The SBIR Program is a federal program intended for the entrepreneurial sector where most innovation and innovators thrive. The risk and expense of conducting serious R&D efforts are often beyond the means of many small businesses. SBIR funds the critical startup and development stages and it encourages the commercialization of the technology, product, or service, which helps stimulate the economy.
The STTR Program is a highly competitive program that reserves a specific percentage of federal R&D funding for awards to small business and nonprofit academic institution partners. Small business has been where innovation and innovators thrive, however the risk and expense of conducting serious R&D efforts can be beyond the means of many small businesses. Nonprofit academic institutions are instrumental in developing high-tech innovations. Frequently this innovation is confined to the theoretical, not the practical. The STTR combines the strengths of both entities by joining these two groups in funding opportunities. The technologies and products are transferred from the laboratory to the marketplace. The small business profits from the commercialization, which in turn stimulates the economy.