House Occupation News

Prague: Klinika is alive, the fight continues! Celebrating 10 years

On November 30, it will be 10 years since the occupation of Klinika, an autonomous space that we have fought for from state institutions and capitalist market logic, and which for almost five years provided a place for everyday meetings and the establishment of unpredictable friendships, a place for non-commercial cultural activities and radical emancipatory politics from below. But the clinic was also a place where the slogans of freedom, solidarity and mutual aid were put into practice.

It’s been almost five years since the Klinika squat was evicted, but the need for spaces where we can be more human than just consumers and human resources persists and may even grow, along with the rising price of real estate and the cost of living. The proof is in the newly emerging autonomous spaces. In one of these, we will meet at the “Klinika party” to not only reminisce, but also to sing, dance, feast, and recharge our batteries for the next fights. And to be in solidarity, so the event will be a benefit for another autonomous space, the Infoshop Trhlina.

We will meet at 16:00 at the former Milada squat, the next program continues from 18:00 at 254, there will be screenings, talks, music, dancing, food and drinks.

254 Autonomous Centre

From September 2024, 254 m² of autonomous space is open in Prague’s Holešovice. The 254 Autonomous Centre aims to build on the tradition of the Klinika, Milada and Cibulka squats or the Salé and Zdena infocentres by providing a long-term base for a range of activities, dreams and ideas based on equality and anarchist ideas.
Two-Fifty-Four is open to collectives in need of a place to meet, activity and rest, people looking for a place to spend time without consumerism, and those who just pass by and are hungry. It’s a space for organizing, bonding, fun, culture, education, and helping each other.
Solidarity is our weapon!

254 Autonomous Centre
Argentinská 18
17000 Praha 7 – Holešovice
Czech Republic

Klinika event archive:

Groups in Czech Republic:
Events in Czech Republic:

Cáceres: days of resistance and support in the face of the threat of eviction of the CSOA La Muela

Days of resistance from 21 to 25 November. We will have debates, workshops, open mic, jam session, reflections on the future of space, as well as the collaboration of sister spaces such as the CSOA La Algarroba Negra. We encourage you all to participate and show support for CSOA La Muela!

The rehabilitated space that is now the CSOA La Muela began to be self-managed at the beginning of 2024, although the collective project had begun a year earlier. After an exhaustive search we found a plot in the Ribera del Marco, a place that, like many other plots in the area, was expropriated by the City Council of Cáceres more than a decade ago.

We practice mutual support and solidarity with like-minded collectives and initiatives, engaged in social struggles, both local and those that transcend borders. We aspire to generate an intercultural, social and political space free of censorship and an alternative to capitalist impositions. A place open to both people and ideas, free, safe and without prejudice, moved by libertarian, anti-fascist and feminist values. In general terms, we are committed to the environmental struggle, the class struggle, social justice, human rights, the defense of territories, antimilitarism and the rejection of fanaticism.

Every week open assemblies are held in which anyone can make contributions, resolve doubts or propose activities. All activities within the Muela are collaborative. This means that everyone can take initiatives and responsibilities, becoming part of a multidisciplinary team with a great desire to do and learn. In this way, in addition to the hundreds of collective actions for the improvement of the space and the community, we have carried out many scheduled activities, all of them open and free. We have also held various meetings and activities to support some related struggles. We estimate that more than 500 people have already passed through the CSOA La Muela.

Our intention is to continue making the CSOA La Muela a living place, of community participation, open to the neighborhood and the city.

CSOA La Muela
Camino de la Juventud, s/n
Cáceres, Extremadura, Spanish State
csoalamuela [at] riseup [dot] net

Directory of squats in the Iberian Peninsula:
Spanish State:
Basque Country:

Directory of groups (social centers, collectives, squats) in the Iberian Peninsula:
Spanish State:
Basque Country:

Events in the Iberian Peninsula:
Spanish State: :
Basque Country:

Berlin: Køpi is in danger!

The “owners” of Køpi project, Startezia GmbH (a shell company of Sanus AG), will take Køpi to court on 6 November 2024 , 10:15, at the Moabit Criminal Court (Turmstraße 91, 10559 Berlin). This is the same postbox company that evicted Køpi Wagenplatz in 2021.
Unfortunately we cannot give any more information on the situation as the project is in talks with our legal team, but we can tell you that the future of Køpi as we know it is under threat.

For more information and to find out how you can help, please check

Köpenicker Straße 137, 10179 Berlin

Groups in Berlin
Wagenplätzen in Berlin:
Events in Berlin

Groups in Germany
Events in Germany

Køpi Bleibt, october 31, 2024

Amsterdam: Klokkenhof squatters’ stronghold

September 28, the OCCII is hosting a benefit event to help the Klokkenhof squatters prepare for a court case and other expenses:

Towering over Surinameplein stands the monumental Klokkenhof flat. Originally built in 1962 with the purpose of housing single working women, now its current owner, property investor Vesteda, plans to renovate the building and charge returning renters higher rent, and is continuing the longstanding trend of investors driving low income workers, students and elderly people further out of the city. Where there used to be 144 social housing apartments, there will be very few left after the renovation.

Vesteda has for years been trampling on renters’ rights and creating a lot of uncertainty amongst them. Renters are being asked to find alternative housing in a market that’s in the worst shape it has ever been in, and then return to their homes which will cost them hundreds of euros more to live in.

Many have moved out already and will not return, but there are still renters who simply can not leave. Some refuse to leave and do not agree with Vesteda’s plans for their homes and the surrounding area. Renters also have the right to stay in their homes until the moment the renovations officially begin. Due to Vesteda’s continuous lack of transparency it is unclear when these renovations will actually take place. The necessary permits have not yet been granted, and Vesteda’s incredibly irresponsible and dangerous practices trying to keep the building free of squatters might slow down the process as well. They have barricaded perfectly livable apartments and demolished dozens of them too, leading to a damaged water system, causing leakages through multiple floors and a potential threat of Legionella bacteria forming, a lot of noise and chaos in the building while renters and squatters still reside inside. It seems like Vesteda are starting their renovations with total disregard for the permit process and the safety and health of their renters.

