Informed Consent Template - Complex Biomedical |
Use this template for complex biomedical research which may necessitate several visits by participants and more than one intervention. |
Informed Consent Template - Focus Group |
The consent template to be used when research involves focus groups. |
Informed Consent Template - General |
Use this template to compose the Informed Consent document. Instructions specific to items on the form are included in brackets. |
Informed Consent Template - iDXA |
Use this template if your research involves iDXA. |
Informed Consent Template - International Affective Picture System (IAPS) |
Use this template when utilizing an International Affective Picture System (IAPS) image set. IAPS contains images meant to elicit an emotional response from the research participant. Images are categorized as pleasant, neutral or unpleasant. |
Informed Consent Template - Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) |
Use this template if your study uses Magnetic Resonance Imaging. |
Informed Consent Template - Muscle Biopsy |
Use this template if your study includes muscle biopsies. |
Informed Consent Template - Online Survey |
Use this template if your study involves an online survey research component. |
Informed Consent Template - Paper Survey Consent Paragraph |
You may use this template if you're conducting a paper survey and are requesting a waiver of documentation of informed consent. |
Informed Consent Template - Parent Permission for Minor to Participate in Research |
Use this form to have parents give permission for their child to participate in research. |
Informed Consent Template - Sensitive Topics |
Use this template for research that involves topics which may be considered sensitive. |
Informed Consent Template - Short Version of Written Consent |
The oral and short version of the written consent form is designed to provide a mechanism for individuals with limited English language proficiency to participate in human subject research where their lack of proficiency would otherwise be a barrier to their participation. |
Informed Consent Template - Subject Recruitment Database |
Use this template if researcher will be asking participants to be part of a subject recruitment database. |
Informed Consent Template - Video Use |
Informed Consent form to use for research involving video or audio recordings. |
Informed Consent Template - VO2 Max |
Use this template if your study uses V02 Max. |