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  • Andarge, Tihitina, Yongjie Ji, Bonnie Keeler, David Keiser, Conor McKenzie (2024). “Environmental Justice and the Clean Water Act: Implications for Economic Analyses of Clean Water Regulations.” Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy.
  • Ando, A., Awokuse, T., Chan, N.W., González-Ramírez, J., Gulati, S., Jacobson, S., Interis, M., Manning, D., Stolper, S. (2024). “Environmental and Natural Resource Economics and Systemic Racism.” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 18(1): 143-164.
  • Bauner, Christoph, Debi Mohapatra, Nadia Streletskaya, and Emily Wang, Unhealthy Food, Regulations, and Consumer Welfare: The US Microwavable Popcorn Market, Economic Inquiry
  • Bauner, Christoph and Nathalie Lavoie, “The Cost of Eating Gluten-Free,” Applied Economics Letters, 31(6):508–512, 2024.
  • Bauner, Christoph and Rajib Rahman, “The Effect of Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels on Product Characteristics,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 51(2):482–505
  • Chan, N.W. (2024). “A unifying algebra of green consumption technologies.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
  • Chan, N.W. (2024). “Pigouvian policies under behavioral motives.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics 11(1): 97-135.
  • Crago, C. L., & Rong, R. (2024). Behavioral preferences and contract choice in the residential solar PV market. American Journal of Agricultural Economics
  • Debi Prasad Mohapatra, and Yang Zhang, Rx-to-OTC Switch, Market Exclusivity, and Consumer Welfare: A Study of the US Anti-Ulcer Drug Market  (Rand Journal of Economics, 2024)
  • Fitzgerald, A., Gilbert-Eckman, A., Demmings, E., Fitzsimmons, J. A., LaBorde, L., Kinchla, A., Richard, N., Seddon, D., Newbold, E. 2024. "Understanding the Food Safety Needs of Small and Very Small Processors in the Northeast United States: Food Safety Communicator and Regulator Perspectives." Food Protection Trends. Vol. 44 No.3, p. 160-181. 
  • Francis, D. V., A.C.M. de Oliveira, C. Dimmitt. 2024. What’s in a Name? Can Name-Blind Evaluation Reduce Bias in AP Course Recommendation? 
    American Economics Review: AEA Papers and Proceedings. 114: 205-209. DOI:
  • Greenhill, S., H. Druckenmiller, S. Wang, D.A. Keiser, M. Girotto, J.K. Moore, N. Yamaguchi, A., Todeschini, J.S. Shapiro. 2024. “Machine Learning Predicts Which Rivers, Streams, and Wetlands the Clean Water Act Regulates” Science, 383(6681): 406-412.
  • Hargrave, J. Rebecca, Richard W. Harper, Brett J. Butler, and Jamie T. Mullins "Influence of Community Characteristics on Urban Forest Management Programs in New York State." Cities and the Environment (CATE): Vol. 17: Iss. 1, Article 3 (2024). 
  • Keiser, D.A., B. Mazumder, D. Molitor, J.S. Shapiro, and B. Walker. 2024. “Do Earmarks Target Low-Income and Minority Communities? Evidence from US Drinking Water.” AEA Papers and Proceedings, 114: 36-40.
  • Skidmore, Marin, Tihitina Andarge, and Jeremy Foltz (2024). “The impact of extreme precipitation on nutrient runoff.” Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
  • Srivastava, S., & Mullins, J. T. (2024). Temperature, Mental Health, and Individual Crises: Evidence from Crisis Text LineAmerican Journal of Health Economics.
  • Stranlund, John K. , and Jeffrey Wagner. 2024. The Environmental Law and Economics of Hazardous Waste Management Regulations. Forthcoming Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
  • Vossler, C., D.A. Keiser, C.L. Kling, and D. Phaneuf. 2024. “Information Scripts and the Incentive Compatibility of Discrete Choice Experiments.” Forthcoming at Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
  • Ying Bao, Matthew Osborne, Emily Wang, Edward C Jaenicke, BMI/Obesity and consumers’ price sensitivity: Implications for food tax policies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nexus, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2024, page190,


  • A. Espín and C. Rojas. 2023. “Bridging the Digital Divide in the US”. Conditionally accepted, International Journal of Industrial Organization.
  • Bauner, Christoph and Augusto Espin, “Do Subscribers of Mobile Networks Care about Data Throttling?” Telecommunications Policy, 47(10):102665, 2023.
  • Bauner, Christoph and Nathalie Lavoie, “Competing with fad products: Erroneous Health Beliefs and Market Outcomes,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 50(3):879–917, 2023.
  • Chan, N.W. and Globus-Harris, I. (2023). “On consumer incentives for energy-efficient durables.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 119: 102813.
  • Chan, N.W., Knowles, S., Peeters, R., and Wolk, K.L. (2023). “Cost-(in)effective public good provision: An experimental exploration.” Theory and Decision.
  • Chan, N.W. and Wolk, K.L. (2023). “Reciprocity with stochastic loss.” Journal of the Economic Science Association 9: 51-65.
  • Chatterjee, C., Chugunova, M., Ghosh, M., Singhal, A., & Wang, L. X. (2023). Human Mediation Leads to Higher Compliance in Digital Mental Health: Field Evidence From IndiaFrontiers in Behavioral Economics2, 1232462.
  • Chávez, Carlos A., James J. Murphy, Felipe J. Quezada, John K. Stranlund. 2023. The Endogenous Formation of Common Pool Resource Coalitions. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 211, 82-102. 
  • Christensen, P., D.A. Keiser, and G.E. Lade. 2023. “Economic Effects of Environmental Crises: Evidence from Flint, Michigan.” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 15(1): 196-232.
  • Crago, Christine. L., Grazier, Emma, and Breger, Dwayne. 2023. Income and racial disparities in financial returns from solar PV deployment. Energy Economics, 106409.
  • Cropper, M., Muller, N., Park, Y., Perez-Zeptune, V. (2023) "The Impact of the Clear Air Act on Particulate Matter in the 1970s," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 121:102867
  • Cropper, M., Park, Y., (2023), "The Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health", Annals of Global Health, Chapter 5, 89.1
  • ​C. Rojas​​​​​​ and E. Cengiz. 2023. “Are Food manufacturers Reducing Sugar Content? Evidence from Scanner Data.” Forthcoming, Agribusiness.
  • C. Rojas and E. Cengiz. 2023. “Has Product Reformulation Fueled Reductions in Sodium Intake? Evidence from Scanner Data.” Forthcoming, Food Policy.
  • Debashrita Mohapatra, Debi Prasad Mohapatra, and Ram Sewak Dubey, Price dispersion across online platforms: Evidence from hotel room prices in London (UK), Applied Economics, 2023
  • Fitzsimmons, J.A., Lass, D., Minifie, K., Kinchla, A. 2023. "Financial Feasibility of Selling Frozen Produce in Local and Regional Markets." Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 1–16. 
  • Lucy Xiaolu Wang, (2023) ''A cost-benefit analysis of the medicines patent pool'', Economics Bulletin, Volume 43, Issue 3, pages 1298-1319
  • Lund, Andrea J., Elise Harrington, Tamee R. Albrecht, Tejasvi Hora, Rebecca E. Wall, and Tihitina Andarge (2022). “Tracing the inclusion of health as a component of the food-energy-water nexus in dam management in the Senegal River Basin.” Environmental Science & Policy.
  • Molitor, David, Jamie T. Mullins, and Corey White. "Air pollution and suicide in rural and urban America: Evidence from wildfire smoke." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, no. 38 (2023): e2221621120. 
  • Moore, C., J. Corona, C. Griffiths, M.T. Heberling, J. Hewitt, D.A. Keiser, C.L. Kling, M. Massey, M. Papenfus, D.J. Phaneuf, D. Smith, C.A. Vossler, and W. Wheeler. 2023 “Measuring the Social Benefits of Water Quality Improvements to Support Regulatory Objectives: Progress and Future Directions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(18): e2120247120.
  • Quezada, F.** and Chan, N.W. (2023). “A framework for estimating the impact of monitoring and enforcement on (unobserved) illicit extraction.” Environmental and Resource Economics 84: 627-647. [**Graduate advisee.]
  • Skidmore, Marin, Tihitina Andarge, and Jeremy Foltz (2023). “Effectiveness of Local Regulations on Nonpoint Source Pollution: Evidence from Wisconsin Dairy Farms.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
  • Stranlund, John K. , and Jeffrey Wagner. 2023. Tort Reform and Contingent Incomplete Liability. Economics Bulletin.
  • Vicarelli, M., Yu Ya H. T., Leue, M., Shrestha, A., Barlow, M. Connor Maresca, D., Danylchuk, A., Darst, R. DeConto, R., Dutka-Gianelli, J., Duff, J., Fay, G. Fitzsimmons, J., Heiss, J., Hellman, K., Kahl, K., Lloyd, S., Pagsuyoin, S., Rolfe, M., Thomas, E., Valova. E. 2023. "Climate Resilience in Coastal Massachusetts: A Survey of Municipal Challenges, Plans, and Needs." MassBenchmarks. (In Press) 
  • Udugama, G. K., & Mullins, J. T. (2023). Valuing the Disamenity of Open Dumpsites: A Sri Lankan Case StudyThe Journal of Environment & Development.
  • Vossler, C.A., C.L. Dolph, J.C. Finlay, D.A. Keiser, C.L. Kling, and D.J. Phaneuf. 2023. “Valuing Improvements in Ecological Integrity in Local and Regional Watersheds: The Biological Condition Gradient Ladder.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120(18): e2120251119.
  • Wamburu, J., Bashir, N., Grazier, E., Irwin, D., Crago, C., & Shenoy, P. 2023. Equity-aware Decarbonization of Residential Heating Systems. ACM SIGENERGY Energy Informatics Review 2(4): 18-27
  • Wang, L. X., & Bloch, C. (2023). Digital Interventions in the Health Sector: Country Cases and Policy DiscussionsIMF Notes2023(004).
  • Wichman, C.J. and Chan, N.W. (2023). “Preheating prosocial behaviour.” The Economic Journal 133(655): 2844-2860.
  • Willwerth, J., Sheahan, M., Chan, N.W., Fant, C., Martinich, J., and Kolian, M. (2023). “The effects of climate change on outdoor recreation participation in the United States: Projections for the 21st century.” Weather, Climate, and Society 15: 477–492.
  • Xiaoxue Sherry Gao, Glenn W. Harrison and Rusty Tchernis, "Behavioral Welfare Economics and  Risk Preferences: A Bayesian Approach" Experimental Economics 26, 273–303 (2023). 


  • Adalja, Aaron, J¯ ura Liaukonyt˙ e, Emily Wang, & Xinrong Zhu. “GMO and Non-GMO Labeling Effects: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment,” Marketing Science, 2022, August 29, Published Online.
  • Alhabeeb, M.J.(2022).Risk and uncertainty revisited: A clarification of theory and   application. International Journal of Economics and Finance,Vol.14, No.1.pp.1-15.
  • Bauner, Christoph and Zexuan Liu, “Incumbents’ Pricing and Nonpricing Responses to Entry in Vertically Differentiated Markets,” Journal of Air Transport Management, 105:102279, 2022.
  • Burkhardt, J., Chan, N.W., Bollinger, B., and Gillingham, K.T. (2022). “Conformity and conservation: Evidence from home landscaping and water conservation.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104(1): 228-248.
  • Cason, Tim, John K. Stranlund and Frans de Vries. 2022. Investment Incentives in Tradeable Pollution Markets with Price Controls. Forthcoming Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
  • Chan, N.W., Knowles, S., Peeters, R., and Wolk, K.L. (2022). “Perception of Generosity under Matching and Rebate Subsidies.” Judgment and Decision Making 17(5): 1058-1071.
  • Chan, N.W. and Kotchen, M.J. (2022). “Funding Public Goods Through Dedicated Taxes on Private Goods.” Land Economics 98(3): 428-439.
  • Chan, N.W. and Wichman, C.J. (2022). “Valuing Nonmarket Impacts of Climate Change: From Reduced Form to Welfare.” Environmental and Resource Economics 81: 179-213.
  • Grade, A.M., Chan, N.W., Gajbhiye, P.**, Perkins, D.J, and Warren, P.S. (2022).“Evaluating the use of semi-structured crowdsourced data to  quantify inequitable access to urban biodiversity: A case study with eBird.” PLOS One 17(11): e0277223. [**Graduate advisee.]
  • Hargrave, J. Rebecca, Richard W. Harper, Brett J. Butler, and Jamie T. Mullins. "Municipal Forest Program Management in the United States of America: A Systematic Review." Forests 14, no. 1 (2022): 35.  
  • Keiser, D.A., S.M. Olmstead, K.J. Boyle, V.B. Flatt, B.L. Keeler, D.J. Phaneuf, J.S. Shapiro, and J.P. Shimshack. 2022. “The Evolution of the “Waters of the United States” and the Role of Economics.” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 16(1).
  • Koh, Jung and C​. Rojas.​​​​​​ 2022. “Multi-Unit Ownership and Market Power: A Study of the Texas Hotel Industry.” Managerial and Decision Economics, 43, 8, 4087-105.
  • Kreyer, A. C., & Wang, L. X. (2022). Collaborating neuroscience online: The case of the Human Brain Project forumPlos one17(12), e0278402.
  • Li, S., Mazur, J., Park, Y., Roberts, J., Sweeting, A., Zhang, J., (2022), "Repositioning and Market Power After Airline Mergers," The RAND Journal of Economics, 53.1 (2022): 166-199
  • Manuel Estay and John K. Stranlund. 2022. Entry, Location and Optimal Environmental Policies. Forthcoming Resource and Energy Economics.
  • Rezvani, E. and C. Rojas. 2022. "Firm Responsiveness to Consumers' Reviews: The Effect on Online Reputation." Forthcoming, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.
  • Sexton, Steven, Zhenxuan Wang, and Jamie T. Mullins. "Heat Adaptation and Human Performance in a Warming Climate." Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 9, no. 1 (2022): 141-163.  
  • Wang, L. X. (2022). Global drug diffusion and innovation with the medicines patent poolJournal of Health Economics85, 102671.
  • Wang, L. X., & Wilson, N. J. (2022). US State approaches to cannabis licensingInternational Journal of Drug Policy106, 103755.


  • A. Espin and C. Rojas. 2021. "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Use of Remote Meeting Technologies," Economics Bulletin, 41, 3, 1533-1565
  • Alhabeeb, M.J. (2021). Diversifiable and non-diversifiable risk, and the advanced choice under ambiguous or uncertain conditions. International Business Research, Vol.14, No.12, pp.96-112.
  • Bellinger, D., Binagwago, A., Cropper, M., Fisher, S., Biao Koudenoukpo, J., Kumar, P., Landrigan, P., Park, Y., Taghian, G., (2021), "Air Pollution and Development in Africa: Impacts on Health, the Economy, and Human Capital," Lancet Planetary Health, 5.10 (2021): e681-e688
  • Chan, N.W. and Dinelli, M.* (2021) “Lindahl Pricing, Three Ways.” Economics Bulletin 41(4): 2386-2392. [*Undergraduate advisee]
  • Chavez, Carlos A., James J. Murphy, and John K. Stranlund. 2021. Co-enforcement of Common Pool Resources: Experimental Evidence from TURFS in Chile. Environmental and Resource Economics 80, 425-450.
  • Crago, Christine L. 2021. Economics of Solar Power. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science.
  • Cropper, M., Cui, R., Guttikunda, S., Hultman, N., Jawahar, P., Park, Y., Yao, X., Song, X., (2021), "The Mortality Impacts of Current and Planner Coal-Fired Power Plants in India," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118.5 (2021): e2017936118
  • C. Rojas and E. Wang. 2021. "The Effects of Excise Soda Taxes on Consumption: Evidence from Washington State and the City of Berkeley." Economic Inquiry, 59: 95-118
  • Ji, Y., D.A. Keiser, C.L. Kling, and D.J. Phaneuf. 2021. “Revenue and Distributional Consequences of Alternative Outdoor Recreation Pricing Mechanisms: Evidence from a Micro Panel Dataset.” Land Economics, 090721-0107.
  • Keiser, D.A., S.M. Olmstead, K.J. Boyle, V.B. Flatt, B.L. Keeler, C.L. Kling, D.J. Phaneuf, J.S. Shapiro, and J.P. Shimshack. 2021. “A Water Rule That Turns a Blind Eye to Transboundary Pollution.” Science, 372(6539): 241-243.
  • Wang, L. X. (2021). The complementarity of drug monitoring programs and health IT for reducing opioid‐related mortality and morbidityHealth economics30(9), 2026-2046.
  • Zaiyan Wei, Xiao Mo, and Rong Rong, 2021, Network Size and Content Generation on Social Media Platforms, Production and Operations Management