Since May 2024 a substantial amount of apartments in Klokkenhof have been squatted. There are many renters who support the squatting and understand that it is one of the few tools we have to wield against institutional investors in a housing landscape in which this country’s government has failed people massively for decades.

This benefit has been organized to help the squatters prepare for a court case and other expenses.

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:

Rotterdam: Catullusweg stays!

We are really grateful to everyone that has helped out and stood by us, it truly means a lot!!
On the 22nd of august we got a letter for a speed court case for the eviction of Catullusweg 11.
In the morning of august 23rd we went to court, and we’re happy to announce that we won!!!
Even though we don’t have anything nice to say about the judicial system, we feel a weight taken off our shoulders knowing that in the coming time there won’t be any attempts of eviction by the state and its servants.
Now that this squat has more stability, we will put even more time into setting up a social space including a library, free shop, cinema/theater, community kitchen etc.

This is a callout to gather and organise together. Come by share your ideas and don’t don’t hesitate to join in on the fun! We’re looking forward to your ideas and initiatives.

Catullusweg 11
3076 KB Rotterdam, Netherlands

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:

[Statement made on 23 August:]

Utrecht: No Border Camp 2024

With the PVV winning the elections in the Netherlands and the rise of extreme right-wing parties all over Europe, the anti-migration policies are becoming more strict, less humane, more violent, and dangerous. People are governed through fear and heatred, lashing out to others. Especially others who are labled as ‘outsiders’, ‘foreigners’, and ‘wealth-seekers’. Stopping immigration is on the top of every politician’s wish list.

The European Union is trying to keep people outside of its borders by militarising borders, having Frontex execute illegal push-backs on the Mediterranean, weaponise countries like Libya to drag people back (pull-backs), lock them up and torture them. On top of all of that, the EU is working on plans to lock up refugees and asylum seekers right at the European borders.

Militarisation is increasing world-wide: the Russian invasion into Ukraine, the genocide in Palestine, and large scale European plans to weaponise the Union. Thereby increasing the amount of weapons and the risk to violent conflict that forces people to flee. All these topics touch upon areas of struggle, among which the continuing emissions of fossil fuels, the greenwashing of the fossil fuel industry, exploitation of people and lands in Congo and elsewhere, human rights violations in Palestine, Libya and the Mediterranean.

We need to work together to build a world without borders and for freedom of movement for all, and a world where people are not forced to flee their homes. Stop the spread of fear and hatred!

The camp starts on Tuesday 20 August in Utrecht, Netherlands. Volunteers build up the large tents and facilities. Arriving participants can select a spot in the camping area of the terrain. Because the kitchen also needs to be set up, no lunch will be provided to arriving participants, so either have lunch before you come or bring your own lunchbox. Later in the day everyone should gather in the circus tent for the first general assembly of the Camp. As on all days (except for the last day, Sunday 25 August) dinner will be served at 19:00 and the cultural programme starts at 21:00.

The No Border Camp is an ACTION camp, meaning that we also ask you to come well prepared to join actions (if you want). Next to the actions we have a workshop schedule (see below) and a cultural program in the evenings.


Wednesday 21 August – 11:00 am – Border industrial complex in Utrecht – By No Border Camp organisation
Several companies, government agencies and institutions in Utrecht and the surrounding region are involved in repressive border and migration policies. In Soesterberg there is also the detention center for refugee families and unaccompanied minors at Kamp Zeist (Justitieel Complex Zeist). In this workshop we’ll present an overview of the entities which are complicit in the Dutch and EU’s practices of detention, deportations and border violence.

Wednesday 21 August – 11:00 am – Brandalism
Workshop on how to use available advertisement to spread your opinion; vandalising advertisement you disagree with is also an option.

Wednesday 21 August – 2:00 pm – 20 years of Frontex are 20 years too many – Abolish Frontex workshop on Frontex’s 20th anniversary – By: Abolish Frontex
6 October 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the EU border guard agency Frontex. For these 20 long years it has spread death and insecurity. We count and mourn more than 60,620 deaths caused by the EU border regime since 1993. Frontex is a key actor in the war against people on the move and a symbol for its certain failure. This workshop will start with a quick introduction to Frontex, its histories and why it needs to be abolished. This will be followed by a collective postcard writing session as part of our action days against Frontex.

Wednesday 21 August – 2:00 pm – Being Trans In All The Wrong Places – By: Trans Rescue
Being trans is tough anywhere. Being trans in Saudi Arabia is deadly. A discussion of how we help transgender people in some of the world’s toughest places find safety.

Wednesday 21 August – 5:00 pm – Solidarity noise demo family prison Kamp Zeist
Bike with us from the No Border Camp or to meet us at 5pm, at Kamp Zeist, Richelleweg 13, Soesterberg


Thursday 22 August – 11:00 am – Aid distribution in street settings – By: MiGreat
From Ter Apel to Greece, borders force hundreds to thousands of people onto the streets and into informal camps. Grassroot aid is often crucial to make sure people have basic necessities. But how to distribute fairly, safely and nicely in a street setting? How to deal with the authorities and the NGOs, and how not to become like them?

Thursday 22 August – 11:00 am – Open action meeting NEDS arms fair – By: DRAMA (Directe Radicale Anti-Militaristische Actie)
On November 21, the annual arms fair of the Dutch and international arms industry will take place in Ahoy Rotterdam. Dozens of arms companies will present their deadly offerings, while speakers from government and industry will network about arms purchases, exports, more cooperation and higher military budgets. In this workshop we want to hold a brainstorm and provide the first impetus for organizing actions against this fair. Arms fairs like these play a crucial role in the expansion of the Western military-industrial complex.

Thursday 22 August – 11:00 am – Mindfulness for activists – By: deeez mindfulness
Many activists at some point become action-weary or develop burn-out symptoms. The question is, how can you as an activist not become exhausted and maintain contact with yourself, others and the earth? Through practical exercises you will receive a number of tools on how to take good care of yourself and therefore also of your fellow activists and the earth.

