Headshot of Dan Ai

Graduate Student

Headshot of Dan Ai
Said Arslan

Energy, Environmental and Health Economics

Said Arslan
Li-Chien Chan

Graduate Student

Li-Chien Chan
Onu Das

Graduate Student

Onu Das
Maryam Feyzollahi

Environmental & Energy Economics, Applied Econometrics, Machine Learning

Maryam Feyzollahi
Prashik Gajbhiye

Environmental, Agriculture, & Development Economist

Prashik Gajbhiye
Headshot of Jing Gan

Graduate Student

Headshot of Jing Gan
Aniket Ganvir

Graduate Student

Aniket Ganvir
Headshot of Jose Garces Ceballos

Graduate Student

Headshot of Jose Garces Ceballos
Headshot of Carl Geitz

Graduate Student

Headshot of Carl Geitz
Headshot of Ruchira Ghosh

Graduate Student

Headshot of Ruchira Ghosh
Bijesh Gyawali

Experimental Economics

Bijesh Gyawali
Yingyi Jin

Environmental Regulation & Resource Management of Water and Land

Yingyi Jin
Headshot of Mehak Kaushik

Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics

Headshot of Mehak Kaushik
Taehyun Kim

Research Areas: Water Pollution and Climate change

Taehyun Kim
Headshot of Dhiroj Koirala

Graduate Student

Headshot of Dhiroj Koirala
Osung Kwon

Graduate Student

Osung Kwon
Yutianhao Li

Graduate Student

Yutianhao Li
Mengxiao Liu

Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics and Public Policy

Mengxiao Liu
Headshot of Ana Ospina Tobar

Experimental & Behavioral Economics, Environmental & Development Economics

Headshot of Ana Ospina Tobar
Nima Rafizadeh

Graduate Student

Nima Rafizadeh
Rajib Rahman

Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics, Health & Public Policy

Rajib Rahman
Abed Rahman

Graduate Student

Abed Rahman
John Rasnic

Graduate Student

John Rasnic
Sparshi Srivastava

Research Areas: Environmental and Health Economics

Sparshi Srivastava
Gazi Uddin

Environmental Regulation, Environmental Justice, Microeconomic Theory, Applied Microeconomics, and Quantitative Methods

Gazi Uddin
Gayan Udugama

Environmental, Resources and Risk Economist

Gayan Udugama
Headshot of Juliana Unda Segura

Research Areas: Environmental, Experimental, & Behavioral

Headshot of Juliana Unda Segura
Rui Wang

Environmental & Experimental Economics

Rui Wang
Headshot of Zihan Zhang

Graduate Student

Headshot of Zihan Zhang
Headshot of Xiaolin Zhou

Graduate Student

Headshot of Xiaolin Zhou