  • Alhabeeb, M.J. (2020). On the Validity of the Capital Asset Pricing (CAPM) Model. International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 1-13.
  • Andarge, Tihitina, and Erik Lichtenberg (2020). “Regulatory Compliance under Enforcement Gaps.” Journal of Regulatory Economics.
  • Burlig, Fiona, Louis Preonas, and Matt Woerman. Panel Data and Experimental Design. Journal of Development Economics, 144. 
  • Chan, N., Dinelli, M. Optimal Cost Sharing for Green Goods. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 7(6), 1033-1068
  • Chan, N., Wolk, L. Cost-Effective Giving with Multiple Public Goods. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 173, 130-145
  • Chan, N., Wichman, C. Climate Change and Recreation: Evidence from North American Cycling. Environmental and Resource Economics, 76, 119-151
  • Chan, N., Burkhardt, J., Flyr. M., The Effects of Recreational Marijuana Legalization and Dispensing on Opioid Mortality. Economic Inquiry, 58(2), 589-606
  • Crago, Christine L., John M. Spraggon, and Elizabeth Hunter. 2020. Motivating Non-ratepaying Households with Feedback and Social Nudges: A Cautionary Tale. Energy Policy. 145:111764
  • Epstein, J., Nicholson, S., Wang, L. X., Hempstead, K., & Asin, S. (2020). The secret menu in health care: a cash market for imaging in CaliforniaINQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing57, 0046958020981449.
  • Gibson, Matthew, and Jamie T. Mullins. "Climate risk and beliefs in New York floodplains." Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 7.6 (2020): 1069-1111. 
  • Keiser, D.A. 2020. "The Effectiveness of Phosphate Bans." Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 14(2): 331-338
  • Ji, Yongjie, D.A. Keiser, and C.L.Kling. 2020. "Temporal Reliability of Welfare Estimates from Revealed Preferences." Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 7(4): 659-686
  • Matthew Gnagey, Therese Grijalva and Rong Rong, 2020, Spousal Influence and Assortative Mating on Time Preferences, Review of Economics of the Household
  • McEvoy, David M. and John K. Stranlund. 2020. The Role of Payoff Inequality in the Formation of Coalitions to Provide a Public Good. Strategic Behavior and the Environment 8(2), 99-130.
  • Mullins, Jamie T., and Corey White. "Can access to health care mitigate the effects of temperature on mortality?." Journal of Public Economics 191 (2020): 104259. 
  • Paudel, Jayash and Christine L. Crago. 2020. Environmental Externalities from Agriculture: Evidence from Water Quality in the United States. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103(1): 185-210
  • Rojas, Christian & Emily Wang. “Do Taxes for Soda and Sugary Drinks Work? Scanner Data Evidence from Berkeley and Washington,” Economic Inquiry, 2020, September 27, Vol 59, Issue 1, pages 95-118.
  • E. Rezvani and C. Rojas. 2020. "Spatial Price Competition in the Manhattan Hotel Market: The Role of Location, Quality, and Online Reputation," Managerial and Decision Economics, 41: 49-63
  • Wang, L. "The Secret Menu in Health Care: A Cash Market for Imaging in California," with Jordan Epstein (Stroll Health), Sean Nicholson (Cornell), Katherine Hempstead (RWJF), Sam Asin (Stroll Health), 2020 INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing. 


  • Alhabeeb, M.J. (2019). Price Discrimination As A Marketing Strategy. International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 1-15. 
  • Alhabeeb, M.J. (2019). Spatial Models of Consumer Choice for Retail Outlets: Theory and Practice in Physics of Marketing. International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-9.A
  • Bauner, C., Wang, E. Strategic Retailer Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 7, December 2019:102525
  • Bauner, Christoph and Emily Wang, “The Effect of Competition on Pricing and Product Positioning: Evidence from Wholesale Club Entry,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 67, 2019.
  • Bauner, C., Jaenicke, E., Wang, E., Wu, Ping-Chao, Couponing Strategies in Competition Between A National Brand and A Private Label Product, Journal of Retailing, 95(1), March 2019, pp. 57-66 
  • Chan, N. Funding Global Environment Public Goods Through Multilateral Financial Mechanisms. Environmental and Resource Economics, 72(2), 515-531
  • Chan, N., Morrow, J. Unintended Consequences of Cap-and-Trade? Evidence from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Energy Economics, 80, 411-422
  • Chan, N., Brent, D.A. Local Public Goods and the Crowding-out Hypothesis: Evidence from Civic Crowdfunding. Economics Bulletin, 39(3), 1-14
  • DeGeest, Lawrence, and John K. Stranlund. 2019. Defending Public Goods and Common Pool Resources. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 79, 143-154
  • Fitzsimmons, J.A., O'Hara, J.K. 2019. "Market Channel and School Meal Costs in Farm to School Programs." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 1-26. doi:10.1017/age.2019.18 
  • Keiser, D.A. and J.S. Shapiro. 2019. "U.S. Water Pollution Regulation Over the Last Half Century: Burning Waters to Crystal Springs?" Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(4):51-75.
  • Keiser, D.A., C.L. Kling, and J.S. Shapiro. 2019. "The Low but Uncertain Measured Benefits of U.S. Water Quality Policy" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(12):5262-5
  • Keiser, D.A. 2019. "The Missing Benefits of Clean Water and the Role of Mismeasured Pollution." Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 6(4): 669-707
  • Keiser, D.A., J.S. Shapiro. 2019. "Consequences of the U.S. Clean Water Act and the Demand for Water Quality." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 134(1): 349-396
  • C. Rojas and A. Briceno. 2019. "The Effects of Piracy on Competition: Evidence from Subscription TV," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 63: 18-43
  • Mullins, Jamie T. and Corey White, “Temperature and Mental Health: Evidence from the Spectrum of Mental Health Outcomes,” Journal of Health Economics 68 (2019): 102240. 
  • Rong Rong, Therese Grijalva, Jayson Lusk and Douglas Shaw, 2019, Interpersonal Discounting, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
  • Shepherd, Andrew, and Jamie T. Mullins. "Arthritis diagnosis and early-life exposure to air pollution." Environmental Pollution 253 (2019): 1030-1037. 
  • Stranlund, John K.; James J. Murphy, John M. Spraggon, and Nikolaos Zirogiannis. 2019. Tying Enforcement to Prices in Emissions Markets: An Experimental Evaluation. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 98, 102246
  • Stranlund, John K. and Insung Son. 2019. Prices versus Quantities versus Hybrids in the Presence of Co-pollutants. Environmental and Resource Economics 73(2), 353-384.
  • Wang, L. "The Complementarity of Health Information & HIT for Reducing Opiod-Related Mortality and Morbidity," 2019, In Guclu Atinc (Ed.), Best Paper Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management


  • Banuri, S., A.C.M. de Oliveira and C. Eckel.  Care Provision: An Experimental Investigation.  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization [forthcoming].
  • Banuri, S., A.C.M. de Oliveira and C. Eckel. 2014. Care Provision: An Experimental Investigation. Forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization [forthcoming]"
  • Chan, N.W. Funding Global Environmental Public Goods Through Multilateral Financial Mechanisms.  Environmental & Resource Economics [forthcoming].
  • Chavez, Carlos A., James J. Murphy, and John K. Stranlund. Managing and Defending the Commons: Experimental Evidence from TURFs in Chile.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 91: 229-246. 
  • Christine L. Crago and Eric Koegler.  Drivers of growth in commercial-scale PV capacity.  Energy Policy 120:481-491 
  • Fitzsimmons, J.A., Cicia, G. 2018. "Different Tubers for Different Consumers: Heterogeneity in Human Values and Willingness to Pay for Social Outcomes of Potato Credence Attributes." International Journal on Food System Dynamics. 9 (4), 354-374.
  • Matthew Gnagey, Therese Grijalva, and Rong Rong, 2018, Spousal Dictator Game: Household Economics and Other-regarding Preferences, Games
  • Mullins, J. T.  Motivating Emissions Cleanup: Absolute vs. Relative Performance Standards.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 91: 66-92.
  • Mullins, J. T.  Ambient Air Pollution and Human Performance: Contemporaneous and Acclimatization Effects of Ozone Exposure on Athletic Performance.  Health Economics 27: 1189–1200.
  • Mullins, J., J. Graff Zivin, A. Cattaneo, A. Paolantonio, and R. Cavatassi. "The Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture: The Role of Information and Insurance under Climate Change.” In: L. Lipper, N. McCarthy,  D. Zilberman, S. Asfaw, & G. Branca (Eds.), Climate Smart Agriculture: Building Resilience to Climate Change, Volume 52.  Springer, Cham, pp. 353-383.
  • Rojas, C. and A. Briceño.  The Effects of Piracy on Competition: Evidence from Subscription TV.  International Journal of Industrial Organization  63: 18-43.
  • Rong Rong, Therese Grijalva and Matthew Gnagey, 2018, "The Less You Discount, The More It Shows You Really Care": Interpersonal Discounting in Households, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
  • Stranlund, John K. and Insung Son.  Prices versus Quantities versus Hybrids in the Presence of Co-pollutants.  Environmental and Resource Economics [forthcoming]
  • H. Wei and C. Rojas. 2018. "Spillover Mechanisms in the WIC Infant Formula Program," Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, December, p. 1-14. 
  • Therese Grijalva, Jayson Lusk, Douglass Shaw, and Rong Rong, 2017, Convex Time Budgets and Individual Discount Rates in the Long Run, Environmental and Resource Economics


