203 Stockbridge Hall, University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003

My research interests lie in the field of behavioral public economics – or in incorporating non-standard assumptions into the economic analysis of the public sector. More broadly, I am interested in what makes decision makers different from each other, also known as individual heterogeneity. I use experiments to examine these differences. Many factors influence the choices that people make, like context, norms, or social preference types. I investigate which factors robustly impact behavior and am interested in mapping which ones are informative for public policy.

Recent Grants and Awards

  • 2016-2019:  “Psychological Distance and the Mitigation of Interpersonal Risks,” National Science Foundation SES#1628146, $435,708, PI with Emily Silver Huff and Ezra Markowitz.
  • 2016-2017:  “Seventh Biennial Conference on Social Dilemmas,” National Science Foundation SES#1628062, $38,931.
  • Faculty Research Grant/ Healey Endowment Grant, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
  • Interdisciplinary Studies Institute ‘Value’ Fellow, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
  • “It’s Not (Just) About the Money,” National Science Foundation, Co-PI with Catherine Eckel and Sheheryar Banuri.
  • “Preferences and Poverty Traps: Experimental Investigations of Risk, Time and Social Preferences in Two Poor Neighborhoods,” National Science Foundation, Co-PI with Rachel Croson and Catherine Eckel.

Published Papers

Papers are available on my Google Scholar Profile.