Thursday 22 August – 2:00 pm – Strategizing against the migration plans of the new government – By: migration lawyer and Stroomversnellers
Just before the summer the new, far right, Dutch government published its coalition agreement. New measures to make border and migration policies stricter and repressive, take away rights of people on the move and increase detention and deportations are a central focus of this agreement.

Thursday 22 August – 2:00 pm – The externalisation of EU borders – By: Transnational Institute
Border externalisation is a strategy through which the EU tries to outsource the control of its borders to third countries. This has accelerated in the past decade, with the most recent examples being deals with countries such as Tunisia, Mauritania and Egypt which see the EU paying those countries to stop people on the move from reaching EU borders in the first place. This workshop will provide an overview of this externalisation strategy, look into the role that Frontex plays, and highlight a case study from the Balkans region.

Thursday 22 August – 2:00 pm – Open Assembly NOBORDERint
Open Assembly of the new media we are developing to gather and spread information on struggles at borders in and leading to Europe. We will quickly explain how we aim to organise, answer questions and think together of how to run this long-time from a distance! If you have skills in social media, graphic design, translation, or the project just speaks to you in any way, come to get in touch.

Thursday 22 August – 4:00 pm – Support for political prisoners in Palestine and all over the world – By: Sam, a Palestinian international queer activist and artist
Talk in support for political refugees and queer refugees.

Thursday 22 August – 4:00 pm – Helpfordunkirk – By: help4dunkerque
Lecture about French association Help4dunkerque and their work in Northern France around Dunkirk people on the move encampments.

Thursday 22 August – 5:00 pm – Housing Advice Hour at No Border Camp – By: Bond Precaire Woonvormen
The right wing wants to blaim migration for the shortage of housing. Aside from the fact that only a small part of housing goes to this demographic, everyone has the right to adequate housing. Instead of falling for scapegoating tactics we should take the fight to where the real problem lies: investors, landlords and government policy. Here we see that migrants and refugees are among the most exploited people. Often landlords will assume they do not know the law and thus act illegally or discriminate against them. While many renters have precarious circumstances due to short term contracts or intimidation, this is often multiplied by the precarious circumstance of migration.

Thursday 22 August – 5:00 pm – Mapping connections of the military and border industrial complex and beyond – By: Stop the War on Migrants
Interactive workshop about mapping out activities and partnerships of companies and institutions – using the example of arms company Damen – as a base for strategic and tactical discussions on how to target them.

Thursday 22 August – 5:00 pm – Mobi-talk Geef Tegengas – By: Geef Tegengas action camp
Huge ships, filled with liquid gas (LNG) from all over the world dock in the Rotterdam harbour. Gas imports escalate the raging climate crisis, make people sick and reinforce authoritarian regimes and warmongers. In this talk we will cover how fossil fuel dependence makes our government forgiving towards regimes in cases of war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide – and, maybe even more important: what we can do about it.


Friday 23 August – 2:00 pm – Universities and the border industrial complex – By: Stop Wapenhandel, Solid Sustainability Research and European Legal Support Center
The ties between universities and Israeli partners has been a focal campaigning issue for the movement against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, in the Netherlands as well as in many other countries. With encampments, occupations and other actions student and staff activists demand that their universities break these ties to end their complicity. Similarly, there have been many actions against the ties between universities and the fossil fuel industry. While university boards haven’t met the demands to break all ties, policies have been shifting.

Friday 23 August – 2:00 pm – Wheelchair use in activism – By: wonko / anarcho capableism
Informative talk about wheelchair use in activism and how we can use prejudices to our advantage: the police are there to ‘help’ you and as a wheelchair user you are absolutely dependent so you cannot do illegal things independently.

Friday 23 August – 3:30 pm – Border & Policing tech in Europe – digital migration control infrastructure and organising – By: Justice, Equity and Technology Project
Session to unpack the use of border tech to criminalise and police racialised people, and share strategies to push back.

Friday 23 August – 3:30 pm – ¡No pasarán! – organise ourselves to protect our communities – By: a group of antifascists
Due to increasing violence and normalisation of hate-montering by the far-right and a government rather encouraging than condoning it, we must organise ourselves to protect our communities. With this meet-up we aim to get together to talk about how we want to do this. One thing the facilitators of this meet-up have come up with is to set up an emergency mobilisation list with the aim of facilitating fast mobilisation when people and/or locations are under direct threat/attack by the far-right.
We propose to (also) build (local) networks to share information and alarm quickly.

Friday 23 August – 3:30 pm – Civil Search and Rescue in the central Mediterranean and the challenges posed by current political developments – By: SOS Humanity
This talk will focus on the work of SOS Humanity, a civilian search and rescue organisation, and the political challenges currently affecting their work. A former crew member and human rights observer will share firsthand experiences from two rotations on board, detailing the direct impacts of these challenges on rescue efforts and the people in distress.

Friday 23 August – 5:00 pm – Stop deportations – By: MiGreat
In this workshop you will learn how you can resist a deportation on passenger flights, by standing up and hindering the departure from within the plane.

Friday 23 August – 5:00 pm – Abortion solidarity network / Laws aren’t real – By: Abortion without Borders / Abortion Network Amsterdam / S.A.F.E.
Join us for an empowering workshop on abortion solidarity networks, where we explore the growing grassroots movements dedicated to ensuring access to safe abortions worldwide. Despite increasing restrictions in some regions, these networks are thriving, with activists tirelessly working to improve abortion access and support. We will talk about collaborative efforts driving this progress, share experiences and lessons learned from the ongoing fight for equitable abortion access.


Saturday 24 August – 11:00 am – Chanting in groups – By: Pieternel
Chanting is fun, let’s talk about how to make it more interesting
and dynamic, with zine with examples.