  • Alhabeeb, M.J.  Dissecting the Cost of Capital.  Journal of Business and Economic Policy 4(3): 18 – 28.
  • Baselice, A., F. Colantuoni, D. Lass, N. Gianluca and A. Stasi.  EU Consumers’ Perceptions of Fresh-Cut Fruit and Vegetables Attributes: A Choice Experiment Model.  Food Quality and Preference 59: 87-96.
  • Bauner, C., N. Lavoie and C. Rojas.  Effects of Technological Change on Vertical Product Differentiation in the Presence of Buyer and Seller Market Power.  European Review of Agricultural Economics 44(1): 67-97.
  • Burkhardt, J. and N. W. Chan. The Dollars and Sense of Ballot Propositions: Estimating willingness to pay for public goods using aggregate voting data. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4(2): 470-503.
  • de Oliveira, Angela C. M., Alexander Smith, and John Spraggon. Reward the Lucky? An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Agency and Luck on Bonuses. Journal of Economic Psychology 62: 87-97.
  • DeGeest, Lawrence, John K. Stranlund and John M. Spraggon.  Deterring Poaching of a Common Pool Resource: An Experimental Evaluation. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 141: 254-276.
  • Grijalva, Therese C., Jayson Lusk, Rong Rong and W. D. Shaw. Convex Time Budgets and Individual Discount Rates in the Long Run.  Environmental and Resource Economics [forthcoming]
  • Khan, H. F., B. J. Morzuch, and C.M. Brown. Water and Growth: An Econometric Analysis of Climate and Policy Impacts.  Water Resources Research 53: 5124-5136.
  • C. Rojas. How Much is an Incoming Message Worth? Estimating the Call Externality. Information Economics and Policy 38: 23-37.
  • Rao, Anita & Emily Wang. “Demand for ‘Healthy’ Products: False Claims and FTC Regulation.” Journal of Marketing Research, December 2017, Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 968-989.
  • Stranlund, John K. The Economics of Enforcing Emissions Markets: A Review of the Literature.  Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 11(2): 227-246.
  • Tran, V., A. Yiannaka and K. Giannakas.  Market Potential and Economic Impacts of Food Nanotechnology Innovations.  Journal of the Knowledge Economy pp 1-36.
  • Wahab, S., K. Teitel, and B. Morzuch. How Analysts and Whisperers Use Fundamental Accounting Signals To Make Quarterly EPS Forecasts.  Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance 32(3): 401-422.


  • Alhabeeb, M.J.  Comparative Analysis of the Traditional Models of Capital Budgeting.  International Journal of Marketing Studies 8(6): 16-32.
  • Bharadwaj, P., J. Graff Zivin, J.T. Mullins, and M. Neidell. Early Life Exposure to the Great Smog of 1952 and the Development of Asthma.  American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 194(12): 1475-1482.
  • Cacchiarelli, Luca., Lass Daniel A. and Sorrentino, Alessandro. CAP reform and price transmission in the pasta chain.  Agribusiness 32(4): 482-497.
  • Colantuoni, F., G. Cicia, T. Del Giudice, D. Lass, F. Cracciolo and P. Lombardi. Heterogeneous Preferences for Domestic Fresh Produce: Evidence from German and Italian Early Potato Markets. Agribusiness 32(4): 512-530.
  • Crago, Christine L. and Ilya Chernyakhovskiy.  Are policy incentives for solar power effective? Evidence from residential installations in the Northeast.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 81: 132-151.
  • de Oliveira, Angela C.M., John M. Spraggon, and Matthew Denny.  Instrumenting Beliefs in Threshold Public Goods. PLoS ONE 11(2) e0147043.
  • de Oliveira, Angela C.M., T.C.M. Leonard, K. Shuval, C.S. Skinner, C. Eckel, J.C. Murdoch, “Economic Preferences and Obesity among a Low-Income African American Community,” Journal of Economic and Behavioral Organiazation; 131 (Part B): 196-208.
  • Grolleau, G., L. Ibanez and N. Lavoie. Cause-Related Marketing of Products with a Negative Externality. Journal of Business Research 69(10): 4321-4330. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.04.006
  • Mullins, J., J. Graff Zivin, A. Cattaneo, A. Paolantonio, and R. Cavatassi. "The Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture: The Role of Information and Insurance under Climate Change.” In: Climate Smart Agriculture: Building Resilience to Climate Change, D. Zilberman, L. Lipper, N. McCarthy, S. Asfaw, & G. Branca (Eds.), Springer: [forthcoming]
  • Rong, R. and D. Houser.  Deception in Networks: A Laboratory Study.  Journal of Public Economic Theory 18: 313-326.
  • Rong, R., D. Houser, and A. Y. Dai.  Money or Friends: Social Identity and Deception in Networks.  European Economics Review 90: 56-66.
  • Stranlund, John K. The Economics of Enforcing Emissions Markets: A Review of the Literature.  Review of Environmental Economics and Policy [forthcoming]
  • Wang, E., C. Rojas and F. Colantuoni.  Heterogeneous behavior, obesity and storability in soft drink consumption: A dynamic demand model. American Journal of Agricultural Economics DOI: 10.1093/ajae/aaw048
  • Wang, E. Y.,  H. Wei, J. A. Caswell.  The Impact of Mandatory Trans Fat Labeling on Product Mix and Consumer Choice: A Longitudinal Analysis of the U.S. Market for Margarine and Spreads.  Food Policy 64: 63-81.


  • Alhabeeb, MJ.  Entrepreneurial Finance: Fundamentals of Financial Planning and Management for a Small Business. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 480 pp.
  • Bauner, Christoph, “Mechanism Choice and the Buy-It-Now Auction: A Structural Model of Competing Buyers and Sellers,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 38, 2015, pp. 19–31.
  • Bauner, Christoph and Christine L. Crago.  Adoption of Residential Solar Power Under Uncertainty: Implications for Renewable Energy Incentives. Energy Policy 86: 27-35.
  • Brandt S., N. Ding, and B. Dickinson. Methodological Effects on the Measurement of Repeat Hospitalizations. American Journal of Managed Care. March 18, 2015 [online].
  • Danilenko, A., and L. J. Moffitt. Uncertain Benchmarking of Nigerian Water Utilities.  Water Utility Management International 10(2): 13-16.
  • de Oliveira, A.C.M., R.T.A. Croson and C. Eckel. One Bad Apple? Heterogeneity and Information in Public Good Provision. Experimental Economics 18(1): 116-135.
  • de Oliveira, A.C.M., T.C.M. Leonard, K. Shuval, C.S. Skinner, C. Eckel, and J.C. Murdoch.  Economic Preferences and Obesity among a Low-Income African American Community. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization [Forthcoming]
  • Ghosh R, Lurmann F, Perez L, Penfold B, Brandt S, Wilson J, Millet M, Kunzli N, McConnell R. Near roadway air pollution and coronary heart disease: Burden of disease and potential impact of greenhouse gas reduction. Environmental Health Perspectives [forthcoming]
  • Graff Zivin, Joshua, and Jamie Mullins. Vessel buybacks in fisheries: The role of auction and financing structures.  Marine Policy 53: 188-197.
  • Green, Benjamin L., Richard W. Harper, and Daniel A. Lass. Differing Nursery Production Systems Impact Cost of Planting Oak Species in the Urban Environment.  HortTechnology 25(5): 651-656.
  • Macheve, B., A. Danilenko, R. Abdullah, A. Bove, and L. J. Moffitt.  State Water Agencies in Nigeria:  A Performance Assessment.  Directions in Development Infrastructure. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
  • McEvoy, David M., Todd L. Cherry, and John K. Stranlund. Endogenous Minimum Participation in International Environmental Agreements: An Experimental Analysis. Environmental and Resource Economics 62(4): 729-744.
  • McEvoy, David M. and John K. Stranlund. Self-Enforcing International Environmental Agreements with Costly Monitoring for Compliance. Environmental and Resource Economics. 2009, 42(4): 491-508.  Reprinted as Chapter 15 in Game Theory and International Environmental Cooperation — Essential Readings, 2015. Michael Finus and Alejandro Caparros (eds.). Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Moffitt, L. J.  Lifestyle3: The Numerate Public's Guide to Improvement.  Scotts Valley, CA:  CreateSpace, 144 pages.
  • Rojas, C.  The Welfare Effects of Banning Off-net/On-net Price Differentials in the Mobile Sector.  Telecommunications Policy 39: 590-607.
  • Rong, R. and D. Houser. Growing Stars: A Laboratory Analysis of Network Formation. Journal of Economic and Behavioral Organization 117: 380–394.
  • Rong, R. and D. Houser. “Exploring Network Behavior Using Cluster Analysis.” In: New Perspectives on Internationalization and Competitiveness, E. Ullberg, (Ed.) Springer International Publishers, pp. 161-182.
  • Salgado, Hugo, Carlos Chávez, Montserrat Miller, and John K. Stranlund.  ITQ Markets with Administrative Costs: An Application to the Industrial Common Sardine and Anchovy Fishery in Chile. Marine Policy 62: 178-185.
  • Spraggon, John, M., Lucia Andrea Vergara Sobarzo, and John K. Stranlund. A note on stochastic public revelation and voluntary contributions to public goods.  Economics Letters 126: 144-146.
  • Stranlund, John K.  A Note on Correlated Uncertainty and Hybrid Environmental Policies. Environmental and Resource Economics 61(4): 463-476.
  • Valluri, Swetha, Sheila Mammen and Daniel Lass. Health Care Use Among Rural, Low-income Women and Children: Results from a 2-Stage Negative Binomial Models. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 36(1): 154-164.
  • Viteri Mejia C. and S. Brandt. Managing tourism in the Galapagos Islands through price incentives: A choice experiment approach. Ecological Economics 117(3): 1-11.
  • Wahab, S.,  K. Teitel, and B. Morzuch.  How Analysts and Whisperers Use Fundamental Accounting Signals to Make Quarterly EPS Forecasts.  Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, November 15, 2015
  • Wang, Emily. The Impact of Soda Taxes on Consumer Welfare: Implications of Storability and Taste Heterogeneity.  RAND Journal of Economics 46(2): 409-441.
  • Wang, Emily, Christian Rojas and Christoph Bauner. Evolution of Nutritional Quality in the U.S.: Evidence from the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry.  Economics Letters 133: 105-108.


