A Conflict of Interest (COI) exists when it can be reasonably determined that an investigator's personal financial concerns could directly and significantly influence the design, conduct, or reporting of government funded research activities. Faculty and staff of the University of Massachusetts Amherst have an obligation to maintain the objectivity of their research, avoiding any conflict of interest. All UMass Amherst investigators are expected to comply with  university and sponsor-specific COI policies by disclosing any significant financial interests prior to or at time of proposal submission and to update them as required.

The University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees (BOT) Conflicts of Interest and Commitment Policies and guidance documents can be found here.

Sponsor Specific Financial Conflict of Interest FCOI Policies

Many Federal and non-Federal sponsors require Financial Conflicts of Interest disclosures (FCOI). FCOI disclosure requirements are part of the terms and conditions of awards from NASA, NSF, PHS/NIH, and DOE. Details on each are included in the corresponding accordion sections below.

Disclosure Submission

Conflicts of Interest disclosures are submitted through the Kuali COI module within Kuali Research. The disclosure form includes questions related to the above university BOT policies, Sponsor-specific FCOI regulations, Outside Activity Approvals, and Foreign Engagement. See instructions below.

Note: Disclosures under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 268A: Conduct of Public Officials and Employee are not made through Kuali. For guidance, contact the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission.

Disclosure Review

The Conflict of Interest Disclosure Process Flowchart visually describes the UMass Amherst COI disclosure process. The Office of Research Compliance (ORC) reviews all Kuali COI disclosures under the appropriate sponsor or university BOT policies. The review process is often collaborative, with ORC reaching out to researchers for clarification, to provide guidance, and to discuss next steps should a real or potential conflict be identified.


  • COI regulations, policies, reporting requirements: Hilary Reid, COI Analyst, Office of Research Compliance, @email
  • Kuali COI, disclosure review, timeline, etc.: Melinda LeLacheur, Research Compliance Program Coordinator, Office of Research Compliance, @email