For the complete NSF guidance on Account Management, please see the Accounts Management page.
Guidance on selecting a role is below:
If you need this role(s) |
To perform these functions |
Select this "Add Role" |
Principal Investigator (PI)
Co-Principal Investigator (co-PI)
Prepare Proposals
Manage Awards |
Add Investigator Role |
Other Authorized User (OAU) |
Assist a PI with proposal preparation |
Add OAU Role |
For New Principal Investigator Accounts:
To register a new PI account, go to, and click register in the top right corner. Fill out all the information (ORCID is not required), and hit submit. You will be sent an email with a temporary password. Sign into, and enter in the temporary password. Once you sign in, you will be prompted to change your password. Please review password complexity requirements before creating a new password.
Once the password has been changed, you will need to add a role for yourself.
To select a principal investigator role, select Add Investigator Role under Prepare Proposals and Manage Awards. Then, select Yes, prepare and manage proposals with an organization and Submit. Enter in the UMass Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number VGJHK59NMPK9. Verify that the organization selected is University of Massachusetts Amherst and click Next, and fill out the contact details there. Choose Role as PI/co-PI. Click Next. Review the information, and if it is correct, click Submit.
For Other Authorized User Accounts (Business Managers):
Business Managers can be added as an Other Authorized User (OAU) role to assist in proposal preparation.
To register a new OAU account, go to, and click Register in the top right corner. Fill out all the information (ORCID is not required), and click Submit. You will be sent an email with a temporary password. Sign into, and enter in the temporary password. Once you sign in, you will be prompted to change your password. Please review password complexity requirements before creating a new password.
Once the password has been changed, the Business Manager will need to email to request that they be given an OAU role. The UMass administrator will then approve the OAU request.
Existing users can log in here.
Adding an OAU to a proposal:
Once the Business Manager has been registered in, and their OAU status has been approved by the UMass administrator, the PI can then add an OAU to a specific proposal. The PI should select the proposal they want to work on, then click Manage Personnel under Personnel Access on the left hand side of the screen. Then click Add Other Authorized User, and find the correct person through their email or NSF ID. Please note, if the Business Manager has not be registered in, and requested that assign them the OAU role, then the Business Manager will not show up as a selection when searching for the OAU.
Registration related questions should be directed to NSF Help Desk: 1-800-673-6188.