  • Brandt, S. Review of Fishery Buybacks, by D. Squires & R. Curtis (Eds.).  American Journal of Agricultural Economics [forthcoming]
  • Brandt, S., Perez, L., Künzli, N., Lurmann, F., Wilson, J., Pastor, M., & McConnell, R. Cost of near-roadway and regional air pollution-attributable childhood asthma in Los Angeles County. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 134: 1028–1035.
  • Carbone, Anna, Julie A. Caswell, Francesca Galli, and Alessandro Sorrentino. The Performance of Protected Designations of Origin: An Ex Post Multi-Criteria Assessment of the Italian Cheese and Olive Oil Sectors.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization 12(1): 121-140.
  • Caswell, Julie A. Certifying the Quality of Agricultural and Applied Economics.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96 (2): 367-384.
  • Crago, Christine L. “Chapter 13. Measuring the Welfare Impact of Biofuel Policies: A Review of Methods and Findings from Numerical Models," In: A. Pinto & D. Zilberman (Eds), Modeling, Dynamics, Optimization and BioEconomics I, Contributions from ICMOD 2010 and the 5th Bioeconomy Conference 2012, pp. 221-236.
  • Crago, Christine L. and Madhu Khanna. Carbon abatement in the fuel market with biofuels: Implications for second-best policies. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 67(1): 89-103.
  • Currie, Janet, Joshua Graff Zivin, Jamie Mullins, and Matthew Neidell. What Do We Know About Short-and Long-Term Effects of Early-Life Exposure to Pollution?  Annual Review of Resource Economics 6(1): 217-247.
  • Danilenko, A., C. van den Berg, B. Macheve, and L. J. Moffitt.  The IBNET Water Supply and Sanitation Blue Book 2014. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 166 pages.
  • de Oliveira, Angela C.M., C. Eckel, R. T. A. Croson.  Solidarity Among the Poor.  Economics Letters 123(2): 144-148.
  • Huang, D. and C. Rojas.  Eliminating the Outside Good Bias in Logit Models of Demand with Aggregate Data. Review of Marketing Science 12: 1-36.
  • Joseph, Siny, Nathalie Lavoie, and Julie A. Caswell.  Implementing COOL: Comparative welfare effects of different labeling schemes. Food Policy 44: 14-25.
  • Khanna, Madhu, D. Zilberman, and C. Crago, “Chapter 4. Modeling the Land Use Change with Biofuels,” In: J. Duke & J. Wu (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Land Economics, DOI:    10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199763740.013.004
  • Magzamen, S., Brandt, S., & Tager, I. Examining household asthma management behavior through a microeconomic framework. Health Education & Behavior 41(6): 651-662.
  • McEvoy, David M., Todd Cherry and John K. Stranlund. “International Environmental Agreements with Endogenous Minimum Participation and the Role of Inequality.” In Toward a New Climate Agreement: Conflict, Resolution and Governance, Todd Cherry, Jon Hovi and David McEvoy (eds.), London: Routledge, pp. 93- 105.
  • Moffitt, L. J., and A. Danilenko.  Impact of Water Volume on Operating Cost. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 14(5):  804-811.
  • Mullins, Jamie, and Prashant Bharadwaj. Effects of Short-Term Measures to Curb Air Pollution: Evidence from Santiago, Chile.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics / aau081.
  • Neal, Cathy, and Daniel Lass. Costs of Growing River Birch in Different Production Systems.  American Nurseryman August, 2014
  • Stranlund, John K. A Note on Correlated Uncertainty and Hybrid Environmental Policies.  Environmental and Resource Economics [forthcoming]
  • Stranlund, John K. and L. Joe Moffitt. Enforcement and Price Controls in Emissions Trading. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 67(1): 20-38
  • Stranlund, John K., James J. Murphy and John M. Spraggon.  Price Controls and Banking in Emission Trading: An experimental evaluation.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68(1): 71-86.
  • Yaktine, Ann L. and Julie A. Caswell. SNAP Benefits: Can an Adequate Benefit be Defined? Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal 5(1): 21-26.


  • Alhabeeb, M.J. and L. Joe Moffitt.  Managerial Economics: A Mathematical Approach. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
  • Ben-Haim, Yakov, Craig D. Osteen, and L. Joe Moffitt. Policy Dilemma of Innovation: An Info-Gap Approach.  Ecological Economics 85: 130–138.
  • Brandt S, and Dickinson B.   Time and risk preferences and the use of asthma controller medication. Pediatrics 131(4): e1204-1210.
  • Chavez, Carlos A., and John K. Stranlund. Who Should Bear the Administrative Costs of an ITQ Fishery? Marine Resource Economics 28(3): 243-261.
  • Gayle, Wayne-Roy. Identification and Root-N Consistent Estimation of a Nonlinear Panel Data Model with Correlated Unobserved Effects.  Journal of Econometrics 175(2): 71-83.
  • Gayle, Wayne-Roy and Soiliou Namoro. Estimation of a Nonlinear Panel Data Model with Semiparametric Individual Effects. Journal of Econometrics 175(1): 46-57.
  • Huang, D.  and C. Rojas. The Outside Good Bias in Logit Models of Demand with Aggregate Data. Economics Bulletin 33(1): 198-206.
  • Khanna, Madhu, O. Hayri, C. L. Crago, and K. Mino. Can India meet biofuel policy targets? Implications for food and fuel prices. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(2): 296-302.
  • Leonard, T. C.M., K. Shuval, A.C.M. de Oliveira, C. S. Skinner, C. Eckel, and J. C. Murdoch. Health Behavior and Behavioral Economics: Economic Preferences and Physical Activity Stages of Change in a Low-Income African American Community. American Journal of Health Promotion 27(4): 211-221. [Selected for webisode]
  • Oxoby, Robert J. and John M. Spraggon.   A Clear and Present Minority: Heterogeneity in the Source of Endowments and the Provision of Public Goods. Economic Inquiry 51(4): 2071-2082.
  • Spraggon, John M. The Impact of Information and Cost Heterogeneity on Firm Behavior under an Ambient Tax/Subsidy Instrument. Journal of Environmental Management 122: 137-143.
  • Stevens, T., M. Tabatabaei, and D. Lass. Oaths and Hypothetical Bias. Journal of Environmental Management 127: 135-141.
  • Stranlund, John K. and Carlos A. Chavez. Who Should Bear the Administrative Costs of an Emissions Tax? Journal of Regulatory Economics 44(1): 53-79.
  • Suter, Jordan F., John M. Spraggon, and Greg L. Poe. Thin and lumpy: an experimental investigation of water quality trading. Water Resources and Economics 1: 36-60.


