The Kuali COI disclosure is an integrated form which includes Conflicts of Interest, Outside Activities, and Foreign Engagement questions. These are related to a number of federal, institutional, and campus policies. See Conflict of Interest (COI) & Outside Activities - Policy and Disclosure Requirements for information on policies and disclosure requirements.
Prior to creating or updating a disclosure, Conflicts of Interest (COI) Training needs to be completed or updated. This information will pull over to the disclosure but will not update once the form is in progress. COI training must be active prior to any award.
Step 1 - Log in to Kuali COI and click CREATE DISCLOSURE.

Step 2 - Complete the Disclosure form, answering all questions presented and using the Next button to progress through the pages. The COI disclosure form has progressive display and the number of questions will increase or decrease depending on the answers given.

If at any point you want to leave and return later, click Save and log out using the drop down in the upper right under your name. When you return to your disclosure, the status will show as In Progress.
All questions presented must be answered. If information is not entered, a error notice will appear in red on the screen. The section needing information will have red box around it. The form will not progress to the next page until the errors are corrected.
Step 3 - Outside Entity Form
- Answering Yes to ANY of the disclosure questions will cause the Outside Entity Information page to display. Entity forms must be created to provide more information on all external relationships. Please provide as much detail as possible.
- Each Yes answer must have a corresponding Entity listing.
- Each Entity listing may cover more than one Yes answer.
- Completing the form:
- Click + Add Info to log an outside entity.
- Use the Edit Pen to update an entry.

Step 4 - Project List and Project Declaration
- Projects in which you are listed as a PI, Co-PI, or Key Person will appear in the Project List.
- Project Declaration forms will appear if any Entity forms were created. The relationship between each project and each entity must be declared.

Step 5 - Certification Page
- Read the information and click Submit. You have now completed your Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure.

Kuali will bring you back to your main COI page. You will see your disclosure, the last action (which in this case is Submit) and the status (Submitted for Approval or Approved).
Step 6 - Review
After a disclosure is submitted, the Office of Research Compliance begins the review process. Reviews are done by Research Compliance staff who are specialists in the areas of Conflict of Interest and/or Export Control and Foreign Engagement. If an engagement falls under the Policy for Faculty Consulting and Outside Activities (OA), OA approval will be requested from the corresponding department head, Dean, or the Provost. Should any of these reviews be required, the submitter will receive an email notification.
If you have any questions or need assistance with Kuali COI please email Melinda LeLacheur at @email.