The field of Research Administration is rife with acronyms. Here is a list of some of the most common and their definitions.
Acronym | Definition |
ALN | Assistance Listing Number (formerly CFDA) |
CFDA | Code of Federal Domestic Assistance; see ALN |
COGR | Council of Governmental Relations — a professional organization supporting university business officers |
COI | Conflict of Interest |
COLA | Cost of Living Adjustment |
DC | Direct Cost |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DoEd | Department of Education |
F&A | Facilities and Administrative costs — also referred to as indirect cost and overhead – the cost of doing business |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulations — Contract Terms |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FCOI | Financial Conflict of Interest |
FEA | Fully executed agreement — both signatures are now on the agreement and it is fully approved |
First Ex | An agreement issued to the university unsigned. The university must sign first, return to the sponsor, a fully executed agreement will be issued at which time an account can be set up |
GAID | (Used for a SmartGrant legacy data identifier in Kuali) Gams Award ID: The number in SmartGrant (legacy system) for identifying your award - usually ends in 'a#' |
GAO | Government Accountability Office |
GPID | (Used for a SmartGrant legacy data identifier in Kuali) GAMS Proposal ID: The number in SmartGrant (legacy system) associated with a proposal |
IACUC | Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee — Committee responsible for oversight of protocols for research that involved animals |
IDC | Indirect cost — also referred to as F&A |
IPA | Inter Personnel Assignment — an agreement that is issued when an individual is appointed on an assignment at another agency for a period of time |
IRB | Institutional Review Board — Committee responsible for oversight of protocols for research that involves human subjects |
ISA | Interdepartmental Service Agreement — An award from a Commonwealth institution to the university |
JIT | Just In Time — materials some sponsors request just before making an award rather than requiring at proposal stage |
MOU | Memorandum of understanding. Normally associated with an award action for projects that have Co-PI’s |
MTDC | Modified Total Direct Cost — the basis for calculating F&A where some costs are exempted from the base |
NASA | National Aero and Space Administration |
NCURA | National Council of University Research Administrators — a professional organization for Research Administrators |
NEA | National Endowment for the Arts |
NEH | National Endowment for the Humanities |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
OGCA # | (Used for a SmartGrant legacy data identifier in Kuali) |
OIG | Office of Inspector General — Federal government offices who are charged with deterring, detecting waste, fraud and abuse |
OPAM | Office of Post-Award Management |
OPAS | Office of Pre-Award Services |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget — agency that provides directives regarding management of federal funding |
PEA | Pre-establishment account — an account that may be requested prior to an award arriving to allow projects to start if purchases or appointments need to be made |
PI | Principal Investigator — the lead person carrying out and overseeing a sponsored project |
PIAA | Principal Investigator Award Agreement — a form OPAM sends to the faculty with a copy of their award informing them of the terms and making sure that the PI agrees to the terms and the requirements of accepting the award |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
SBA | Small Business Administration |
SRA | Society of Research Administrators — a professional organization for research administrators |
SRO | Sponsored Research Office — OPAS and OPAM |
ST | Speed Type – A Controller’s Office PeopleSoft number associated with your award |
TCP | Technology control plan — related to export controls |
TDC | Total Direct Cost — used by some sponsors or programs as the basis for calculating F&A where only Tuition Charge is exempt |
UG | Uniform Guidance — Federal regulations for management of grants and cooperative agreements. Formerly OMB A-21, A-110 and A-133 |
UMII | University of Massachusetts Innovation Institute |
USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture |