Getting Started in Kuali
Getting Started in Kuali Allison KossAt right, please see all of the Kuali training guides under this topic (click down arrow to expand). The following topics are covered in this section:
- Kuali Proposal Development - Basics
- Logging in & Navigating the Kuali Dashboard
- Proposal Types Defined
- Award ID Search
- NSF Science Code List
- Tagging Centers & Institutes
- Entering RTF & Intellectual Credit Distribution
- Attaching Files
- Proposal Routing & Approvals
Kuali Proposal Development - Basics
Kuali Proposal Development - Basics Allison Koss
- Answers to common questions can be found here: Kuali Research FAQs
The Help Icon in Kuali brings you to the Kuali Knowledge Base - Kuali Knowledge Base Field Definitions by Tab
See Kuali Knowledge Base Proposal Details
- TIP: Use Wildcard asterisk (*before and after*) to assist with searching for sponsors, people, etc. in Kuali.
- Proposal Details: If UMass is a subrecipient, indicate entity submitting proposal in the Sponsor section. You will then add the Prime Sponsor to the Prime Sponsor Code field. Ex. UMass is a proposed subrecipient to Harvard (Sponsor) on a NSF (Prime Sponsor) proposal. Keywords are being used to identify special designations for reporting purposes. (I.e. PRTs, COVID Special Funding, etc.)
- Proposal Delivery Information: Insert relevant URL, User Name, & Password for non-S2S proposals with independent submission portals in the Submission description field. Other important submission information that you would like the OPAS-Reviewers to be aware of can be added here as well.
- Proposal Sponsor & Program Information: UMass requires that all proposals be tagged with an NSF Science Code even if the proposal is not to NSF. This will assist with campus-wide reporting.
- Proposal Organization & Location: Only add subrecipient organizations to the Other Organizations tab.
NOTE: For S2S proposals ONLY, you must add all subrecipient PI’s and Co-I’s to the Key Personnel Screen as a Non- Employee. If their name is not already in the system, you must add them to the system via the Add New Address Book button. Do not add non-employees as Co-PIs or PIs, instead add them as Key Person and add an appropriate role.
- Proposal Personnel
- Proposal Role: (PI/Contact, Co-Investigator, Multi-PI, or Key Person). All roles EXCEPT Key Person will be automatically added to the RTF and Intellectual Credit Distributions. If this is an NIH Multi-PI proposal with the sub as a Multi-PI, add them in as a Key-Person first, then go back and change their designation to Multi-PI and add 000001 UMass Amherst to their Unit Details (see below).
- eRA Commons User Name: For all S2S Proposals add the PI’s eRA/NIH Commons User ID.
- Organization: Go to the bottom of the screen and add in the faculty Percent of Effort for the effort calculated in the First Year of the budget (Calendar, Academic, & Summer). If the percent effort is zero, leave the field blank. This data will assist with annual Effort Certification. The Total Effort field will ALWAYS be left blank.
- Extended Detail: This tab is not normally used for UMass Amherst Employees. However, for S2S proposals, you will need to add the subrecipient Co-Investigator’s Directory Department (aka their School/Department).
- Degrees: This tab is NOT currently being used by UMass Amherst.
- Unit Details: This is where you can add Centers & Institutes for routing, RTF distribution, and future reporting.
- Click the blue Lookup/Add Multiple Lines link and do a Wildcard asterisk (*before and after*) for the Center/Institute that you would like to add in the Unit Name field. Keep in mind, that often names are truncated or abbreviated in the system, therefore, do not get discouraged if you do not locate the center on your initial search. Note: UMass cannot retroactively assign proposal to Centers and Institutes after the proposal is submitted to the sponsor.
- Person Training Details: This tab is NOT currently being used for Proposal Development.
- Proposal Person Certification – PI’s and Co-PI’s have to complete the certification questions themselves either before or during the proposal routing process.
- Proposal Credit Allocation: This section is where you indicate both the RTF and Intellectual Credit distribution.
