PhD program in Sociology Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
If you are interested in graduate studies in resistance you now have the opportunity. Apply to the graduate program at the Sociology Department of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA and present your research interest in resistance studies. Professor Stellan Vinthagen, Endowed Chair in the Study of Nonviolent Direct Action and Civil Resistance, is in this department and is interested in supervising graduate students who are focused on critical studies of resistance. However, in order to be accepted to the program you will have to compete with other applicants focusing on other topics within sociology. There is unfortunately no specific position available for students of resistance studies. But if you are accepted to the program you can work together with Professor Vinthagen and develop your project. You can also join the work of the Resistance Studies Initiative that is based at UMass Amherst:
Follow this link for more information on the requirements for the application:
Deadline: Normally in January every year (but ask to be sure) January 15, 2020. Applications with a resistance studies focus is encouraged.
School of Global Studies, University of Gotherburg, Sweden Doctoral Studentship in Peace and Development Research
Deadline: Normally in January/February every year (but ask to be sure)/February 1, 2016. Applications with a resistance studies focus is encouraged.
Political Science and Sociology, Scuola Normale Superiore and University of Bologna, Italy PhD program in Political Science and Sociology (program with a focus on social movements)
Deadline: February 20, 2017
National University of Ireland Maynooth Masters in Community Education, Equality and Social Activism (CEESA)
Deadline: May 30, 2016
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Call for 3 PhD scholarships in the social sciences in an interdisciplinary research project, titled 'Resistance to international prescriptions and injunctions in Africa and the Middle East'.
Deadline: June 26, 2016
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict is pleased to announce an expanded stipend opportunity for Ph.D. Students as well as Post-Doctoral and Junior Faculty for a Research Fellowship.
Deadline: April 9, 2017
Union Leadership & Activism (ULA) is a limited-residency master’s degree program at the UMass Amherst Labor Center designed for labor activists who work full-time. Most of our students are rank-and-file union members, elected leaders, and union staff.
Deadline for applications is May 1, 2021. Scholarships available.
Journal of Resistance Studies is published in June and December and accepts papers continuously all year round. Texts up to 12,000 words in total, with a clear resistance relevance and not submitted to other publications are most welcome.
Next submission for Special issue deadline for papers: January 10, 2021
Acorn Journal: Philosophical Studies in Pacifism and Nonviolence is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal devoted to the philosophical examination of the theory and practice of activism, nonviolence, organizing, pacifism, protest, people power, and resistance.
CFP: Crossroads for Nonviolent Praxis and Theory
Deadline: June 8, 2020
Interfere: Journal for Critical Thought and Radical Politics is an international, open access and peer-reviewed journal run by the post-graduate community of the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (CAPPE) in the School of Humanities at University of Brighton,UK.This issue invites contributions in political theory that analyze transformation through crisis. Deadline: April 30, 2021
The Ends of Autonomy #2
Conference Dates (on Zoom): December 15-17, 2020
Call for papers: October 18, 2020
2021 Benjamin V. Cohen Peace Conference: Building a Beloved Community (Zoom)
Call for Papers: February 1, 2021
25th edition of Alternative Futures and Popular Protest
Conference Dates (on Zoom): June 7-9, 2021
Call for Papers: March 15,2021
The International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC),will host their annual free, moderated online course, “People Power: The Strategic Dynamics of Civil Resistance”" from October 1 to November 20, 2020.
Application deadline: September 13, 2019
MIT Media Lab Disobedience Award $250,000 cash prize going to a person or group engaged in what they believe is an extraordinary example of disobedience for the benefit of society.
Call for Nominations for the 2021 Distinguished Community Engagement Awards $1000 monetary prize and certificate of merit.
Deadline: March 26, 2021
Organizing for Action Community Engagement Fellowship for a 6 week online training program to equip new organizers with the tools and training to bring people together to address root challenges facing local communities.
Deadline: March 14, 2018
Sustainable Leadership for Social Change A two-year low-residential program at The Rowe Center, preparing individuals to be leaders in justice work, while nurturing their spirits for sustainable, creative action. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2018-2020 COHORT.
Deadline: October 31, 2018
Social Justice Conversations A research study and training course for UMass undergraduate women on social activism
Begins 10/2 & 3, 2019
University of Massachusetts Amherst: Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) offers Fellowships in Spirituality and Social Change; the Value of Human Life; and the History of Work, Labor, and Industry
Deadline: March 6, 2020
The Center for Justice, Law, and Societies (CJLS) invites applications for 4-6 Graduate Fellow positions for the 2021-2022 academic year. CJLS is an interdisciplinary group of scholars focusing on the creation, implementation, and real-world applications of the law, broadly speaking, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.
Deadline: March 31, 2021
Civic Engagement and Service-Learning Faculty Fellowship 2021 - 2022. $1000 stipend, attend monthly meetings, and work on new or existing syllabi with a diverse group of faculty from across campus.
Deadline: April 2, 2021
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict regularly offers curriculum support and grant programs for both high school and college educators from around the world to support the development and implementation of civil resistance education .
Deadline: varies
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict Call for Webinar Speakers, Fall 2017 and Winter 2018 for their series of online talks and interactive discussions combined with individual or group presentations on critical ideas, cases, and questions related to civil resistance and nonviolent movements.
Deadline: June 22, 2017, encourage earlier submissions.
Executive Director for Nibezun, a unique and exciting Native American led nonprofit startup located on sacred Wabanaki land along the Penobscot River in Passadumkeag, Maine.
Deadline: May 15, 2019
The Resource Center for Nonviolence is hiring! Position: Executive Director of the Eschaton Foundation and Resource Center for Nonviolence, Santa Cruz, CA.
Deadline: January 15, 2020
Kent State University is seeking a tenure track position in Peace and Justice Studies, Kent, Ohio
Deadline: applications will begin on January 10, 2020 and continue until the position is filled.
Social Movement Technologies (SMT) is expanding support for movement digital campaigning.
Seeking North America Movement Support Director, Global Movement Support Director, Part time freelance digital campaigners and instructors and Part time admin support.
Open until filled:
The Reproductive Rights Activist Service Corps(RRASC) summer internship program application is open, a 10-week paid summer internship program sponsored by the Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program located at Hampshire College, Amherst, MA.
Deadline: February 14, 2021
Director of NuclearBan.US - a small non-profit (501c4) organization committed to the total elimination of nuclear weapons. and to the use of resources that have been devoted to nuclear weapons to address the climate crisis, income inequality, and other pressing social needs.
Applications on a rolling basis:
M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence Executive Director (ED) of the M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence is a full-time position reporting to the Board of Directors. The M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence is a non-profit organization located in Rochester, New York that equips people to use nonviolence to create a sustainable and just world for all.
Search opens March 1, 2021