Looking for information, resources and support for research?
Many academic areas of campus offer proposal development support to researchers, as well as other resources and support. Don't see your department or area listed below? Reach out to UMass Proposal Preparation Services for proposal development assistance or contact the Office of Pre-Award Services with questions.
College of Education
- The College of Education maintains an Office of Research and Engagement, which includes proposal and pre-award support.
College of Engineering
- The College of Engineering (ENG) has a webpage devoted to research.
- Research Development Services provides support for proposal submissions in Engineering.
College of Humanities and Fine Arts
- The College of Humanities and Fine Arts Dean's Office provides internal funding for research, scholarship and creative works, and guidance about external funding.
Robert and Donna Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences
- The College of Information and Computer Sciences highlights research areas, centers and labs and publications, and lists staff who support grants and contracts.
College of Natural Sciences
- The College of Natural Sciences (CNS), which includes the Stockbridge School of Agriculture, provides an overview of research and research support.
- CNS Research Support Services (RSS) provides proposal submission assistance for CNS.
Elaine Marieb College of Nursing
- The Office of Research and Scholarship in the College of Nursing provides support services to assist faculty, research staff, and graduate students in meeting their research goals and competing for external funding.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences provides support for research.
- The Institute for Social Science (ISSR) is SBS's main research hub. ISSR provides information about securing research funding as well as grant support.
School of Public Health and Health Sciences
- The School of Public Health and Health Sciences offers resources for students, faculty and staff.
- The SPHHS Research Administration Office provides pre-award and post-award administrative support.
Graduate School
- The Graduate School's Office of Professional Development provides guidance, workshops, and information about grants and fellowship opportunities.