- RTF Distribution:- The aggregate Investigator(s) Total should equal 10% and the aggregate Unit Totals should equal 16%. Do not exceed the cumulative 26% even if a division of the RTF exceeds that amount and draws down a portion of the RTF (74%) that accrues to the central administrative indirect return. Load MOUs as needed for specially negotiated indirect cost rate returns to the Internal Attachments section of the Kuali record. Also, please make sure that any center or institute approved RTF return from the 26% is distributed accordingly.
- Intellectual credit: This should aggregate to 100% in the Faculty Name lines.
- IMPORTANT: Regardless of how many PIs you have on the file or how the Intellectual Credit is split up, each PI/Co-PI must have 100 listed in their department line. (If a PI reports to more than one department, all of the departments associated with that PI must add up to 100.)
- Note: We do not use the college line for Intellectual Credit because the reporting structure automatically rolls up departments into colleges as appropriate.
- Proposal Compliance: Choices to add in the Compliance Section are: Human Subjects, Animal Usage, Institutional Biosafety Committee, Conflict of Interest, Clinical Trial, Dual Use Biologics, Custom Antibodies, Biological Substances, or Select Agents.
- Adding entries here are IN ADDITION TO the items on the Questionnaire.
- S2S Supported Forms: Adding entries here maps to GRANTS.GOV required field and forms.
- In most cases, it is typical to select Pending in the Approval Status.
- Leave this screen blank if none apply to your proposal.
- The NIH PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form is uploaded under the “Human Subjects” compliance entry in the “Human Study Attachment” field.
- The Proposal Attachments section is the primary repository for most proposal documents on submissions.
- Proposal: Upload all major documents for submission to via S2S into this tab (Research Strategy/Project Description, Specific Aims, Facilities, etc.). Best practice is not to use this tab for Non-S2S Proposals.
- Personnel: Upload all personnel documents for submission on into this tab (Biosketches, Current and Pending Support documents, & Conflict of Interest forms). Best practice is not to use this tab for Non-S2S Proposals.
- Abstracts: Used to complete text boxes for specific S2S forms (please refer to the solicitation)
- Internal: Upload UMass specific/internal documents needed for the OPAS-Review. This is also where you upload documents being sent to an email recipient such as a foundation or the lead organization when UMass is a subrecipient.
- Notes: This is an optional field that can be used to provide information to the OPAS-Reviewer.
- Users can upload documents in bulk to minimize effort.
- Files should be marked appropriately as either DRAFT or FINAL. Please refer to the UMass 5-Day Proposal Submission Procedure.
- See also Attaching Files for more information.
- Users can add access by other users on a proposal by proposal basis in the Access section. The recommended role for maximum editing rights is Aggregator Document Level.
- Please include both pre-award and post-award administrator contact information in the Supplemental section. The pre-award contact is usually the proposal developer or Kuali aggregator. The post-award contact is usually the department/college post-award business manager, research administrator, or bookkeeper.
The Summary Submit screen provides a series of tabs with information across the entire proposal so that you can better review the proposal from this single tab.
Logging in & Navigating the Kuali Dashboard
Logging in & Navigating the Kuali Dashboard Allison KossFor help with logging in, see the Kuali Research FAQ page.
The Kuali Research Dashboard offers quick access to common tasks as well as links to all the Kuali Modules. It is the main page that users will see when logged into the Kuali Research system. It gives users tools to manage in-progress documents like proposal routing and approvals. A detailed overview can be found on the Kuali Knowledge Base.
Common Tasks
The Common Tasks tab in the Kuali Research Dashboard allows easy access to commonly used links in the application.
Proposal Workload
The Proposal Workload tab in the Kuali Research Dashboard shows all routing proposals at a specific approval stop and serves as a workload management tool. It allows a PI to see how busy the research administration office is.
Proposal Types Defined
Proposal Types Defined Allison KossContinuation
Noncompeting continuation proposals request the next year’s funding within a multi-year grant. A continuation application does not represent new or supplemental funds requested from the sponsor. Continued support is usually dependent on satisfactory work progress and the availability of funds. Generally, these consist of a progress report, budget as applicable, and other relevant materials such as research results, reprints, vitae for new personnel, etc. They sometimes include a financial status report showing the unobligated balance for the current year. These include NIH progress reports, also known as Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR). Noncompeting continuation proposals are routed through Kuali and submitted to the sponsor by the Office of Pre-Award Services (OPAS). Basics > Proposal Details > Award ID field must be populated with the existing Kuali Award ID number (use the root number ending with "-00001").
Internal (No Submission)
Internal proposals are routed through Kuali and processed internally by OPAS, but they are not submitted externally because the proposal was submitted to the sponsor prior to an OPAS review. Do not use either P&A or Continuation for this type of action.
When the UMass Proposal Submission process is by-passed, award set-up is often delayed. The proposal will still need to follow the same internal review process, which requires routing the proposal in Kuali for internal approvals. OPAS will review the proposal and submit any additional documents required by the sponsor prior to award. This step is required prior to an award being accepted by the university. If anything is out of compliance with university policies, the university may not be able to accept the award. If the budget is inadequate in terms of required costs, the PI may need to cover required costs from other funds.
Tips: Load the following to the Attachments > Internal section of the Kuali proposal record:
- Final proposal submitted to the sponsor.
- Sponsor guidelines.
- Other relevant documentation including an explanation describing why the proposal was not originally submitted through OPAS.
- If the sponsor has already made the award, load the award document and any other relevant sponsor correspondence. This applies for newly awarded and for additional funds issued to an existing account.
Once OPAS completes processing of an internal proposal, the award will either be processed by OPAM, or UMII (if funded solely by industry). If additional funding on this project will be funded in the future under the same account, do not use “Continuation.” Continue to use “Internal (No Submission).” Be sure to populate the Award ID field (see Basics > Proposal Details > Award ID) with the existing Kuali Award ID number (use the root number ending in "-00001".
Letter of Intent
A Letter of Intent (LOI) is usually a brief one to three page proposal statement describing the proposed project to the sponsor. In some cases, an LOI may more closely resemble a pre-proposal and may include a budget or other commitments. OPAS would need to review and submit these types of LOIs. See also: Pre-proposals and Letters of Intent
It is not necessary to route an LOI for institutional approval if it:
- Includes a total cost estimate without a detailed budget
- Is not expected to result directly in an award without a full detailed proposal or pre-proposal
- Does not require an authorized signature
Some sponsors such as NSF require the submission of an LOI by an authorized official (OPAS) despite not including a budget. OPAS can submit these types of LOIs without the need for a Kuali record.
A proposal that requests new funding that does not qualify as any of the other proposal types (renewal, continuation, supplement, etc.).
P&A (Unrestricted Award)
P&A stands for “Proposal and Award” and generally consists of unrestricted grants where a sponsor provides an award letter and a check (or evidence of wire transfer), bench fees, or fellowship institutional allowance awards where there is no proposal.
Use the Kuali Build form "Unrestricted Grant Processing Request" to process unrestricted grants that meet specific requirements (see form for details). Otherwise, route a Kuali P&A record. P&A’s do not generally get processed by OPAS. Instead, they are directly assigned to the award administrator for that sponsor, either in OPAM or in UMII (if solely funded by industry).
Load the following to the Attachments > Internal section of the Kuali proposal record as applicable:
- Award documentation and award check – redact the routing and account numbers from the copy
- Indirect cost rate should be 10% or at sponsor-mandated rate
- Be sure the proper F&A rate type is selected in Budget Settings even if a Summary Budget – select Unrestricted Grant or sponsor rate
Pre Proposal
A pre-proposal (sometimes called a white paper, letter proposal, preliminary proposal, pre-application, or concept paper) is a short description of the proposed project. Usually, the purpose of a pre-proposal is to inform and interest the potential sponsor in the project, resulting in a request for a more detailed formal/full proposal.
A pre-proposal must be routed to OPAS through Kuali and will be subject to the university proposal requirements and procedures when they include any of the following:
- A commitment of university resources (including, but not limited to: PI time/effort, staff time, space, facilities use, project completion, students, and/ or post-doc participation/time, etc.)
- A detailed budget
- A detailed cost sharing commitment or any commitment by a party outside the university
- Any exception to the standard university F&A Cost rates
- Certifications, representations, or assurances signed by an institutional representative
- A requirement for an authorized signature or submission in a portal by an institutional official
- Acceptance of terms and conditions
It is not necessary to route a pre-proposal for institutional approval if it:
- Includes a total cost estimate without a detailed budget; and
- Is not expected to result directly in an award without a full detailed proposal; and
- The university is not bound in any way by the content of the pre-proposal
See also: Pre-proposals and Letters of Intent. Please contact the R&E Help Desk if you have any questions about whether or not to route a pre-proposal.
A competing renewal proposal (also called a competing continuation) is a request for continued funding of a project for which the funding or project period is about to terminate. Such proposals are similar to "new" proposals and must be routed and approved in the same manner as new proposals.
- Only use this proposal type when the sponsor requires it, e.g. for the National Institutes of Health and the US Department of Energy when submitting an application for a new round of funding for an existing project; otherwise use the proposal type “New”.
- Typically the Renewal retains the same sponsor grant number as the existing award, but will receive a new UMass account number and does not need to be linked to the current award. Therefore, you will not need to populate the Award ID field in the Basics > Proposal Details screen of the proposal record in Kuali.
- Not to be confused with “Continuation”.
Use this proposal type only with National Institutes of Health (NIH) proposals or as required by other based submissions as applicable – see sponsor guidelines.
Revised Budget
When a sponsor wants to fund a proposed project at an amount different from that originally proposed, the sponsor asks the investigator to submit a "revised" budget supporting the amount to be funded. Be sure to complete the Original Institutional Proposal ID field in Basics > Proposal Details so that the Revised Budget will be linked to the originally submitted proposal.
If the revision amounts to 25% or greater from the original proposal, a revised budget must be routed through the university proposal routing process to document the signatories’ approval of the budget revisions. See Revised Budget Questionnaire in the Kuali proposal record.
If the sponsor reduces the budget, the investigator must determine whether the originally proposed scope and objectives of the project can be met under the revised budget. If not, the investigator and sponsor must redefine the scope and objectives in writing and this revised scope of work will be submitted to the sponsor along with other items requested by the sponsor. Note: if a budget modification is being made to an award, this does not get routed in Kuali. Contact the Office of Post-Award Management (OPAM) for instructions.
A supplement adds funding to an existing grant/contract typically either through supplementation or amplification of the original aims of the project. A revised scope of work and budget are typically in play.
If a (S2S) submission requires a “Revision” proposal type, select Supplement as the proposal type within Kuali. This designation is generally only used by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for supplemental funding requests.
NIH also uses the Revision option for Change of Grantee Organization applications – applicable for incoming faculty transferring NIH awards to UMass from another institution. Again, within Kuali, select Supplement. Contact OPAS using the PI Arrival Questionnaire to coordinate the grant transfer process.
Proposal types used only by OPAS:
- New – Changed/Corrected
- Renewal – Changed/Corrected
- Resubmission – Changed/Corrected
- Supplement – Changed/Corrected
- Revision (S2S/NIH only) – Changed/Corrected
Award ID Search
Award ID Search Allison KossHow to search for the existing Award ID (including legacy awards, Continuations, Supplements, Renewals, and some P&As and Internals)
Log in and select Common Tasks in left pane.
Next, select Search Awards.
On the Award Lookup page, enter as many search fields as needed to hone in on the targeted award (e.g. PI, Award Title, Sponsor, etc). Experiment with this. If a search field has a magnifying glass icon, select it and then search and “return value”.
- Use *asterisks* in front and back of the search terms – see Award Title field below.
- If searching by title, sometimes including fewer words from the title are better – try searching using a distinct two or three words only. Sometimes a title will change from one award action to another by just one word.
- After searching, run a report by selecting spreadsheet (found below the chart on the left).
- Save as an Excel Workbook when multiple award records appear in order to hone in on the correct version. Delete columns as needed and add a filter to help with the sort and search process.
- Identify the correct award - Always select the so-called “Parent” or root award – the suffix is always “-00001”
- Note: To confirm linkage with the correct legacy award record:
- In Kuali, select Medusa in the “-00001” record.
- In the list that appears, select any award record except for the “-00001” Parent (the legacy data does not reside in the “Parent” record).
- Select Open Award.
- Next, select the Custom Data tab.
- Then select by Legacy Data click the hide button to review legacy (SmartGrant) data and confirm correct linkage.
Once the correct Kuali Award ID has been identified, add the Award ID Parent in the Award ID field (see below) for proposals under development. This applies to the following proposal types: Continuations and Supplements and when applicable Renewals. It also applies to some P&A (Unrestricted Award) and Internal (No Submission) if the award action should be added to an existing account.
NSF Science Code List in Kuali Research
NSF Science Code List in Kuali Research Allison Koss
NSF Science Code |
Description |
A.01 |
Computer and Information Sciences: A.01 |
B.01 |
Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical Engineering ‐ Engineering: B.01 |
B.02 |
Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering ‐ Engineering: B.02 |
B.03 |
Chemical Engineering ‐ Engineering: B.03 |
B.04 |
Civil Engineering ‐ Engineering: B.04 |
B.05 |
Electrical, Electronic, and Communications Engineering ‐ Engineering: B.05 |
B.06 |
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ‐ Engineering: B.06 |
B.07 |
Mechanical Engineering ‐ Engineering: B.07 |
B.08 |
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering ‐ Engineering: B.08 |
B.09 |
Other Engineering ‐ Engineering: B.09 |
C.01 |
Atmospheric Science and Meteorology ‐ Geosciences, Atmospheric, and Ocean Sciences: C.01 |
C.02 |
Geological and Earth Sciences ‐ Geosciences, Atmospheric, and Ocean Sciences: C.02 |
C.03 |
Ocean Sciences and Marine Sciences ‐ Geosciences, Atmospheric, and Ocean Sciences: C.03 |
C.04 |
Other Geosciences, Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences ‐ Geosciences, Atmospheric, and Ocean Sciences: C.04 |
D.01 |
Agricultural Sciences ‐ Life Sciences: D.01 |
D.02 |
Biological and Biomedical Sciences ‐ Life Sciences: D.02 |
D.03 |
Health Sciences ‐ Life Sciences: D.03 |
D.04 |
Natural Resources and Conservation ‐ Life Sciences: D.04 |
D.05 |
Other Life Sciences ‐ Life Sciences: D.05 |
E.01 |
Mathematics and Statistics: E.01 |
F.01 |
Astronomy and Astrophysics ‐ Physical Sciences: F.01 |
F.02 |
Chemistry ‐ Physical Sciences: F.02 |
F.03 |
Materials Science ‐ Physical Sciences: F.03 |
F.04 |
Physics ‐ Physical Sciences: F.04 |
F.05 |
Other Physical Sciences ‐ Physical Sciences: F.05 |
G.01 |
Psychology: G.01 |
H.01 |
Anthropology ‐ Social Sciences: H.01 |
H.02 |
Economics ‐ Social Sciences: H.02 |
H.03 |
Political Science and Government ‐ Social Sciences: H.03 |
H.04 |
Sociology, Demography, and Population Studies ‐ Social Sciences: H.04 |
H.05 |
Other Social Sciences ‐ Social Sciences: H.05 |
I.01 |
Other Sciences: I.01 |
J.01 |
Education ‐ Non‐S&E Fields: J.01 |
J.02 |
Law ‐ Non‐S&E Fields: J.02 |
J.03 |
Humanities ‐ Non‐S&E Fields: J.03 |
J.04 |
Visual and Performing Arts ‐ Non‐S&E Fields: J.04 |
J.05 |
Business Management and Business Administration ‐ Non‐S&E Fields: J.05 |
J.06 |
Communication and Communications Technologies ‐ Non‐S&E Fields: J.06 |
J.07 |
Social Work ‐ Non‐S&E Fields: J.07 |
J.08 |
Other Non‐S&E Fields ‐ Non‐S&E Fields: J.08 |
Tagging Centers & Institutes
Tagging Centers & Institutes Allison KossObjective: Kuali offers the ability for faculty to identify and affiliate their proposal with active Centers and Institutes. This offers the opportunity to gain insight and run reports on Center and Institute productivity and allows RTF to be manually assigned to a Center or Institute based on identified and approved distributions. It is also the mechanism to add Center and Institute approvers to the proposal routing and approval list (as is the case for Institute for Applied Life Science (IALS) proposals).
STEP 1 - Log in to Kuali with your NetID and password and click Create Proposal.
STEP 2 - Enter the relevant information under the Basic tab to create a proposal.
STEP 3 - Click the Key Personnel tab on left and click the down arrow next to the Lead PI’s name.
STEP 4 - Click the Unit Details tab.
STEP 5 - Click Lookup/Add Multiple Lines as shown below. When the appropriate Center information appears, check the box as indicated below and click return selected.
TIP: Use Wildcard asterisk (*before and after*) to assist with searching for a specific Center or Institute.
STEP 6 - Centers and Institutes will be added to the Credit Allocation page. Assign the appropriate amount of RTF, if required.
NOTE: RTF credit allocation is an optional entry. For example no RTF allocations are needed for IALS related centers (Models to Medicine, Center for Bioactive Deliver and Center for Personalized Health Monitoring). RTF allocations for IALS will be taken care of at the time of setting up an award.
IMPORTANT: Regardless of how many PIs you have on the file or how the Intellectual Merit is split up, make sure that each PI has 100 listed next to their department line.
STEP 7- This step is ONLY for Center and Institutes that require to be added to the proposal for routing and approvals.
Ensure that all relevant personnel are in the routing log. For all IALS (Models to Medicine, Center for Bioactive Delivery and Center for Personalized Health Monitoring) related questions, please reach out to @email.
Entering RTF & Intellectual Credit Distribution
Entering RTF & Intellectual Credit Distribution Allison KossOverview: Submitting a proposal through Kuali requires faculty to identify Facilities and Administration (F&A), also known as Indirect Cost, cost distributions to Research Trust Funds (RTF) for PI and Co-PIs as well as affiliated departments, colleges, and where applicable, centers and institutes. The distributions are as follows:
- 10% is distributed to participating Investigators as appropriate
- 8% is distributed to participating departments as appropriate
- 8% is distributed to participating schools/colleges as appropriate
- The cumulative RTF should sum to 26% in Kuali
- NOTE: A portion of the 26% can be assigned to centers and institutes where applicable. Affiliated Centers and Institutes must be added in the Unit Look up within the PI’s Personnel area in order to have a percentage assigned.
- NOTE: Institute of Applied Life Sciences (IALS) distributions do NOT need to be filled out in Kuali
Kuali also asks for Intellectual Credit distributions. The term Intellectual credit is used in the Kuali Proposal module to indicate how the PI and any Co-PIs will be credited for expenditure under the project. The data entered in the Intellectual credit section will be used by the campus to allocate credit for research expenditures to the home department of participating faculty in campus reporting of sponsored research expenditures (e.g., PI & co-PI each 50% credit on a $100,000 would end up reporting $50,000 each in expenditures).
- Intellectual credit should equal 100% on the Faculty fields.
- IMPORTANT: Regardless of how many PIs you have on the file or how the Intellectual Merit is split up, make sure that each PI has 100% listed next to their department line as well. This will prevent a data validation error.
STEP 1 – Click the Key Personnel Tab then Click Credit Allocations
STEP 2 – Enter in the appropriate amounts. Do NOT use the % sign and enter in whole numbers. Example: For 10% just enter 10. Click Save to load figure and verify totals.
Attaching Files
Attaching Files Allison KossAttaching Files in Kuali for and other Submissions
Overview: Kuali can transmit files directly to as a System-to-System (S2S) submission. However, there are some key steps to take to be sure that files transmit correctly and without generating errors. Tips on attaching files for other submissions are presented as well. See also Kuali Zendesk Proposal Attachments.
Attaching Files in Kuali – S2S Submissions
- Navigate to the Attachments section.
- Load all PDF attachments (NOT fillable PDF forms) to the Proposal and Personnel tabs (and occasionally the Abstract tab) when submitting S2S/ based proposals (best practice is not to use the Proposal or Personnel tabs for proposals).
- A couple of exceptions—the Human Study Record attachment and the R&R Subaward Budget attachments—will be explained below.
