Kuali Proposal Development - Basics

Kuali Proposal Development - Basics Allison Koss




See Kuali Knowledge Base Proposal Details

  • TIP: Use Wildcard asterisk (*before and after*) to assist with searching for sponsors, people, etc. in Kuali.
  • Proposal Details: If UMass is a subrecipient, indicate entity submitting proposal in the Sponsor section. You will then add the Prime Sponsor to the Prime Sponsor Code field. Ex. UMass is a proposed subrecipient to Harvard (Sponsor) on a NSF (Prime Sponsor) proposal. Keywords are being used to identify special designations for reporting purposes. (I.e. PRTs, COVID Special Funding, etc.)
  • Proposal Delivery Information: Insert relevant URL, User Name, & Password for non-S2S proposals with independent submission portals in the Submission description field. Other important submission information that you would like the OPAS-Reviewers to be aware of can be added here as well.
  • Proposal Sponsor & Program Information: UMass requires that all proposals be tagged with an NSF Science Code even if the proposal is not to NSF. This will assist with campus-wide reporting.
  • Proposal Organization & Location: Only add subrecipient organizations to the Other Organizations tab.


NOTE: For S2S proposals ONLY, you must add all subrecipient PI’s and Co-I’s to the Key Personnel Screen as a Non- Employee. If their name is not already in the system, you must add them to the system via the Add New Address Book button. Do not add non-employees as Co-PIs or PIs, instead add them as Key Person and add an appropriate role.

  • Proposal Personnel
    • Proposal Role: (PI/Contact, Co-Investigator, Multi-PI, or Key Person). All roles EXCEPT Key Person will be automatically added to the RTF and Intellectual Credit Distributions. If this is an NIH Multi-PI proposal with the sub as a Multi-PI, add them in as a Key-Person first, then go back and change their designation to Multi-PI and add 000001 UMass Amherst to their Unit Details (see below). 
    • eRA Commons User Name: For all S2S Proposals add the PI’s eRA/NIH Commons User ID.
  • Organization: Go to the bottom of the screen and add in the faculty Percent of Effort for the effort calculated in the First Year of the budget (Calendar, Academic, & Summer). If the percent effort is zero, leave the field blank. This data will assist with annual Effort Certification. The Total Effort field will ALWAYS be left blank.
  • Extended Detail: This tab is not normally used for UMass Amherst Employees. However, for S2S proposals, you will need to add the subrecipient Co-Investigator’s Directory Department (aka their School/Department).
  • Degrees: This tab is NOT currently being used by UMass Amherst.
  • Unit Details: This is where you can add Centers & Institutes for routing, RTF distribution, and future reporting.
  • Click the blue Lookup/Add Multiple Lines link and do a Wildcard asterisk (*before and after*) for the Center/Institute that you would like to add in the Unit Name field. Keep in mind, that often names are truncated or abbreviated in the system, therefore, do not get discouraged if you do not locate the center on your initial search. Note: UMass cannot retroactively assign proposal to Centers and Institutes after the proposal is submitted to the sponsor. 
  • Person Training Details: This tab is NOT currently being used for Proposal Development.
  • Proposal Person Certification – PI’s and Co-PI’s have to complete the certification questions themselves either before or during the proposal routing process.


  • Proposal Credit Allocation: This section is where you indicate both the RTF and Intellectual Credit distribution.
  • RTF Distribution:- The aggregate Investigator(s) Total should equal 10% and the aggregate Unit Totals should equal 16%. Do not exceed the cumulative 26% even if a division of the RTF exceeds that amount and draws down a portion of the RTF (74%) that accrues to the central administrative indirect return. Load MOUs as needed for specially negotiated indirect cost rate returns to the Internal Attachments section of the Kuali record. Also, please make sure that any center or institute approved RTF return from the 26% is distributed accordingly.
  • Intellectual credit: This should aggregate to 100% in the Faculty Name lines.
    • IMPORTANT: Regardless of how many PIs you have on the file or how the Intellectual Credit is split up, each PI/Co-PI must have 100 listed in their department line. (If a PI reports to more than one department, all of the departments associated with that PI must add up to 100.)
    • Note: We do not use the college line for Intellectual Credit because the reporting structure automatically rolls up departments into colleges as appropriate.


  • Proposal Compliance: Choices to add in the Compliance Section are: Human Subjects, Animal Usage, Institutional Biosafety Committee, Conflict of Interest, Clinical Trial, Dual Use Biologics, Custom Antibodies, Biological Substances, or Select Agents.
  • Adding entries here are IN ADDITION TO the items on the Questionnaire.
  • S2S Supported Forms: Adding entries here maps to GRANTS.GOV required field and forms.
  • In most cases, it is typical to select Pending in the Approval Status.
  • Leave this screen blank if none apply to your proposal.
  • The NIH PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form is uploaded under the “Human Subjects” compliance entry in the “Human Study Attachment” field.


  • The Proposal Attachments section is the primary repository for most proposal documents on Grants.gov submissions.
    • Proposal: Upload all major documents for submission to Grants.gov via S2S into this tab (Research Strategy/Project Description, Specific Aims, Facilities, etc.). Best practice is not to use this tab for Non-S2S Proposals.
    • Personnel: Upload all personnel documents for submission on grants.gov into this tab (Biosketches, Current and Pending Support documents, & Conflict of Interest forms). Best practice is not to use this tab for Non-S2S Proposals.
    • Abstracts: Used to complete text boxes for specific S2S forms (please refer to the solicitation)
    • Internal: Upload UMass specific/internal documents needed for the OPAS-Review. This is also where you upload documents being sent to an email recipient such as a foundation or the lead organization when UMass is a subrecipient.
    • Notes: This is an optional field that can be used to provide information to the OPAS-Reviewer.
  • Users can upload documents in bulk to minimize effort.
  • Files should be marked appropriately as either DRAFT or FINAL. Please refer to the UMass 5-Day Proposal Submission Procedure.
  • See also Attaching Files for more information.


  • Users can add access by other users on a proposal by proposal basis in the Access section. The recommended role for maximum editing rights is Aggregator Document Level.
  • Please include both pre-award and post-award administrator contact information in the Supplemental section. The pre-award contact is usually the proposal developer or Kuali aggregator. The post-award contact is usually the department/college post-award business manager, research administrator, or bookkeeper. 


The Summary Submit screen provides a series of tabs with information across the entire proposal so that you can better review the proposal from this single tab.