As of 2023, there were significant changes for NSF proposals that Principal Investigators and aggregators need to be aware of.

Summary of significant changes to NSF’s Grant Proposal Guidelines 23-1 effective January 2023

Principal Investigators submitting to NSF are expected to have familiarity with 23-1.

Summary of significant changes:

  1. Beginning in January 2023, all new proposals must be submitted in UMass Amherst requires that all NSF proposals use and not
  2. Current and pending forms and Biographical Sketches must be created in SciENcv beginning October 12, 2023. The NSF fillable PDF templates for these forms will no longer be permitted after that date.
  3. In addition to the current and pending forms and Biographical Sketches in SciENcv, NSF requires that PIs certify in SciENcv that their Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support documents are accurate, current, and complete.
  4. There is a new proposal section if you propose to conduct research in the field: Plan for Safe and Inclusive Field/Vessel/Aircraft Research (PSI-FVAR).
  5. Concept outlines are submitted by the prospective PI via use of the Program Suitability and Proposal Concept (ProSPCT).

See more details on the changes below.

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