- To avoid errors, print files to PDF before uploading to be sure that they are "flat," keep file names less than 50 characters, and avoid using spaces or special characters in the file name.
- Go to the Proposal tab to upload non-personnel related documents.
- Select the +Add button or Drag and Drop to upload multiple attachments. Let go of the mouse (drop) when +copy appears – do not drop when → move shows. Hover over the blue tab Upload and Add.
- Make sure to select an Attachment Type to associate with your file. It is critical to select the correct Attachment Type. The Attachment types are very specific and map to the appropriate section of the sponsor proposal. If the document gets linked to the wrong attachment type, it will not be positioned in the correct location within the final synthesized proposal. This could create grounds for a proposal to be rejected by the sponsor.
- Select Status and choose either Final or Draft. Shortcut: Instead of picking from the Status drop down for each document, click the Select option at the right of the screen, select Final for example, and then select Set All Statuses. Then go back and reselect the Status options for the individual documents that should for example be in Draft form. The Science/Technical documents can be routed in draft form, with the final documents to be loaded and updated and status set to Final within 48 hours of the proposal deadline.
- Some sponsors include a requirement to use a form called an Attachments Form. Documents that must map to this form are still loaded through the Proposal tab. Select the Attachment Type of Other and be sure to type a unique filename in the Description field. The text entered in the Description field will map as the filename into the proposal. Be sure to observe sponsor driven filename conventions. Any additional text in the Description field will be counted as part of the filename. More details.
- Once done loading to the Proposal folder, select the Personnel tab to upload Biosketches and other personnel documents required by the sponsor. Remember, only load mandatory attachment types.
Forms and User Attached Forms (Fillable PDF Forms)
Most forms are ported into Kuali from when you link to an opportunity. If some forms are not available in Kuali, you may need to load the form as a User Attached form before you will be able to connect to the opportunity. There are a couple of other places where fillable forms may be uploaded. However, do not upload any fillable forms in the Kuali Attachment section. This will cause a error on submission, even if Kuali does not generate a validation error prior to submission.
The two other places where you may need to upload a fillable form are both used predominately for NIH submissions: the Human Subject Study Attachment and the R&R Subaward Budget.
NIH Human Subject Study Record
When developing a System-to-System NIH proposal with human subjects, PIs are often required to complete a Human Subjects Study Record. To include the study record, navigate to the Compliance tab in Kuali, then click Add compliance entry. Choose Human Subjects from the Type dropdown and Pending from the Approval Status dropdown. At the bottom, you will see Human Study Attachment with a Choose File button. This is where the Study Record is uploaded.
Download the PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Form from Open this form in Adobe, and click Click here to extract the Human Subject Study Record Attachment (you may need to answer the ‘Are Human Subjects Involved?’ and ‘Is the Project Exempt from Federal Regulations?’ questions ‘Yes’ and ‘No,’ respectively, before you are able to extract the Study Record).
For the Kuali S2S function to work properly, fillable PDF forms must be in the Forms section in the S2S Opportunity section, either as a Kuali provided form or as a User Attached form. As an exception, the Human Study Record form must be attached in the Compliance section under the Human Subject Pending entry. R&R Subaward budget form likewise gets attached via the Budget module under Subaward.
Save the extracted Study Record, open it in Adobe, and complete it, answering all the required questions and attaching all of the required attachments. If you are unsure which questions and attachments are required in your specific situation, please see the Study Record section of the Application Guide.
Save the completed Study Record, and upload it to the Human Subjects Pending entry you created in the Compliance tab. You do not need to upload the PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form from which the Study Record is extracted – that form will be generated automatically by Kuali based on your answers to the Questionnaire and entry in the Compliance tab.
Subaward Budgets in System-to-System Proposals
When developing a proposal with subawards, Kuali makes it easy to include the subaward budget by simply uploading the subrecipient’s completed RR Budget. Just open the Kuali budget, and click Subawards on the left side of the screen. On the Subawards screen, you will see an Add Subaward button on the right, click it. Be sure to also add the subrecipient organization in the Other Organizations tab and check Yes, this proposal includes subawards on the Sponsor & Program Information screen (see the Subaward guide for additional information).