Get in touch for more information about the camp via nbc-2024 [at] riseup [dot] net and

No Border Netherlands

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:

Rotterdam: former school squatted on Catullusweg 11

We are not gone, we are still here! After the many threats and an attempt at eviction by the police, they decided to leave because we were ready to resist the eviction with a lot of people. We are still here the next day, and we are not planning on leaving.

Join us in the struggle against capitalism, the state, and all forms of oppression!
Yesterday, we revealed that we have been living at the unused school on Catullusweg 11.

Aside from being a living space, it will also be a space to gather, meet each other, share and sharpen skills, and host events. It will be a place to learn outside of institutionalised education.
We want to create a space where everybody can feel safe, no matter the colour of your skin, sexual orientation, gender, class, or any such characteristic. Our house and common spaces are vegan, because we are also against the oppression of other species.

This is an invitation to come by and organise!

Catullusweg 11
3076 KB Rotterdam, Netherlands

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:

London: Practical Squatters Evening at a local squat!

By squatters for squatters!

Join us for evenings of practical squatting knowledge, skillshares, and meeting squatters new and old. Whether you’re looking to join a crew, looking for more people to join your crew, or just coming along to skill up, we hope that Practical Squatters Evenings can provide something for everyone, and bring together people in the squat scene in London.

After a recent meeting, the Practical Squatters Network has decided on some changes to make the network and monthly sessions more useful to people looking to know more about squatting or to share and improve their skills in many of the aspects of squatting life.

The Practical Squatters Network has been operating for countless years running regular sessions to introduce people to squatting, and to help those already squatting to meet others and share skills. The frequency of meetups along with the content has changed over years according to the changing landscape of squatting in the UK, but currently runs once a month on the 3rd Monday. It fluctuates between being hosted at Decentre, above Freedom Bookshop, and on alternate months in a local squat.

Going forward all Practical Squatters Evenings will take place in a local squat, only using Decentre or other anarchist social centres as backup venues in the case a squat falls through for whatever reason. They will continue to run regularly on the 3rd Monday of the month.

Each session will also take a particular focus on a topic or skillshare, to make sessions of more use to people who have already attended previously and heard the usual introductory speil. There will still be fair focus given to anyone who is new and ensure they are not left behind with questions about the basics of squatting.

Practical Squatters Evening at a local squat
Practical Squatters Network, London, UK,

Some squats in London
Groups in London:
Events in London:

Some squats in UK
Some Groups in UK:
Events in UK:

Turin: On the eviction of the occupied Ex-Lavatoio

At dawn this morning – July 9, 2024 – the former occupied wash-house in Corso Benedetto Brin 21 in Turin was evicted and subjected to a search. During the eviction, various materials were seized for investigative purposes.

Bombastic media fanfares communicate the eviction of the “den of violent anarchists” and the politicians on duty congratulate themselves on the umpteenth eviction, while workers at the service of the police and the municipality wall up and smash the building, giving it back to abandonment and oblivion.

The Ex Lavatoio was occupied on December 9, 2022 as part of a citizen mobilization in response to the eviction of the Edera Squat. In those months, many considered it essential to claim and practice the instrument of occupation – certainly not that of municipal bargaining and co-planning tables – so, in solidarity with the comrades of the Edera, three occupations were born one after the other (Ex-Lavatoio occupato, Polisportiva Occupata Iris Versari, Circolo Occupato La Crepa).

The Ex Lavatoio was an instrument of struggle.

A tool to be in the city, in its neighborhoods and in its streets. A tool for cultivating alliances capable of wedged into the fractures of the present with the heart stretched out to subvert the order of things and its suffocating everyday life marked by the rhythms of neoliberal capitalism.

From the Ex Lavatoio we organized ourselves to fight against prisons, against CPRs, alongside Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike against 41bis and life imprisonment and next to the inmates in revolt in administrative detention centers.

In that place we gave ourselves the opportunity to build paths of struggle with those who suffer the violence of borders, systemic racism and detention. We went out of that space into the street, because it is in the street that we want to be, where the contradictions of the present are revealed in their brutal violence, where the construction of the internal enemy in a war and genocidal landscape is shown in its evidence.

We are not interested today in crying over yet another walled place, although it seems necessary to remember how, once again, power has shown itself in the city to split, weld and cement yet another place to be destined for abandonment or speculation.
What we want to reiterate today is that while a genocide is underway sent to world vision, through which the concept of internal enemy is normalized, built around those who place themselves, by choice or by necessity, on the margins of a world determined by the logic of neoliberal capitalism and its value paradigms; while justicialist and criminogenic mechanisms are reinforced, reaffirming the hard fist of the punitive and prison power to be imposed on those who are labeled as enemies; while this is happening, not only is it decided here in Turin to wall up an occupied place, but investments are being made to renovate a new prison for people without European documents.

It is now known to most that the renovation works of the CPR in Corso Brunelleschi are underway and that the reopening is imminent.

That place, closed by the courage of the rebels, MUST NOT REOPEN. From that courage and power of revolt, many comrades of the Ex Lavatoio have drawn inspiration, strength and food for thought to fight.

Sequestering and walling up a space, that space, will not put an end to these struggles. Like the many-headed hydra, when one of them is cut off, two sprout in its place. Attempts to eradicate the struggle for freedom will only strengthen it.

Against jails and CPR.
In solidarity with the people revolting in prison.
With our hearts to Jamal, deported by the State, our comrade who could not be with us today.
Solidarity and love for prisoners.
A smile to the neighbors who supported us and who told the cops without hesitation what they had to say.
Free Palestine!

Ex Lavatoio Occupato, Turin

Some squats in Turin:
Some groups in Turin:
Some squats in Italy:
Some events in Italy:

Ghent: Wondelmeersen occupied

Since June 20, the summer solstice, the Wondelgemse Meersen have been occupied and declared an autonomous zone!

This nature reserve, 14ha large, is the last continuous piece of wilderness of what was once a vast swamp area in the north of Ghent.

If it were up to transport company De Lijn and politicians such as Zuhal Demir (N-VA) and Lydia Peeters (Open Vld), the Wondelmeersen would be destroyed to make way for a so-called “green” depot for buses and trams. But a “green” depot you don’t build at the expense of valuable green nature.

The neighborhood has long been in opposition to this and founded the action committee “Bloemekenswijkbos”. Also, a group of biology students discovered more more than 40 protected animal species found on site including the wall lizard, alpine newt, small newt, fox, stone marten and kingfisher.

Until now, both local residents and the protected species living there have been ignored.

With this occupation, we join the struggle of the local residents. An autonomous zone will be created that will be responsible for the protection of this nature reserve. We crawl into the trees and stay there until the Wondelmeersen are saved.

We are not against a new public transport depot per se, but we are against the destruction of valuable nature. While De Lijn pretends that there are no other options there are at least 6 alternative sites…

Destroying valuable urban nature irrevocably and concreting it is not an option!

So time for direct action! When politics fail, we have to do it ourselves!

No compromise in defense of mother earth!

Wondelmeersen Occupied
Parallelweg, 9000 Gent, Belgium
wondelmeersen [at] riseup [dot] net

Some squats in Belgium
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in Belgium
Events in Belgium

Utrecht: two buildings squatted after 10 years of vacancy

28 June, Utrecht – This morning, a group of squatters announced that they had squatted two houses on the Burgemeesters Reigerstraat. The squatters have been in the buildings next to the Wilhelminapark since Wednesday, they said in a statement. Due to the current housing crisis, the group feels justified in reoccupying the vacant houses. According to the squatters, the houses have been empty for more than ten years.

Banners with the slogans “attention, vacancy prevention” and “three times is the right to live” have been hanging on the facades of the buildings since this morning. “Apparently, there have been two attempts to squat these buildings before,” says Sander, spokesperson for the group. “These houses have been empty for so long now and we are in the middle of a gigantic housing crisis. It is therefore inconceivable for us that we will be evicted and put out on the street.” The young group of squatters indicates that they have been looking for a home for a long time. With the campaign, they want to show that squatting can offer a solution to rising house prices and the growing housing shortage. According to the group of squatters, several local residents have already indicated that they support the squatting action.

In addition to housing space, the squatting group may want to use the space for cultural events. For example, there are ideas to organize workshops, movie nights and, for example, exhibitions. In a statement, the action group indicates that it would like to coordinate this with the rest of the neighborhood. The group of squatters invites local residents to drop by for a cup of tea.

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:

Athens: Call for internationalist solidarity for the Community of Squatted Prosfygika

We call for international solidarity from all of our comrades from different places around the world in this moment that the state is trying to provoke the community of squatted Prosfygika. Our answer should be resistance, solidarity and militant defense.

We need to defend our liberated ground, our values and our freedom!

We call all the comrades to make solidarity actions in their cities, for example: hanging banners, send photos & videos of solidarity, propagandize the texts & the calls of the community in the media, gatherings/interventions at the embassy & consulate of Greece.

We call for financial support.

We call for comrades to come in the community from now on and the next period of time inside the summer to be part of the community, of its structures, to help with the barrications and to defend holistically the community.

You can get informed throught the social media of prosfygika & we call all the comrades to translate in their language the texts of the community.

For more informations, for period of time that comrades want to come, you can contact:


Dijon: a look back at the public meeting to present the agri-cultural park of the Maraîchers ecocity

Press releases from the assembly of the Quartier Libre des Lentillères.
First press release distributed before the public presentation:

The Quartier Libre des Lentillères reaffirms its willingness to dialogue with the city of Dijon!

Since 2010, hundreds of people have been cultivating the land, organising cultural events, offering markets and meals on donations, self-managed on the 9 hectares of the Quartier Libre des Lentillères. We are still united by the desire to collectively continue the project we are carrying out for this district.

A dialogue began 18 months ago at the initiative of the city council, and we have taken an active part in it. We want to consider all possible forms of sustainability for the Quartier Libre des Lentillères, its activities and its uses, including in the form of legalisation.

Thus, we participated in several meetings where the city council assured us that everything was on the table. We agreed that we had common principles: the general interest and openness to all Dijon residents. We took part in technical visits to bring the city up to standard. To date, we are still waiting for the feedback from the diagnoses.

A year ago, we learned that the city was buying 7 hectares out of the 9 existing ones. A 1.14-hectare plot is still threatened with construction. During our meetings, we reminded them that the Lentillères are indivisible and asked what the city council was planning for this space. The city told us that we would be consulted when a project began to see the light, and that for the moment, nothing specific was planned for this area!

On this 1.14ha plot of “Bande Est” (Eastern Strip), there are already small gardens, a vegan canteen on donations, a BMX playground, a bread oven, ponds, a petanque playground… Hundreds of people living near by the Maraîchers ecocity, at the Abrioux residence or more broadly in Dijon participate in the dynamism of this ecosystem.

5 months ago, a meeting was scheduled between us and the Dijon city council to present our proposals for governance and contracts. The day before this meeting, Mr. Rebsamen, mayor of Dijon, announced in the press that he was interrupting the dialogue and issuing an ultimatum: “I warn. We will stop talking. I give the inhabitants time to think, but I don’t answer for anything anymore” “Either the answer is positive (about the project to build the Eastern Strip of 1.14ha) or we stop the dialogue and what will happen will happen”

We then tried several times to resume the dialogue to get answers to our questions: information on the construction project, form of legalization for the neighborhood, bringing it up to standard… We have made proposals to them, also maintaining that we are aware that negotiations require compromises. Each time we found the door closed. The only answer: an ultimatum that leaves no room for consultation, and the public announcement that a project would be presented without consulting us for the 1.14-hectare strip.

Today, we still support the idea that urban planning must be thought of with the people who live, organize themselves and bring the territory to life.
If the city council is able to move from this vertical and ascending position that it imposes on us, then the dialogue can resume. Otherwise, we will continue, as we have been doing for the past 14 years, to take care of the place in an open and accessible way thanks to all the people who feel concerned about the future of the Lentillères.

