Contractors (Vendors)

Contractors (Vendors) Sarah Vega-Liros

A  contractor (vendor) is issued a purchase order based on a request sent by an administering unit to the university’s Procurement Office. The purchase of goods and services, including “consulting services,” are obtained from a commercial contractor. A contractor provides a good or service that is narrowly constrained or defined, normally a one-time procurement.

A contractor (vendor):

  • Provides similar goods and services to multiple customers as part of their routine business operations.
  • Competes for customers with other like providers.
  • Provices services that are ancillary to the scope of work.
  • Does not retain intellectual property or copyright to the deliverables.
  • Does not require cost sharing
  • Does not seek joint authorship of publications
  • Does not receive the general terms of the Prime Contract.

Note: If the individual or company in question provides a service for which a flat fee is charged for the work to be done and they are not involved in the research effort but simply provide a service at a fixed fee, this transaction of services is classified as a standard procurement rather than a subaward. 

Contractors (Vendors)