  • Alhabeeb, M.J. Economics of Fertility. Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • Alhabeeb, M.J. Mathematical Finance.  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Baraldi, L. and C. Rojas. Cost Pass-Through with Network Externalities.  International Journal of Business & Economics 10(3): 177-199.
  • Brandt, S., F. Lavin Vasquez, and M. Hanemann. Designing contingent valuation scenarios for environmental health: The case of childhood asthma.  Value in Health 15(8):1077-83.
  • Brandt, S., L. Perez, N. Künzli, F. Lurhman, and R. McConnell. Costs of childhood asthma due to traffic-related pollution in two California communities.  European Respiratory Journal 40: 363-370.
  • de Oliveira, A.C.M., C. Eckel, and R. T.A. Croson. The Stability of Social Preferences in a Low-Income Neighborhood.  Southern Economic Journal 79(1): 15-45. [Lead Article].
  • Eckel, C., P. J. Grossman, C. A. Johnson, A.C.M. de Oliveira, C. Rojas, and R. K. Wilson. School environment and Risk Preferences: Experimental Evidence.  Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 45(3): 265-292.
  • Khanna, Madhu, Hayri Onal, Christine L. Crago, and Kiyoshi Mino. Can India meet biofuel policy targets? Implications for food and fuel prices.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics aas040
  • Lopez, Maria Claudia, James J. Murphy, John M. Spraggon, and John K. Stranlund. Comparing the Effectiveness of Regulation and Pro-Social Emotions to Enhance Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from Fishing Communities in Colombia.  Economic Inquiry 50(1): 131-142.
  • Madhu Khanna and Christine L. Crago. Measuring indirect land use change with biofuels: Implications for policy.  Annual Review of Resource Economics 4: 161-184
  • Mammen, S. and Y. Sano. Gaining access to economically marginalized rural populations: Lessons learned from non-probability sampling.  Rural Sociology 77(3): 462-482.
  • Moffitt, L. J., N. Zirogiannis, and A. Danilenko. Developing a Robust Water Utility Vulnerability Index.  Water Asset Management International 8(1): 6-11.
  • Perez L, F.Lurmann, J. Wilson, M. Pastor, S. Brandt, N. Kunzli, and R. McConnell. Near-roadway pollution and childhood asthma: Implications for developing win-win compact urban development and clean vehicle strategies.  Environmental Health Perspectives 120(11): 1619-1626.
  • Rojas, C. The Effect of Mandated Exclusive Territories in the US Brewing Industry.  B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 12 (1). DOI: 10.1515/1935-1682.3088
  • Rojas, C. The Role of Information and Monitoring on Collusion. RAND Journal of Economics 43: 78-109.
  • Rojas, C., N. Lavoie, and S. Wang. Buyer Market Power and Vertically Differentiated Retailers.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization 10(1). DOI: 10.1515/1542-0485.1338
  • Rouvière, Elodie, and Julie A. Caswell. From Punishment to Prevention: A French Case Study of the Introduction of Co-Regulation in Enforcing Food Safety.  Food Policy 37(3): 246-254.
  • Souza Monteiro, Diogo M., L. Roman Carrasco, L. Joe Moffitt, and Alasdair J.C. Cook. Robust Surveillance of Animal Diseases:  An Application to the Detection of Bluetongue Disease.  Preventive Veterinary Medicine 105: 17–24.
  • Velez, Maria Alejandra, John K. Stranlund, and James J. Murphy. Preferences for Government Enforcement of a Common Pool Harvest Quota: Theory and Experimental Evidence from Fishing Communities in Colombia.  Ecological Economics 77: 185-192.
  • Zirogiannis, Nikolaos, L Joe Moffitt, Alexander Danilenko, Rosemary Rop, and Lilian Otiego. How Healthy Is Your Utility? Consolidating Performance and Vulnerability to Assess Utility Maturity.  Water Utility Management International 7(2): 19.


  • Brandt, S. and P. St. Marie. Racial disparities in hospital length of stay for asthma: Implications for economic policies.  Journal of Family and Economic Issues 32(1): 152-169.
  • Brandt, S., S. Gale, and I. Tager. The value of health interventions: Evaluating asthma case management using matching.  Applied Economics 44(17): 2245-2263.
  • Chavez, Carlos A., John K. Stranlund, and Walter Gomez. Controlling Urban Air Pollution Caused by Households: Uncertainty, Prices, and Income.  Journal of Environmental Management 92(10): 2746-2753.
  • de Oliveira, A.C.M., R.T.A. Croson, and C. Eckel. The Giving Type: Identifying Donors.  Journal of Public Economics 95(5-6): 428-435.
  • Eckel, C., P. Grossman, K. Johnson, A. de Oliveira, C. Rojas, and R. Wilson. Social Norms of Sharing in High School: Teen Student Giving in the Dictator Game.  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 80: 603-612.
  • Galli, Francesca, Anna Carbone, Julie A. Caswell, and Alessandro Sorrentino. A Multi-Criteria Approach to Assessing PDOs/PGIs: An Italian Pilot Study. International Journal of Food System Dynamics 2(3): 219-236.
  • Gayle, Wayne-Roy, Robert Marshall, Leslie Marx, and Jean-Francois Richard. Coordinated Effects in the 2010 Horizontal Merger Guidelines.   Review of Industrial Organization 39(1): 39-56.
  • Khanna, Madhu, Christine L. Crago, and Mairi Black. Can biofuels be a solution to climate change? The implications of land use change-related emissions for policy.  Interface Focus 1(2): 233-247.
  • Lindsay, M., T. Stevens, D. Kittredge, and Butler. Barriers to Massachusetts Forest Landowner Participation in Carbon Markets.  Ecological Economics 71: 180-190.
  • Mammen, S., F. C. Lawrence, P. St. Marie, A. A. Berry, and S. E. Knight. The Earned Income Tax Credit and rural families: Differences between non-participants and participants.  Journal of Family and Economic Issues 32(3): 461-472.
  • McCay, B., S. Brandt, and C. Creed. Human dimensions of climate change and fisheries in a coupled system: The Atlantic surfclam case.  ICES Journal of Marine Science 68(6): 1354-1367.
  • McEvoy, David M. James J. Murphy, John Spraggon, and John K. Stranlund. The Problem of Maintaining Compliance within Stable Coalitions: Experimental Evidence.  Oxford Economic Papers 63(3): 475-498.
  • Rojas, C. and T. Shi. Tax Incidence when Quality Matters: Evidence from the Beer Market.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization 9: 1-33. DOI: 10.2202/1542-0485.1353
  • Stranlund, John K., James J. Murphy, and John M. Spraggon. An Experimental Analysis of Compliance in Dynamic Emissions Markets.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 62(3): 414-429. 


  • Anderson, L., B. Freeborn, J. Holmes, M. Jeffreys, D. Lass, and J. Soper. Location, Location, Location! A Classroom Demonstration of the Hotelling Model.  Perspectives on Economics Education Research 6(1): 48-71.
  • Brandt, S., S. Gale, and I. Tager. Estimation of treatment effect of asthma case management using propensity score methods.  American Journal of Managed Care 16(4): 257-263.
  • Crago, Christine L., Madhu Khanna, Jason Barton, Eduardo Guiliani, and Weber Amaral. Cost competitiveness of sugarcane ethanol in Brazil relative to corn ethanol in the US.  Energy Policy 38(11): 7404-7415
  • Dave, C., C. Eckel, C. Johnson, and C. Rojas. Eliciting Risk Preferences: When is Simple Better? Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 41: 219-243.
  • Johnecheck, Wendy A., Parke E. Wilde, and Julie A. Caswell. Market and Welfare Impacts of COOL on the US-Mexican Tomato Trade.  Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 35(3): 503-521.
  • Leonard, T., R.T.A. Croson, and A.C.M. de Oliveira. Social Capital and Public Goods.  Journal of Socio-Economics 39(4): 474-481.
  • McEvoy, David and John K. Stranlund. Costly Enforcement of Voluntary Environmental Agreements.  Environmental and Resource Economics 47(1): 45–63.
  • Moffitt, L. Joe, John K. Stranlund, and Craig D. Osteen. Securing the Border from Invasives: Robust Inspections Under Severe Uncertainty.  Economics Research International Vol. 2010, Article ID 510127, 9 pp.
  • Murphy, J., T. Stevens, and L. Yadav. A comparison of Induced Value and Home-grown Value Experiment to Test for Hypothetical Bias in Contingent Valuation.  Environmental and Resource Economics 47(1): 111-123.
  • Rojas, C. Market Power and the Lerner Index: A Classroom Experiment.  Journal of Industrial Organization Education 5(1): 1-19.
  • Ruzante, Juliana Martins, Valerie J. Davidson, Julie A. Caswell, Aamir Fazil, John A.L. Cranfield, Spencer J. Henson, Sven M. Anders, Claudia Schmidt, and Jeffrey M. Farber. A Multifactorial Risk Prioritization Framework for Foodborne Pathogens.  Risk Analysis 30(5): 724-742.
  • Souza Monteiro, Diogo M. and Julie A. Caswell. Economics of Traceability in Multi-Ingredient Food Chains.  Agribusiness 26(1): 122-142.
  • Spraggon, John M. and Robert J. Oxoby. Ambient-Based Policy Instruments: The Role of Recommendations and Presentation.  Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 39(2): 262-274.
  • Velez, Maria Alejandra, James J. Murphy, and John K. Stranlund. Centralized and Decentralized Management of Local Common Pool Resources in the Developing World: Experimental Evidence from Fishing Communities in Colombia.  Economic Inquiry 48(2): 254-265.
  • Weller, C.E., B.J. Morzuch, and A. Logan. Estimating the Effect of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 on the Bankruptcy Rate.  The American Bankruptcy Law Journal 84(3): 327-360.
  • Woodford, M. and S. Mammen. Escaping poverty: Rural low-income mothers.  Journal of Career and Technical Education 35: 81-103.


  • Anders, Sven M. and Julie A. Caswell. The Benefits and Costs of Proliferation of Geographical Labeling for Developing Countries.  The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 10(1): 77-93.
  • Anders, Sven M. and Julie A. Caswell. Standards-as-Barriers versus Standards-as-Catalysts: Assessing the Impact of HACCP Implementation on U.S. Seafood Imports.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(2): 310-321.
  • Chavez, Carlos A. and John K. Stranlund. A Note on Emissions Taxes and Incomplete Information.  Environmental and Resource Economics 44(1): 137-144.
  • Chavez, Carlos A., Mauricio G. Villena, and John K. Stranlund. The Choice of Policy Instruments to Control Pollution under Costly Enforcement and Incomplete Information.  Journal of Applied Economics 12(2): 207-227.
  • Mammen, S. and S. Seiling. Policies that support the employment decision of low-income rural mothers.  Consumer Interests Annual 55: 86-87.
  • Mammen, S., D. Lass, and S. Seiling. Labor force supply decisions of rural low-income mothers.  Journal of Family and Economic Issues 30: 67-79.
  • Mammen, S., J. W. Bauer, and D. Lass. Life satisfaction among rural low-income mothers: The influence of health, human, personal, and social capital.  Applied Research in Quality of Life 4: 365-386.
  • Mammen, S., J. W. Bauer, and L. Richards. Understanding persistent food insecurity: A paradox of place and circumstance.  Social Indicators Research 92: 151-168.
  • McEvoy, D.M., S. Brandt, N. Lavoie, and S. Anders. The Effects of ITQ Management on Fishermen’s Welfare When the Processing Sector is Imperfectly Competitive.  Land Economics 85(3): 470-484. (second authorship shared equally between Brandt and Lavoie)
  • McEvoy, David M. and John K. Stranlund. Self-Enforcing International Environmental Agreements with Costly Monitoring for Compliance.  Environmental and Resource Economics 42(4): 491-508.
  • Souza-Monteiro, Diogo M. and Julie A. Caswell. Traceability Adoption at the Farm Level: An Empirical Analysis of the Portuguese Pear Industry.  Food Policy 34(1): 94-101.
  • Spraggon, John M. and Robert J. Oxoby. An Experimental Investigation of Endowment Source Heterogeneity in Two-Person Public Good Games.  Economics Letters 104(2), 102-105.
  • Spraggon, John M. and Robert J. Oxoby. Game Theory for Playing Games: Sophistication in a Negative-Externality Experiment.  Economic Inquiry 47(3): 467-481.
  • Stranlund, John and Wei Zhang. Bankruptcy Risk, Limited Liability and Imperfectly Enforced Emissions Taxes.  Economics Bulletin 29(4): 3134-3146.
  • Stranlund, John K., Carlos A. Chavez, and Mauricio G. Villena. The Optimal Pricing of Pollution When Enforcement is Costly. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58(2): 183–191.
  • Velez, Maria Alejandra, John K. Stranlund, and James J. Murphy. What Motivates Common Pool Resource Users? Experimental Evidence from the Field.  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 70(3): 485-497.


  • Basuchoudhary, A., C. Metcalf, K. Pommerenke, D. Reiley, C. Rojas, M. Rostek, and J. Stodder. Price Discrimination and Resale: A Classroom Experiment.  Journal of Economic Education 40: 229-44.
  • Benitez-Silva, Hugo, Debra Dwyer, Wayne-Roy Gayle, and Thomas Muench.  Expectations in Micro Data: Rationality Revisited.  Empirical Economics 34(2): 381-416.
  • Brandt, S. and Ding, N. Impact of property rights on labor contracts in commercial fisheries.  Ocean and Coastal Management 51(11): 740-748.
  • Caswell, Julie A. and Siny Joseph. Consumer Demand for Quality: Major Determinant for Agricultural and Food Trade in the Future?  Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 4(1): 99-116.
  • Caswell, Julie A. Expanding the Focus of Cost-Benefit Analysis for Food Safety: A Multi-Factorial Risk Prioritization Approach.  Innovation—The European Journal of Social Science Research 21(2): 165-169.
  • Eckel, C., A.C.M. de Oliveira, and P. J. Grossman. Gender and Negotiation in the Small: Are Women (Perceived to Be) More Cooperative than Men?  The Negotiation Journal 24(4): 429-445.
  • Gayle, Wayne-Roy and Jean-Francois Richard. Numerical Solutions of Asymmetric, First Price, Independent Private Values Auctions. Journal of Computational Economics 32(3): 245-278.
  • Huang, D., C. Rojas, and F. Bass. What Happens when Demand is Estimated with a Misspecified Model?  Journal of Industrial Economics 56: 809-839.
  • Lasco, Christine D., Robert J. Myers, and Richard Bernsten. Dynamics of agricultural wages and rice prices in the Philippines.  Agricultural Economics 32(3) [published under maiden name]
  • Moffitt, L. Joe, John K. Stranlund, and Craig D. Osteen. Robust Detection Protocols for Uncertain Introductions of Invasive Species.  Journal of Environmental Management 89(4): 293-299.
  • Oxoby, Robert, J. and John M. Spraggon. Mine and Yours: Property Rights in Dictator Games.  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 65: 703-713.
  • Rojas, C. and E. Peterson. Demand for Differentiated Products: Price and Advertising Evidence from the U.S. beer Market.  International Journal of Industrial Organization 26: 288-307.
  • Rojas, C. Price Competition in U.S. Brewing. Journal of Industrial Economics 56: 1-31 [lead article]
  • Rojas, C., A. Andino, and W. Purcell. Retailers’ Response to Wholesale Price Changes: New Evidence from Scanner-Based Quantity-Weighted Beef Prices.  Agribusiness: An International Journal 24: 1-15 [lead article]
  • Stranlund, John K. and Wei Zhang. Bankruptcy Risk and the Performance of Tradable Permit Markets.  Economics Bulletin 17(9): 1-9.
  • Stranlund, John K. and Yakov Ben-Haim. Price-Based vs. Quantity-Based Environmental Regulation under Knightian Uncertainty: An Info-Gap Robust Satisficing Perspective.  Journal of Environmental Management 87(3): 443–449.
  • Stranlund, John K. Risk Aversion and Compliance in Markets for Pollution Control.  Journal of Environmental Management 88(2): 203-210.
  • Timmons, Dave, Q. Wang, and D. Lass. Local Foods: Estimating Capacity?  Journal of Extension 46(5) [Feature Article].
  • Volpe III, R.J. and N. Lavoie. The Impact of Wal-Mart Supercenters on Grocery Prices in New England.  Review of Agricultural Economics 30(1): 4-26.


  • Alhabeeb, M.J. Consumer Knowledge and Consumption: A Human Capital Model.  Academy of Marketing Studies Journal 11(1): 69-82.
  • Alhabeeb, M.J. On Consumer Trust and Product Loyalty.  The International Journal of Consumer Studies 31: 609-612.
  • Brandt, S. Evaluating tradable property rights for natural resources: The role of strategic entry and exit.  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 63(1): 158-176.
  • Caswell, Julie A. and Helen H. Jensen. Introduction: Economic Measures of Food Safety Interventions.  Agribusiness: An International Journal 23(2): 153-156.
  • Eckel, C., A. C. Milano, and P. J. Grossman. Is More Information Always Better? An Experimental Study of Charitable Giving and Hurricane Katrina.  Southern Economic Journal 72(2): 388-411. [published under maiden name]
  • Eckel, C., K. Johnson, C. Montmarquette, and C. Rojas. Debt Aversion and the Demand for Loans for Post-Secondary Education.  Public Finance Review 35: 233-62.
  • Garcia, Marian, Andrew Fearne, Julie A. Caswell, and Spencer Henson. Co-Regulation as a Possible Model for Food Safety Governance: Opportunities for Public-Private Partnerships.  Food Policy 32(3): 299-314.
  • Grolleau, Gilles and Julie A. Caswell. Interaction Between Food Attributes in Markets: The Case of Environmental Labeling.  Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 31(3): 471-484.
  • Lavoie, N. and Q. Liu. Pricing-to-Market: Price Discrimination or Product Differentiation?  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89(3): 571-581.
  • Moffitt, L. J. and V. N. Karavas. Evolutionary Design for Estimation of Crop Protection Protocols.  Agricultural Journal 2(6): 688-696.
  • Murphy, James J. and John K. Stranlund. A Laboratory Investigation of Compliance Behavior under Tradable Emissions Rights: Implications for Targeted Enforcement.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 53(2): 196-212.
  • Stranlund, John K. The Regulatory Choice of Noncompliance in Emissions Trading Programs.  Environmental and Resource Economics 38(1): 99-117.