The assembly of the Quartier Libre des Lentillères.

Second press release, written following the public meeting

Yesterday, Wednesday 19 June, a presentation took place at the Dijon town hall of the “agri-cultural park” project that the mayor would like to see established on the 8 hectares that are now the Lentillères.

Firstly, we would like to remind you here that this “agri-cultural park” project is not the result of an agreement between the public authorities and the users of the Lentillères. Indeed, the dialogue that began two years ago was suddenly interrupted by the town hall a few months ago through the press.

This week, local residents of the Maraîchers ecocity were invited by letter to a meeting to present the project. At 7 p.m., this letter had to be presented to enter the town hall. We can already be surprised to see, in a process of consultation and information that is supposed to be democratic, that the entrance of the public is filtered. A good dozen municipal police officers were stationed in front of the gates and it was up to them to let them pass or not. Their distrust was clearly directed at people apparently affiliated with the Lentillères.

Thus, about thirty people were unable to pass through the doors of the city hall even though they had their proof of address in hand, a strange welcome for a “public” presentation.

This attempt to exclude some of the inhabitants of the neighborhood meeting did not succeed in muffling the voices of the residents. Indeed, after twenty-five minutes of presentation, concluding on the need to urbanize 1.14 of the 8 hectares of the “park”, the mayor gave the floor to the audience. It was then 9 neighbours of Les Lentillères who spoke out to question the usefulness, necessity and relevance of the construction of 60 new housing units on the 1.14-hectare strip. One presents herself as a school teacher, the other as a retired doctor, and all of them do not embody the stereotype of the militant of the Lentillères that Rebsamen wants us to believe.

Several testimonies insist on the poor quality of life in the already built part of the ecocity project: too hot in summer; poorly served by public transport, very few green and shaded spaces, no play area for children… Some are surprised: What are the challenges of rushing to build new buildings on unit 2, when those who currently live on unit 1 do not have access to basic necessities?

These speeches are dismissed with contempt by the mayor, preferring to invite his citizens to “go and live in the countryside” than to listen and seek solutions to meet the demands expressed. As if we all had this possibility…

Several people express gratitude for the social and cultural work that the Lentillères provides and speak of the ecological and landscape importance of this space for the district.

For his part, Mr. Rebsamen never ceased to recall the illegality of the occupation and rejected his responsibilities in the face of the problems stated.

As a reminder, the users of the Lentillères have always positioned themselves as not being opposed to legalizing and bringing the facilities on the Lentillères up to standard. They have even been working on it for several years. And contrary to the assertion repeated on Wednesday by the mayor, no contract, even at the symbolic euro, has ever been proposed and discussed with users.

The mayor expected support when he presented his project, but he did not get any. He ended the meeting with an announcement out of nowhere, the organization of a referendum for the inhabitants of the neighborhood to decide whether or not to develop the 1.14-hectare strip which is located to the east of the current Quartier Libre des Lentillères. We can only express our distrust of this pseudo-democratic voting system.

Once again, in this new stage of the process, the town hall will be the sole master of the game. It will have the power to decide who will participate or not in the referendum by defining more or less broadly the perimeter of the zone which includes the inhabitants of the Maraîchers ecocity.

We reaffirm today that the future of the district will not be without all its inhabitants.

Will he, as Rebsamen said last night, propose to us in the near future to reopen dialogue?

The assembly of the Lentillères

Quartier Libre des Lentillères
39 au 45 rue Philippe Guignard
21000 Dijon, France
tierraylibertad [at] potager [dot] org

Some squats in Dijon
Evicted squats in Dijon
Groups (collectives, social centres, squats) in Dijon
Events in Dijon

Some squats in France:
Groups (collectives, social centres, squats) in France:
Events in France:

Amsterdam: Squat on Rokin evicted after celebration of one year of Takland

Takland is a year older and we celebrate! With resistance in the form of squatting a new building. After a year full of action, discussion, movies and parties, this new addition to the alley will be the revolutionary art of Amsterdam again. The new squatted building (ground floor Rokin 104) on the corner of Taksteeg/Rokin had been vacant for years and has the same owner (Axel P Nielsen BV) as the already squatted Taksteeg 6.

The police didn’t want to hear anything about it, after promising at 19:00 on Friday that they will not evict, they came later in the evening at 23:30 during our festival with 10 riot cops vans, dog brigade, popo on horses and BraTra to show their teeth. An illegal eviction in Amsterdam, which has not happened since the squatting of the Waldeck Pyrmonkade in January 2022.

Since there were many more of them, resistance was minimal, a few people were beaten and the gear was saved.

In times of right-wing populism, genocides, repression and the prevalence of capital over the people, we have also witnessed the growth of the Amsterdam movement, in the form of uprisings, occupations and more squats than we have seen in years. A lot of people in this city want a different discourse, a more just world, and Takland just want to be part of that. We fight for an autonomous place in the city, where we can discuss, build, fight, live, learn and party. A place from which we can fight against the infrastructures of war and capital and offer a home to idealism and freedom.

This new place was named Tikland and would function as a social center next to the two other squatted buildings (Takland, Taksteeg 6 and Tekland, Rokin 108) in the street. We immediately started with a 3-day festival, which continued in Takland after the eviction. We have invited everyone who is angry and wants to participate in our program.

A new edition of the Takkrant (our own newspaper) has been released, available at Taksteeg 6 ! For alternative media!

Takland Vrijstraat
Taksteeg 6
1012BP Amsterdam, The Netherlands
takland [at] riseup [dot] net

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:

Wageningen: Community and eco-squat ‘De Achtertuin’ squats a vacant lot

13 June 2024, Wageningen – Since Tuesday 11 June, Veerweg 121 has been inhabited by the community and eco-squat ‘De Achtertuin’ (The Backyard). The Wageningen group, together with dozens of activists, has squatted this new terrain to argue for a sustainable and socially just living model. This action is a direct response to the ongoing housing crisis, environmental crisis and growing social inequality in the Netherlands.