Search for the subrecipient organization by clicking the magnifying glass to the right of Organization ID. Once you have found your subrecipient, click Choose File next to File Name, and upload the RR Budget that the subrecipient provided, then click Add Subaward.
Be sure that you provide the subrecipient organization with the correct RR Budget form, downloaded from Kuali. It must be in PDF form – scanned documents will not work. Also, be sure to check that they have properly filled out the form. Check that the UEI is correct, that Subaward/Consortium is checked to the right of Budget Type, and that the budget period start and end dates are consistent with the UMass budget. Even if the subaward is for one year and the project is five years, the subaward budget must have the same number of periods and the same period start and end dates as the UMass budget.
Once you have successfully uploaded the subaward budget(s), the subaward amounts will automatically be added to the UMass budget.
Attaching Files in Kuali – Non-S2S Submissions
For proposals that are submitted to the sponsor via a sponsor’s portal (such as NSF’s or ProposalCentral), most of the files attached to a proposal will go in the Attachment section in Kuali, under the Internal Tab. You can use the Description field to let OPAS know which files go to the sponsor. For an email submission, it’s also okay to use the Proposal tab to show which files need to go to the sponsor. Warnings about the filenames can be ignored in this case.
Proposal Routing & Approvals
Proposal Routing & Approvals Allison KossBelow is a summary of how to view, review, and approve proposals to the Office of Pre-Award Services (OPAS) for sponsor submission.
Procedure Overview: Kuali routing requires the standard two-stage approvals process (i.e. department and college level approvals). Please be aware of the OPAS five-day submission requirement, which requires that the proposal and all approvals be complete before OPAS logs in the proposal, and includes the two- day deadline for final science documents.
IMPORTANT: Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs must complete two steps during routing if they have not certified the proposal prior to routing for approvals. Certification involves directly answering a few questions in the Proposal Person Certification Questionnaire which is found in the Key Person tab, in the Proposal Person Panel. When approving, PIs and Co-PIs will receive an error warning. Click Fix It and then Certify. Then go back to the Summary/Submit tab and Approve. See Kuali Knowledge Base Summary/Submit instructions for more details.
STEP 1 – When a proposal is ready for review, all approvers and delegates will receive an email with a link to the proposal and the option to go to your Action List (if you have multiple proposals to review).
Alternatively, you can log directly into Kuali and find proposals needing your approval via the Dashboard. See guide on Logging in and Navigating the Kuali Dashboard for additional information.
STEP 2 – Proposal Summary – When you access the proposal record, you can review proposal related information prior to routing, including: credit allocations, questionnaires, routing map, etc.
STEP 3 – Evaluating Credit Allocations – Click the Credit Allocation tab to evaluate both RTF and Intellectual distributions.
IMPORTANT: Regardless of how many PIs you have on the file or how the Intellectual Merit is split up, make sure that each PI has 100 listed next to their department line.
STEP 4 – Evaluating Budget – Click the Budget Summary tab to view and evaluate the budget.
STEP 5 – PI Certification (only for Key Personnel on the routing map) - When entering the proposal for review and approval click Approve.
From there a data validation will appear. Where is says “The Investigators are not all certified...”, click the blue Fix It link.
Investigators need to answer the certifications question, then click save.
STEP 6 – Approve or Return Proposal – On the Proposal Summary screen, click Approve or Return.
Reviewer/Approver Actions: The following are the approver options when a document is routed:
- Approve: This signifies your approval of the proposal and allows it to continue along the workflow path. You may receive a message asking if you wish to receive future approval requests if you also appear in a future workflow stop. Clicking Yes will require you to approve again at the future stop, whereas, clicking No will automatically approve on your behalf at the future stop.
- Return: If the proposal requires substantial corrections, the return action will return the proposal to the aggregator for necessary changes. If you click Return, you must then enter a reason for the action in the confirmation window that appears. Once returned, all of the proposal details, narratives, and budget can be fully edited by the aggregator and then resubmitted into the approval routing workflow for submission.
Other Resources
See also Kuali Knowledge Base instructions, including those for Ad Hoc Routing.