  • Alhabeeb, M.J. Consumer Attitude and Attribution. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Allied Academies Academy of Marketing Studies, pp. 31-42.
  • Allen, P. Geoffrey and Bernard J. Morzuch. Twenty-Five Years of Progress, Problems, and Conflicting Evidence in Econometric Forecasting. What About the Next 25 Years?  International Journal of Forecasting (22): 475-492.
  • Ash, M. and Brandt, S. Disparities in asthma hospitalizations in Massachusetts.  American Journal of Public Health 96(2): 358-362.
  • Ball, S.,C. Eckel, and C. Rojas. Technology Improves Learning in Large Principles of Economics Classes: Using our WITS. American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings) 96: 442-446.
  • Brandt, S. and McEvoy, D. Distributional effects of property rights: Transitions in the Atlantic herring fishery.  Marine Policy 30(6): 659-670.
  • Caswell, Julie A. A Food Scare a Day: Why Aren’t We Better at Managing Dietary Risk?  Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 12: 9-17.
  • Caswell, Julie A. Quality Assurance, Information Tracking, and Consumer Labeling.  Marine Pollution Bulletin 53 (10-12): 650-656.
  • Fouayzi, Hassan, Julie A. Caswell, and Neal H. Hooker. Motivations of Fresh-Cut Produce Firms to Implement Quality Management Systems.  Review of Agricultural Economics 28(1): 132-146.
  • L. Joe Moffitt and Craig D. Osteen. Prioritizing Invasive Species Threats Under Uncertainty.  Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 35: 41-51.
  • Mammen, S., and F. C. Lawrence. How rural working families use the Earned Income Tax Credit: A mixed method analysis . Financial Counseling and Planning 17: 51-63.
  • Mammen, S., and F. C. Lawrence. Use of the earned income tax credit by rural working families.  Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the Eastern Family Economics-Resource Management Association, pp. 29-37.
  • Moffitt, L. Joe, and Prasanta C. Bhowmik. Design for Rectangular Hyperbolic Crop-Weed Competition.  Annals of Applied Biology (149): 87-89.
  • Murphy, James J. and John K. Stranlund. Direct and Market Effects of Enforcing Emissions Trading Programs: An Experimental Analysis.  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 61(2): 217-233.
  • Sadof, M., K. Boschert, S. Brandt, and A. Motyl. An analysis of predictors of sustainability efforts at the Inner-City Asthma Intervention sites.  Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 97(1): S31-S35.
  • Samnaliev, M., T. Stevens, and T. More. A Comparison of Certainty Calibration Techniques in Contingent Valuation.  Ecological Economics 57(3): 507-519.
  • Sparling, David, and Julie A. Caswell. Risking Market Integration Without Regulatory Integration: The Case of NAFTA and BSE.  Review of Agricultural Economics 28(2): 212-228.
  • Wu, Kai, Anna Nagurney, Zugang Liu, and John K. Stranlund. Modeling Generator Power Plant Portfolios and Pollution Taxes in Electric Power Supply Chain Networks: A Transportation Network Equilibrium Transformation.  Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 11(3): 171-190.


  • Alhabeeb, M.J. Consumer Trust and Product Loyalty.  Proceedings of the International Conference of the Allied Academies Academy of Marketing Studies, pp. 112-121.
  • Auffhammer, Maximilian, Bernard Morzuch, and John K. Stranlund. Production of Chlorofluorocarbons in Anticipation of the Montreal Protocol.  Environmental and Resource Economics 30(4): 377-391.
  • Belin, D.,D. Kittredge, T. Stevens, D. Dennis, C. Schweik, and B. Morzuch. Assessing Private Forest Owner Attitudes Toward Ecosystem-based Management.  Journal of Forestry 103(1): 28-35.
  • Brandt, S. A tale of two clams.  Regulation 28(1): 18-21.
  • Brandt, S. The equity debate: Distributional impacts of individual transferable quotas.  Ocean and Coastal Management 48(1): 15-30.
  • Dolan, E.M., S. Mammen, J. Bauer, and S. Seiling. Stability of employment of rural low-income mothers and their access to employer benefits.  Consumer Interests Annual (51).
  • Lass, D. A. Asymmetric Response of Retail Milk Prices in the Northeast Revisited.  Agribusiness: An International Journal 21: 493-508.
  • Lavoie, N. Price Behavior in a Dynamic Oligopsony: Washington Processing Potatoes – A Comment.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(3): 796-801.
  • Lavoie, N. Price Discrimination in the Context of Vertical Differentiation: An Application to Canadian Wheat Exports.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(4): 835-854.
  • Maldonado Simán, Ema,Pedro Arturo Martínez Hernández, Spencer J. Henson, Julie A. Caswell, José Artemio Cadena Meneses, and Fernando Copado Bueno. Costos y Beneficios Asociados á Implementación de Los Controles de Inocuidad y Calidad Alimentaria: HACCP e ISO 9000 en Los Mataderos Mexicanos.  La Revista Científica Veterinaria 25(4): 353-360.
  • Mammen, S., and E. Dolan. Leaving poverty: barriers and supports. In Global Forces and Individual Coping Strategies for Rural Poverty.  Proceedings of the Regional Rural Poverty Conference, the Northeast Center for Rural Development, pp. 6-8.
  • Mammen, S., and E.M. Dolan. “Employment and obstacles to employment of rural low-income mothers in the Northeast.” Rural Poverty in the Northeast: Strengthening the Regional Research Effort, College Station, PA.
  • Moffitt, L. Joe, John K. Stranlund, and Barry C. Field. Inspections to Avert Terrorism: Robustness Under Severe Uncertainty.  Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 2(3), Article 3.
  • Murphy, J., P. Allen, T. Stevens, and D. Weatherhead. A Meta-Analysis of Hypothetical Bias in Stated Preference Valuation.  Environmental and Resource Economics 30: 313-325.
  • Murphy, J., T. Stevens, and D. Weatherhead. Is Cheap Talk Effective at Eliminating Hypothetical Bias in a Provision Point Mechanism?  Environmental and Resource Economics 30: 327-343.
  • Oh, C. and B. Morzuch. Evaluating Time-Series Models to Forecast the Demand for Tourism in Singapore: Comparing Within-Sample and Post-Sample Results.  Journal of Travel Research 43(4): 404-413.
  • Stevens, T. Can Stated Preference Valuations Help Improve Environmental Decision Making?  Choices 20(3).
  • Stranlund, John K., Christopher Costello, and Carlos A. Chavez. Enforcing Emissions Trading When Emissions Permits are Bankable.  Journal of Regulatory Economics 28(2): 181-204.


  • Alhabeeb, MJ.  Conceptual Scheme for Consumer Perceptions of Product Quality, Value, and Price. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal 8 (1): 1-7.
  • Brandt, S. Review of Policy Instruments for Environmental and Natural Resource Management, by T. Sterner.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(4), 1154-1156.
  • Cushman, Colin, Barry Field, Daniel Lass, and Thomas Stevens. External Costs from Increased Island Visitation: Results from the Southern Thai Islands.  Tourism Economics 10: 207-219.
  • Karavas, Vassilios N. and L. Joe Moffitt. Evolutionary Computation of a Deterministic Switching Regressions Estimator.  Computational Statistics 19(2): 211-225.
  • Maldonado, E.S., S. J. Henson, J.A. Caswell, L.A. Leos, P.A. Martinez, G. Aranda, and J.A. Cadena. Cost-Benefit Analysis of HACCP Implementation in the Mexican Meat Industry.  Food Control 16(4): 375-381.
  • Murphy, J. and T. Stevens. Contingent Valuation, Hypothetical Bias and Experimental Economics.  Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 33(2): 271-281.
  • Spraggon, John M. Individual Decision Making in a Negative Externality Experiment.  Experimental Economics 7: 249-269.
  • Spraggon, John M. Testing Ambient Pollution Instruments with Heterogeneous Agents.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 48: 837-856.