Research Admin Forms
All forms on this page require to log in. Extended email suffixes are not supported (i.e.
Research & Engagement Administrative forms in Kuali Build can be found below. To access forms from the Build homepage, click the tiled button at the top left of the page and select "Research".
Quick Links:
All forms on this page require to log in. Extended email suffixes are not supported (i.e.
Sponsor Request Form: Request new sponsors for Kuali Research Administration System
Organization (Subcontractor) Request Form: Request new subcontractors for Kuali Research Administration System
Kuali Approver Add/Change Form: Request Kuali Research Administration System approver changes by lead unit (dept) or parent unit (college)
Kuali Sponsored Programs Permissions Form: Request Kuali Research Sponsored Programs permissions (i.e. Proposal and/or Award access).
Research Data Request Form: Request a report from Research IT
Tableau Dashboard Access Request Form: Request access to the comprehensive proposal and award Tableau Dashboards
Professional Name Request Form: Use this form to request a name for use on proposals and awards that is different from your legal name
VCRE Late Proposal Approval Request: Must be completed for all proposals that are submitted to OPAS after the 5-day rule, or for proposals that are incomplete when submitted to OPAS
Cost Share Request: Use for Faculty effort commitment, third-party, voluntary cost share, or cost share requests to the VCRE & Provost
F&A (Indirect Cost) Waiver or Reduction Cost Share Request Form: Requests for changes from standard indirect cost rates, to be considered by VCRE after approval from departments/colleges
Proposal Support Services Request: See UMass Proposal Preparation Services (UMPPS) for more information
NSF Requirement for Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research Attestation and Approval Form: See here for more information
Unrestricted Grant Processing Request: This form is required to accompany any unrestricted grant award and will enable the expedited processing & tracking/reporting of the award.
PI Departure Questionnaire: This form is used for federal and non-federal sponsored projects to notify the Office of Pre-Award Services, Office of Post-Award Management, Controller's Office, and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), of the status of an individual project when the PI's position at the UMass changes.
PI Arrival Questionnaire: Use this form to notify OPAS of a PI transferring an Award to UMass from their previous institution
Submit a ticket to the R&E Help Desk and we will answer your question.
No, Kuali Build does not currently have this functionality.
From the My Documents page, you have the ability to “Duplicate and Edit” a previous submission by way of the Actions button on the right.
This will make a copy of your previous submission (with all your previous information) and allow you to edit it prior to submitting it as a new submission.
See Kuali ZenDesk article for additional information.
If you have been designated as an approver on a Kuali Build form, you will be notified by email when you have a submission to review.
You will also be able to see forms you need to approve or acknowledge from your Action List.
When assigned an approval you will be able to approve, deny, or send back the submission to the submitter or a previous reviewer. Approvals typically pause all other steps in a workflow until a decision has been made.
See Kuali ZenDesk article for additional information.
The My Documents area provides a list of documents that you have submitted, including their status in the workflow process.
You can also click on the document to open it up and toggle the “View” from “Review” to “Status” to view the workflow progress.
See Kuali ZenDesk article for additional information.
In order to log into UMass Kuali systems (Kuali Research, Kuali Build), you must have an Active HR record (with the exception of students) and an active SPIRE record. If either of these is inactive, you will not be able to log in.
Submit a ticket to the R&E Help Desk if you still have additional questions.
Yes. All text fields in Kuali Build have a system imposed character limit of 10,000 characters. This includes spaces, but also line breaks/carriage returns. If you go over the limit, you will not be able to submit the form and you will see an error message indicating the limitation.
362 Whitmore Administration Building
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003-9313
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