The grants will fund a new graduate training program, ELevating Equity VAlues in the Transition of the Energy System (ELEVATE) which aims to ensure that the transformation of the electric grid is both sustainable and benefits all members of society equitably, an aspect of energy transition not often considered in policymaking or public discourse. “I’m really excited to be looking at equity and distributional impacts of the renewable energy transition,” says Dr. Crago. “As we promote an energy system dominated by renewable energy, we want to carefully consider the impact of more renewables on energy prices and control of energy assets, and their subsequent impacts on equity.”
The program is currently recruiting graduate students with a strong interest in energy, climate, equity and social justice. Prospective students can apply to ELEVATE through one of the participating departments, including Resource Economics. In addition to receiving state-of-the-art training in empirical microeconomics and applied econometrics, ELEVATE trainees in the Resource Economics department will work with graduate students and faculty from other fields like anthropology, computer science and engineering. Students will conduct research at the intersection of electricity technology, energy economics and policy, climate science, and social equity. They will produce resilient and equity-driven innovations while developing effective leadership and communication skills ideally suited to engaging stakeholders. Interested students can find more information at the ELEVATE website. Prospective students interested in applying to ELEVATE through the Resource Economics department are encouraged to contact Dr. Crago.