Modular Budget

Modular Budget Allison Koss

To ensure your modular budget is included in the forms submitted to NIH, after selecting the opportunity in the Basics > S2S Opportunity screen, select the Forms tab, and click the Include check box next to ‘PHS398_ModularBudget_1_2-V1.2.’ Be sure you do not select include for the RR or RR Subaward budgets.

opportunity search


To continue building your modular budget, navigate to the budget module by selecting Budget on the left side of the screen, then select + Add Budget, and name your budget.

add budget


Select Non-Personnel Costs on the left side of the screen. On the Non-Personnel Costs screen, click Assign Non-Personnel.

Then, select Start a detailed budget, and Yes to ‘Will this be a modular budget?’ Then click Create Budget.

create budget


Build your budget like you normally would, adding all personnel and non-personnel costs. Please note that, as in the past, you may choose to label some other direct costs as ‘Unallocated’ at proposal stage. Please keep in mind that these costs must be allocated at JIT stage.

After you have built your budget, if you find that you are over or under the number of modules you plan to request, click Periods and Totals on the left side of screen.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If your proposal contains subawards, enter them in the Subawards tab by searching for the institution and providing the direct and indirect costs. Be sure that the total direct costs in the Kuali budget is equal to the total number of modules requested plus the subaward indirects. For example, if you are requesting $150,000 each year, and your subaward indirects total is $20,000, your total direct costs should equal $170,000.

periods and totals


On this screen, you can choose to enter your desired number of modules in the Direct Cost Limit box for each period. Click Save after you have done so.



Next, navigate to your Non-Personnel Costs, and select an expense like Travel or Materials and Supplies that you would like to increase or decrease to meet the desired number of modules. Click on the Details button to the right of the expense.

non-personnel costs


On the details screen, select Sync to Period Direct Cost Limit, and the Total Base Cost will increase or decrease to bring your Total Direct Costs in line with the Direct Cost Limit you chose earlier. Repeat for your remaining budget periods.

Once you are satisfied with your detailed modular budget, you may select Modular Budget from the menu on the left side of the screen to view your summary modular budget.

modular budget


modular budget2


After you have finished building your detailed or summary modular budget, and marked it complete and for submission, you may view your modular budget as it will appear in your submission to NIH. Click Basics on the left side of the screen, then select S2S Opportunity, then the Forms tab. Click the checkbox under Select and to the right of ‘PHS398_ModularBudget_1_2-V1.2.’ Then, select Create PDF at the bottom. You will now have a PDF copy of the modular budget you will submit to NIH.

create PDF