
Post-Award Allison Koss

At right, please see the post-award related Kuali training guides (click the down arrow to expand). You can also step through them by hitting Next below.

The following topics are covered in this section:

  • Reviewing a Principal Investigator Award Agreement (PIAA)
  • Reviewing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Reviewing a Principal Investigator Award Agreement (PIAA)

Reviewing a Principal Investigator Award Agreement (PIAA) Allison Koss

How To Review/Approve a PIAA Form Sent by OPAM in Kuali Build

When the Office of Post Award Management (OPAM) sends out a Principal Investigator Award Agreement (PIAA) for approval, you will receive a notification to your UMass email that looks like this:

Begin Review


Click Begin Review in the email and it will open your browser and take you to a UMass log in page. Log in with your UMass NetID and password.

You will be brought to the form that requires your review and approval.

PIAA screeen


Once you have reviewed the form, the approval actions can be found on the right-hand side of the form:



You have a few options:

  • Approve will allow you to approve the form and add comments.
  • Send Back will give you the option to send the form back to the person who submitted the form. You may add comments during this phase as well.
  • Deny will allow you to reject the form and add comments.

How do I see where a submission is in the workflow process?

On the left side of the Approval screen you will be able to toggle between the Review and Status options.

  • Review you will be able to review the form and approve, deny, or send it back to a previous stage.
  • The Status option will allow you to see where the form is at in the workflow process, including comments that were made when the form was approved or denied in a previous step.
workflow status

Reviewing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Reviewing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Allison Koss

How To Review/Approve an MOU Form Sent by OPAM in Kuali Build

When the Office of Post Award Management (OPAM) sends out a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for approval, the Primary PI (1st listed) will receive an approval notification letting them know that OPAM needs their input on the MOU form being sent:

first email


Click Begin Review in the email and it will open your browser and take you to a UMass log in page. Log in with your UMass NetID and password.

You will be brought to the form that requires your review and approval.

MOU screen


NOTE: You can access ALL Kuali Build approvals awaiting your approval via your Action List.

The Primary PI must complete all required fields showing on the form.

The Intellectual Credit amount must be entered for all personnel listed on the form:

  • The total figure across all personnel must equal 100%
  • Unless the award is a Fellowship, each of the CO-PI would receive recognition percent greater than zero.
Intellectual Credit


If there has been a change to the RTF Distribution, selecting Yes to this question will populate the form with the applicable fields:

RTF Question


RTF Change


To select the correct Department and College, start typing the name in the fields provided and click on the right one to select it:





Kuali Unit Approvers will receive approvals for this form based on the selections made.

Enter the RTF amounts in the appropriate fields:

RTF fields


If your RTF change includes the need to add additional units that aren’t already referenced under the personnel, you have an opportunity to do so by selecting Yes to this question:

RTF second question


You have the option to add up to 3 additional units for the RTF distribution. This is done below any listed personnel on the form:

RTF Split


The Department and College fields here behave the same as earlier in the form.

Once you have reviewed/completed the form, the approval actions can be found on the right-hand side of the form:



You have a few options:

  • Approve will allow you to approve the form and add comments.
  • Save will allow you to save your progress on the form if you need to finish it later. You can access the form again by opening it from either the Approval notification or your Build Action List.
  • Deny will allow you to reject the form and add comments.
  • Send Back will give you the option to send the form back to a specific step in the workflow with comments.

For Example: You are a department approver and want the Primary PI to make changes to the form. You can choose to send back the form to PI01 Approval step for changes.

Send back options


The Primary PI would then receive a notification alerting them to this:

PI notification


NOTE: Send Back will restart the workflow from the point it was sent back to. Any approvals already made after that workflow step will need to be made again.

Once the Primary PI completes the form and approves, it will move forward in the workflow. Approvals will be sent to all PI/Co-PI’s listed on the form, as well as any department head/dean approvals if there is an RTF change.

How do I see where a submission is in the workflow process?

On the left side of the Approval screen you will be able to toggle between the Review and Status options.

  • Review you will be able to review the form and approve, deny, or send it back to a previous stage.
  • The Status option will allow you to see where the form is at in the workflow process, including comments that were made when the form was approved or denied in a previous step.