L. Joe Moffitt
Professor Emeritus

Research/Teaching Interests
- Quantitative Methods
- Managerial Economics
Selected Publications
- "Estimating Water Use by Increased Tariff Block Using Summary Statistics.” Proceedings of Specialist Conference on Benchmarking and Performance Assessment 2017. E. C. Rochera and E. E. Juan, Eds. IWA Publishing, 2018 (with A. Danilenko and A. Bahuguna).
- State Water Agencies in Nigeria: A Performance Assessment. Washington, DC: The World Bank. 2015 (with B. Macheve, A. Danilenko, R. Abdullah, and A. Bove).
- Open Knowledge Repository eLibrary Widget
- "Uncertain Benchmarking of Nigerian Water Utilities.” Water Utility Management International. 10(2015) (with A. Danilenko).
- Lifestyle3: The Numerate Public's Guide to Improvement Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace, 2015
- “Impact of Water Volume on Operating Cost.” Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 14(2014) (with A. Danilenko).
- The IBNET Water Supply and Sanitation Blue Book 2014 Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2014 (with A. Danilenko, C. van den Berg, and B. Macheve).
- "Enforcement and Price Controls in Emissions Trading." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 67(2014) (with J. K. Stranlund).
- "Policy Dilemma of Innovation: An Info-Gap Approach." Ecological Economics 85(2013) (with Y. Ben-Haim and C. D. Osteen).
- Managerial Economics: A Mathematical Approach. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013 (with M. J. Alhabeeb).
- "Robust Surveillance of Animal Diseases: An Application to the Detection of Bluetongue Disease." Preventive Veterinary Medicine105 (2012). (with D. M. Souza Monteiro, L. R. Carrasco, and A. J. C. Cook).
- "How Healthy Is Your Utility? Consolidating Performance and Vulnerability to Assess Utility Maturity." Water Utility Management International. 7(2012) (with N. Zirogiannis, A. Danilenko, R. Rop, and L. Otiego).
- “Developing a Robust Water Utility Vulnerability Index.” Water Asset Management International. 8(2012) (with N. Zirogiannis and A. Danilenko).
- "Securing the Border from Invasives: Robust Inspections Under Severe Uncertainty." Economics Research International. (2010) (with J. K. Stranlund and C. D. Osteen).
- "Robust Detection Protocols for Uncertain Introductions of Invasive Species." Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 89 (2008) (with J. K. Stranlund and C. D. Osteen).
- "Inspections to Avert Terrorism: Robustness Under Severe Uncertainty." Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Vol. 2 (2005): (with J. K. Stranlund and B. C. Field).
- "Evolutionary Computation of a Deterministic Switching Regressions Estimator." Computational Statistics Vol. 19(2004) (with V. N. Karavas).
- "ARMA Modeling of CTA Returns," in Commodity Trading Advisors: Risk, Performance Analysis, and Selection, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2004 (with V. N. Karavas).
- "A Stochastic Heuristic Approach in Index Tracking," in Hedge Funds: Strategies, Risk Assessment, and Returns, Washington DC: Beard Books, 2003 (with V. N. Karavas).
- Economics of Pesticides, Sustainable Food Production, and Organic Food Markets Bradford, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2002 (with D. C. Hall).