for the current date. Only gauge stations with greater than 30 years of record are included. Interactive map allows the user to go to a particular state and stream gauge.
  • USGS Water Alert: Users can subscribe to receive alerts via email or text message to mobile devices for user-selected gauge stations. Subscribers can specify discharge levels and/or gauge heights to trigger an alert. Alerts are based on real-time data transmitted from gauge stations approximately one to four times per hour. Links to the Water Alert subscription form are provided on individual gauge site pages.

Stream Table

Stream table is available to demonstrate how rivers change the landscape.