Squatting is legit

The squatted lot has been vacant for at least 17 years and is currently owned by a property developer. In the latest plans, which have not been approved, a construction project of expensive owner-occupied homes was proposed. To this day, there are still no concrete and accepted plans for the site. The activists therefore consider it justified to establish their right of residence on this vacant lot.

“We have lived in Wageningen in this way before with good agreements between residents, owner and municipality,” says Boris from The Backyard.

Housing crisis and need for social housing

The community and eco-squat ‘The Backyard’ is a diverse group of people who are struggling to find housing, partly due to a major shortage of social housing and an explosive growth in rents. In the Netherlands, there are at least 47 thousand homes available for habitation and yet vacant. 413 thousand dwellings are unavailable or not (permanently) inhabited. This is despite the fact that 437 thousand households are asking for a home. In addition, the share of social housing has also fallen to 25 percent and waiting times continue to increase to several years. All this leads to many people ending up on the streets or having to live in appalling conditions. Their slogan is “We squat for now and the future”. Boris adds: “Our children will struggle to find a place to stay, we will do this for them too”.

The ‘eco-squatting movement’

The people of the Backyard call themselves eco-squatters. They promote social justice and alternative and ecological living by squatting buildings and sites that they then build and maintain in a sustainable and ecological way. “This new terrain provides us with a unique opportunity to show how we can live with respect for nature and the environment while building a strong, supportive and socially just community. We are inspired by the ecovillage movement that shows how people can live sustainably and on a small scale, but we also think it is very important not to lose the story of social justice,” says Boris. In addition to housing, the residents will try to give a creative and social interpretation to the space. “We experiment and welcome alternative, social, sustainable and creative initiatives,” says Boris.

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:

Amsterdam: One Year Takland Vrijstraat

June 14, 15 & 16, 2024, TAKLAND 1 YEAR FESTIVAL – TAKLAND 4 EVER

On the 27th of April 2023, the puppet-mayor, puppet-king and a member of puppet-parliament came together in the Taksteeg to come up with a plan to make as much money from the city as possible. The plan was to evict every single person who lives in Amsterdam and to rent it out as air-bnb’s, hotels and nutella shops. However, before the puppet-authorities were even able to open air-bnb, resistance was already popping up right behind them. Taksteeg 8 got squatted and occupied for 6 weeks, housing a freeshop, movie screenings and other political events.
Later the Takland people had to move to the adjacent building, bringing the freeshop and the puppet-people with them. It has now been a year since we lived in this house, and we have expended even more by also occupying the time travelers hotel. Together with Villa Mina we want to celebrate the 1 year mark with a 3 day festival.
Details will be published here as soon as confirmed, but expect great acts, bands, movies, dancing, fun and crazy stuff in general!

Takland Vrijstraat
Taksteeg 6
1012BP Amsterdam, The Netherlands
takland [at] riseup [dot] net

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:

Amsterdam: Achter Oosteinde 16 squatted. Opening of the Shadia Abu Ghazaleh campus

Pro-Palestinian protesters open Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus of the People’s Free University. Around 14:45, pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched from the Spui to Achter Oosteinde 14 and opened the Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus of the people’s Free university in a squatted building.
Today, on May 25, pro-Palestinian demonstrators began their protest on the Spui at 14:00. This demonstration moved through the streets of Amsterdam to Achter Oosteinde 16, where the protesters revealed that a squatted building is being opened to the public as the first campus of the People’s Free University. The Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus will be a space of resistance where people can learn from each other and teach each other. The campus is named after one of the first Palestinian women to participate in armed resistance in 1967: “She knew the importance of knowledge and education in the struggle for liberation. […] We will create this space in her legacy,” the protesters say.

Full speech:

On this day, day 231 of the genocide happening in gaza right now
On this day, in Amsterdam, we open this building as the Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus of the Peoples Free University.

here we want to learn from each other
we want to learn from other encampments around the world,
here we want to learn from people fighting against oppression through time and space
but specifically from those in gaza right now

Our encampments did not last a day, and so we decided to explore other ways. Experiment with different ways of building Resistance.
We are opening this building as a space for us to be with each other. We understand that our barricades will only ever be as strong as our solidarity, as large as our community, and as fierce as our militancy.
And this is what we will be building here.

By opening the first campus of the people’s university we attempt to answer a call coming straight from Gaza:
stop this by any means necessary!
stop the genocide! Stop the occupation!

We understand that in order to free palestine, we must liberate every zone from our hearts and souls to the borders of empire! On this Campus we shall practice the work of liberation.

Shadia Abu Ghazaleh was one of the first women participating in armed military resistance in 1967. She knew the importance of knowledge and education in the fight for liberation. She knew it takes all of us fighting on all fronts. And she embodied that knowledge. We will create this space in her lineage.

But this campus is not the first educational space named after her.
Remember Shadia Abu Ghazaleh school in Jabalia, where last december bodies were piled up instead of books in the classroom. We must never forget them.
We open this campus in honor of those martyred and those still fighting. In everything we do, be that reading a book or fighting a cop, we must carry them in our hearts.
Not only are we fighting for, no we are fighting with them for nothing less than Liberation.

All Universities in Gaza have been bombed, but from their rubble, universities of Palestinian liberation rise everywhere! In the last weeks we have learned more about decolonial practice on the streets than any course could have ever taught us.
Embodying resistance is infinitely more valuable than any study at the Uva. From now on Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus is where we learn and where we teach each other. Where we get together.
Where we become even more dangerous together!

Welcome to Shadia Abu Ghazaleh campus!

Free Palestine!

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:

Utrecht: Biltstraat 31 squatted and evicted

This year’s demo Rave voor de Rafelranden took place on 11 May. The building on the Biltstraat was squatted for the demo. The same night, the police evicted the squat and arrested 5 people.

On Saturday afternoon it was announced that the building at Biltstraat 31 in Utrecht has been squatted. The old hotel has been vacant since 2020 and is waiting for new permits that have been refused by the municipality. The squatters have chosen to announce the action today, as they drew attention to the frayed edges of the city today by means of a street rave through the center. With this action, the squatters would like to add a cultural space to the city.

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:

Dijon: Lentillères Spring Festival, Commons Week

On May 31st, June 1st and 2nd, we will celebrate the 14th anniversary of the beginning of the occupation of the Quartier Libre des Lentillères!

Since 2010, from land clearing to self-construction, 9 hectares have gradually been occupied by gardens, fields, cabins, parks, orchards and collective places open to all.

After having snatched the abandonment of phase 2 of the misnamed “eco-city of market gardeners” (éco-cité des maraîchers) project in 2019, and started a dialogue with the city council for the last 2 years, we find ourselves once again threatened by the city’s appetite for concrete. An “ultimatum”, taken out of the mayor’s pocket on a Sunday morning at dawn, forces us to question the indivisibility of the 9 hectares that make up the neighborhood, to make way for an urbanization project on a strip of 1.14 hectares. This pressure undermines the trust and exchanges that we had tried to establish in recent months.

Here, an abundant diversity of lives and activities unfold: ponds and aromatic plants find their place in the middle of a BMX court, dragonflies twirl between petanque and basketball players, a sweet smell of baked bread comes out of the bakery while, at the other end, a team is busy in the kitchen preparing one of the free-priced meals in the La Chouchou canteen! A whole life has been created there for years, and continues to be invented according to the desires of each other. Because it adjoins the neighbouring eco-district, this space is crossed and permeable, used by the gardeners of Les Lentillères as well as by the neighbourhood, whether they are thirsty for a peaceful walk, extreme sport or moments of conviviality.

We need to bring this neighborhood to life, which is a refuge and gives a little air (effective and symbolic!) to hundreds of people. More than ever, we need unifying spaces of struggle in the reactionary, puppete, fascistic political environment that surrounds us. We reaffirm that the future of this neighborhood cannot be decided without the people who bring it to life on a daily basis!

And we need to feel together, sharing joy and fighting spirit, in a welcoming and supercharged spring festival!

From Friday noon to Sunday evening, in addition to the unmissable discussions, shows and concerts, you will be welcomed for tours of the neighborhood, open-air screenings at nightfall, an epic football tournament and other vegan meals. On Saturday afternoon, we will proudly bring to life the radical, anti-prison and intersectional struggles in the city, by joining the Pride and the actions of the anti-CRA movement (fight against the project of an Administrative Detention Center in Longvic).

We can’t wait to get together to celebrate the neighborhood, the struggle, and their countless facets!

Commons Week, May 27-31 2024:

Before the Spring Festival, and to take advantage of the beautiful collective energy gathered in the neighborhood at that time, we organize a Week of the Commons!
Every day, from Monday 27 May, we meet in the courtyard of the Grange Rose at 9:30 am and in the afternoon at 2 pm to divide up the tasks: pimping up the wasteland, putting things away, tinkering, setting up the stage, cleaning La Grange / Le Snack / the common house, clearing the campsites, putting lights everywhere, creating cozy spaces so that everyone feels good and welcomed during the weekend.
To divide up the tasks during the weekend of the festival, let’s meet for a drink on Thursday, May 30 at 5 p.m. in the courtyard of the Grange Rose! See you soon

more info: fetedequartierdeslentilleres [at] lists [dot] riseup [dot] net

Quartier Libre des Lentillères
39 au 45 rue Philippe Guignard
21000 Dijon, France
tierraylibertad [at] potager [dot] org

Some squats in Dijon
Evicted squats in Dijon
Groups (collectives, social centres, squats) in Dijon
Events in Dijon

Some squats in France:
Groups (collectives, social centres, squats) in France:
Events in France:

Amsterdam: Building squatted for Housing Day. Gravenstraat 26 resquatted


Today, April 27, we come together to celebrate Housing Day (Woningsdag), not Koningsdag (King’s Day). Instead of celebrating the monarchy, we will celebrate the resistance and bravery of everyday people. Kingsday is a day of hypocrisy, where we wear orange plastic crowns to pretend we are a king, while every other day we are struggling to make ends meet. While the royal family bathes in luxury we are struggling to pay for basic necessities like food, energy and housing. Nationalism and the celebrations of the monarchy we see today, work to create false divisions that do not serve us. It draws artificial borders over land and divides us, it breaks the natural tendency of solidarity between people and instead teaches us we should fear one another.

It is time to learn and reflect on our history. It is time that we refuse to drink the poison of nationalism and ask ourselves what we actually celebrate when we celebrate the birthday of the king. Kingsday is a day of wilful ignorance: where we forget the wrongdoings of the royal family, forget our problems and our daily search for stability and celebrate thoughtlessness and drunk excess. But today we are here to create a day of remembrance, that serves to remind us of the bloody history of the Dutch state and the complicity of the monarchy in colonialism and genocide. We are here to celebrate the solidarity of everyday people and their resistance against oppression. We are here to celebrate the beginning of the end of the monarchy. We are here to celebrate Housing Day, not King’s Day.

To kick of Woningsdag we have squatted this building. This building has been squatted before during the housing demonstration “Woonprotest” in September 2021 and was met with a eviction from the police which resulted in 61 arrests. We now squatted this building as a reaction towards this event and the ever increasing cost of housing.

Gravenstraat 26 was empty for four years and is owned by the CEO of YoungCapital Rogier André Leon Thewessen and real-estate speculator. Jerôme Anzola. They both earn their wealth trough exploitation of working class people and use their wealth to leave buildings empty in the midst of a housing crisis.

The task we have at hand is to fight back here, to build a revolutionary movement at home and attack the infrastructure of war and capital. It is with this purpose that we open this building today. On this day we refuse to celebrate this meaningless nationalist holiday. We refuse to celebrate a monarchy that leeches off our taxes to fund their empty villas. We refuse to celebrate a state that finances wars and genocides. For the liberation of all, against the parasitic ruling class.

Gravenstraat 26-28
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social center, collective, squat) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:
