Proposal Preparation Guide

Proposal Preparation Guide Allison Koss

This Proposal Preparation Guide contains important information intended to assist faculty and staff in the preparation of sponsored-project applications. 

Developing a new proposal begins when you decide to apply to a specific funding opportunity. For competitive proposals, the process can take from one to twelve months, depending on the number of collaborators involved and the complexity of the project as well as sponsor requirements. We recommend starting the process at least 6-8 weeks prior to the sponsor's due date when possible. Note: Your department or school/college grants office may require even more lead time.

Quick links:

Getting Started & Tools

Getting Started & Tools Allison Koss

Here are some basic tips, tools, and guidance to get you started when preparing a proposal:

Prepare Early

Understand your team's roles and responsibilities

  • Roles & Responsibilities in Research
  • Keep in mind that research administrators are experts in their areas. They are there to help with the administrative details and requirements that you may not be aware of.
  • Agree on a timeline for completing proposal components with your team.
  • Communicate any needed changes to the timeline as soon as possible.  

Proposal Development Tools and Resources

Handy information for proposal development:

To download these files, please log in with your NetID and password when prompted.

Kuali Research

  • The university uses Kuali Research as its electronic Research Administration (eRA) system. 
  • The Proposal Development module of Kuali Research is a software tool available to faculty and staff to assist them with creating proposals and proposal budgets. It is also used to collect required internal approvals and to document proposals and awards.
  • There is a system-to-system interface between Kuali and that allows the proposal created in Kuali to be submitted directly to Other portals such as NSF's or ProposalCentral require proposal documents to be uploaded separately. If not submitting via S2S, a PDF print-out of the full proposal should be added to the Internal Attachments tab in Kuali before routing for internal approvals.
  • See Kuali Research Training Guides and FAQ pageor submit a ticket via the R&E Help Desk for Kuali-related questions.
  • Learn more about Kuali training.
  • Note: You will need an active faculty or staff UMass NetID and password to log into and access Kuali.

Get organized

  • Set up dedicated email and electronic file folders 
  • Be mindful of file naming requirements and controlling document versions 
  • Use templates or create your own based on instructions provided 
  • Get familiar with Kuali and work with your department or school/college research administration staff to create a  Kuali Proposal Development record in the system.
  • Use a whiteboard, calendar, and/or electronic to do list (such as in Outlook or Teams) to track multiple proposals
  • Background documents such as biographical sketches, current and pending, equipment and facilities, etc. can be prepared in advance. Note: The university allows science documents (generally the project description or scope of work, summary or abstract, and bibliography or references cited documents) to be reasonably good and reviewable drafts at routing.

Scope and Budget Preparation

  • Discuss project scope and budget right at the beginning.
  • Review the Fact Sheet for information on fringe and indirect cost rates.
  • Finalize the budget at least a week before submission to OPAS review.
  • Keep last-minute additions and changes to a minimum, as these can delay routing.
  • The budget and budget justification must be final at routing.

Subaward documents

  • Line up partners four weeks or more prior to the due date.
  • Let the proposal development administrator coordinate receiving documentation from any subrecipients; put them in touch with counterparts at partner institutions.
  • Approved subrecipient documents are required at routing.

Science and Background documents

  • Background documents such as biographical sketches, current and pending, equipment and facilities, etc. can be prepared in advance.
  • The university allows science documents (generally the project description or scope of work, summary or abstract, and bibliography or references cited documents) to be reasonably good and reviewable drafts at routing.

Sponsor Forms and Portal

  • Check out sponsor-specific resources.
  • The proposal development administrator can usually help with completing forms, attaching or uploading documents, and entering institutional information. They may need you to share access to the sponsor application portal to help.
  • The OPAS reviewer will always need access in order to review the application.

Administrative Review and Submission

  • Understand the Sponsored Project Proposal Submission Requirements and Procedures (Five Day Submission Procedure)
  • The OPAS reviewers’ job is to help you submit a successful proposal that the sponsor will evaluate based on the science without the distraction of any administrative errors. Some errors can cause a proposal to be returned without review.
  • Stay calm and stay in touch. Your prompt feedback is often required during the five-day review period.
  • Every proposal is an opportunity to learn, even when not awarded. Best of luck!

Budget Preparation

Budget Preparation Allison Koss

There is much to consider when putting together a budget, including compliance with sponsor requirements, solicitation guidelines, and university policy. Below are some basic tips to help make budget development easier:

  • Begin planning early on. Discuss project scope and budget right at the beginning.
  • Refer to sponsor guidance for budget limitations
  • Check in with pre-award support staff in your department or college for help. Areas of campus lacking pre-award support can request help here.
  • Use Kuali to build the budget. It will pull in current salaries and fringe rates.
  • Double check the indirect cost rate – consult the UMass Amherst Indirect Cost Rate Agreement, the on and off campus indirect cost rate determination procedure, sponsor guidelines, and the solicitation to determine the correct indirect cost rate.
  • Include cost sharing only if required by the sponsor
  • Finalize the budget prior to routing to the Office of Pre-Award Services (OPAS), a week ahead if possible. Keep last minute additions and changes to a minimum, as these can delay routing. In general, any changes made once the proposal has been logged in should be made in response to an OPAS review.
  • Make sure the totals match across all documents – Kuali budget, sponsor forms, sponsor budget, and budget justification. After creating the budget and justification, always take one last look at the justification to ensure congruence with the budget. It is easy to miss one or more changes when making edits or adjusting the budget in response to reviewers’ comments.
  • Provide back up documentation to show how costs were determined. Inclusion of these items will facilitate review of the proposal by the OPAS review team by helping confirm reasonableness of cost.

Budget Basics

Budget Basics Allison Koss

A budget is a detailed statement outlining estimated project costs to support a sponsored project. An effective budget outlines a proposed project in fiscal terms and helps reviewers to determine how the project will be conducted.

A budget will typically consist of two main categories of cost:

  1. Direct costs
  2. Indirect costs — also known as Facilities & Administrative (F&A) to the federal government; and generally known as “overhead”.

A budget should include all the Direct Costs and Facilities and Administrative (F&A) (or overhead) costs required to carry out the project objectives. Specific requirements, including cost principles as defined by the federal government in the Office of Management & Budget (OMB)'s Uniform Guidance, must be adhered to at the proposal stage and when the funds are expended. Proposals to non-federal sponsors requesting approval of direct costs which are unallowable for federal reimbursement should clearly include and justify those costs in the budget.

Budgets should be planned ahead of time, and all needs of the project budgeted for. Budgets must be final five days before the proposal deadline, and budget changes within the five days may only be made at the Office of Pre-Award Service's (OPAS) request. If a budget includes subrecipients, those should be included in Kuali and in the proposal package that will be submitted to the sponsor. If a final budget including the required subrecipient information is not included at the time of submission, the proposal will be considered non-compliant to the sponsored project proposal submission requirements and procedures, and will need to go through the late proposal process.

Please follow any budgetary guidelines that may be found in the Request for Proposals (RFP), Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), or other posted sponsor guidelines. Sponsors may limit indirect costs, PI or other salary costs, or require cost share to be responsive to the RFP.

It is also important to understand the Foundational Basis for Costing:

Costs must be 1) Reasonable, 2) Allocable 3) and Allowable, and 4) Consistently treated

Reasonable: The “prudent person” test is employed – would a prudent person purchase the item at this cost? The cost is necessary for the performance of the activity.

Allocable: Costs must be directly related to the sponsored project activity. Costs accrue to the project based on the proportional benefit to the project.

Examples of un-allocable costs:

  • Charging 100% of a maintenance contract to one project although the covered piece of equipment is only utilized 50% of the time on that project.
  • Including personnel costs for a temporary replacement lecturer to cover a professor’s time while that professor is out of the classroom conducting research for the sponsored project activity.

Allocable solutions to the above:

  • Charge the allocable portion (50%) of the maintenance contract.
  • Include academic year salary commensurate with the percentage of effort the faculty member anticipates working on the project. The faculty members’ department will not have to lay out funds to cover the sponsor funded academic salary, thus the lecturer can be paid from those cost savings. This arrangement should not be noted in the sponsor proposal. The faculty member’s effort would simply be referred to as “academic year effort” and not “replacement salary” or “course buyout.”

Allowable: Costs must be allowable according to the governing cost principles, the policies of the sponsor, and UMass policies and procedures. For federally supported projects, The Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Uniform Guidance is the document, other than sponsor guidelines, that determines allowability of cost. OMB’s Uniform Guidance is not applicable to non-federal projects unless federal terms and conditions flow-through from the prime funder.

Consistent: The cost is consistent with established university policies and procedures.

Policies and resources affecting the determination of RAAC (Reasonableness, Allocability, Allowability, and Consistency):

Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR Part 200)

Cost Accounting Standards: Administrative Costs; Cost Sharing Requirements & Procedures; Cost Transfer PolicyUniversity Business and Travel Expense Policy & Standards

Budget Basics

Direct Costs

Direct Costs Allison Koss

Direct costs are those expenses which can be directly attributed to the project.

This section goes over types of direct costs, including:

  • Personnel costs
  • Fringe benefits
  • Materials and supplies
  • Equipment
  • Travel
  • Consultants
  • Subrecipients
  • Other direct costs

Personnel Costs

Personnel Costs Allison Koss

See information outlined below for the following personnel costs: 

  • Faculty salary & effort (academic and summer)
  • Other project staff
  • Administrative/clerical positions
  • Postdoctoral research associates/senior postdoctoral research associates
  • Graduate research assistants
  • Undergraduate students
  • Temporary employees (03)

Faculty Salary & Effort (academic and summer)

  • Proposals should accurately represent the amount of direct research effort that key personnel are committing to the project. The amount of effort committed to a sponsored project is based on a best estimate of the actual effort required to meet the goals and outcomes of the proposed project. 
  • For federally funded projects, effort for all key personnel and in particular for faculty must be budgeted minimally at 1% or greater. This correlates to 0.09 months for academic year appointments and 0.12 for calendar year appointments. As noted, effort should typically be budgeted substantially greater than 1% since budgeted effort should reflect the actual effort needs of the project. For more details, see the policy statement Minimum Effort on Sponsored Projects.
  • Faculty should consult with their department chairs to determine how much time they are allowed to dedicate to research projects. Personnel effort on all ACTIVE awards plus teaching load cannot exceed 100%. In other words, 2.5 months summer salary + committed academic year research effort (up to the maximum percentage allotted for research by your department during the academic year) + Teaching load + Outreach + other obligations = 100%. 
  • Faculty academic year (AY) and summer effort should be budgeted as separate line items. 
  • Show basis of effort in accordance with sponsor guidelines this is either represented on a “person month” basis or % of effort. Because awarded UMass budgets get loaded utilizing a “person month” basis, this should be the default approach. If the sponsor requires using a different basis (% or hourly for example), always provide the person month equivalence in the Budget Justification. 
  • Effort charged to sponsored projects must be allocable, allowable, reasonable, and if awarded consistently reported and tracked in the UMass effort reporting system: Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC). 
  • If awarded, budgeted effort will need to be obligated and spent against the sponsor account. And, importantly, it must be tracked in the ECC system at a level that matches the level of effort as proposed to the sponsor unless the sponsor allows or approves a change in the level of effort. Please consult with OPAM in advance if considering rebudgeting key person effort. 
  • The university must be able to provide auditable records of committed effort. This is achieved primarily by payroll being charged to the grant at a level that aligns with the sponsor expectations for effort commitments. 
  • Alternatively, when sponsors mandate cost-sharing, academic effort can be cost shared and tracked in accordance with University policy and procedures. See Cost Sharing Requirements & Procedures.


  • As a rule of thumb, faculty can expect to maximally allocate up to approximately 3.5 academic months across their grant portfolio without opting for course buy-outs. Consult with department chairs. 
  • Budgeting academic effort is not mandatory, but if academic year effort commitments are significant for any one grant, academic effort should be budgeted. If a significant amount of academic year effort is required, course buy-outs should be explored with the department and budgeted as academic year effort accordingly. Do not refer to the effort as a “course buy-out” in the proposal itself – that is for internal UMass purposes only. Use the term “academic year” effort instead. 
  • If academic year effort commitments for any given project are not anticipated to be significant but rather incidental, effort does not need to be budgeted. In these scenarios, it is assumed that other budgeted project related personnel (Graduate Research Assistants, other faculty, postdocs, etc.) are primarily carrying the project in the academic year.  If it is a federally funded project, do keep the Minimum Effort on Sponsored Projects in mind to satisfy the effort commitment requirements of that policy. 
  • Unless the sponsor mandates cost-sharing, do not refer to contributions of academic year effort in any quantifiable mannerIf academic year effort is not significant, and you are not charging or cost-sharing academic effort, the following language for the budget justification would be acceptable: “The PI will be fully involved in the project throughout the year to ensure that the scope and objectives are met.” 


  • Faculty may charge up to 2.5 summer months across their sponsored projects portfolio in any given year. 
  • If budgeted as summer effort, effort must be committed during the summer. If budgeted as summer salary, effort cannot be committed during the academic year and paid out as summer effort/compensation. 
  • Approval is needed to commit more than 2.5 summer months of effort in any given year. Keep in mind that if 3 months of summer effort is budgeted in any given year, no non-sponsored project activities can take place during the period of compensation (no vacation, course planning, etc.).

Calendar Year 

  • Calendar year faculty are not eligible for summer salary. All effort must be budgeted as calendar year effort.

Emeritus Faculty

Emeritus (retired) faculty are eligible to be Principal Investigators as long as both the department head and dean approve during Kuali proposal routing. Access to Kuali is restricted to faculty and staff with active appointments. Emeritus status is available only to those faculty who have permanently retired from the university. Normally, it is granted only to those with ten or more years of service to the university and who have attained the rank of full professor. Emeritus status is awarded by the chancellor only upon recommendation by the provost.

When combined with retirement salary, the salary for emeritus faculty charged to the sponsor cannot exceed the base annual salary upon retirement: retirement + sponsor funded salary = not greater than base salary upon retirement. After being retired one full calendar year one may earn the difference plus an additional $15,000. More information

Only Worker’s Compensation, UI, UHU, and MTX is assessed on their salary. See current fringe rates.

Other Project Staff

Other project staff consist of technicians, programmers, engineers, project coordinators, administrative/secretarial, etc. 

  • Effort is budgeted based on actual need and as allowable by sponsor. 
  • Do not cost share effort in any way whether quantifiable or not unless the sponsor mandates cost sharing. 
  • Full fringe is typically required.

Administrative/Clerical Positions

Non-federal sponsors: Administrative/clerical costs may be budgeted at will on non-federally funded projects as long as there are no restrictions in the sponsor guidelines and funding is not also prime federal. Be aware of federal flow downs in the guidelines. 

Federal sponsors: In response to federal restrictions on the direct charging of administrative/clerical personnel to sponsored projects, UMass budgets should only include these costs when: 

  • A minimum of 25% FTE (3 months) is budgeted per year 
  • The position is required by the project scope, due to the project's special purpose & circumstance where the services provided go above and beyond the scope of those normally provided by administrative personnel. See the Administrative Cost Requirements. Please review carefully and study sample secretarial justifications as well. 
  • Clarification: Account monitoring, meeting arrangements, or typing general correspondence or reports on behalf of a grant/contract would be considered the normal services to be provided by the University and treated as an indirect cost; consequently they would NOT be allowed as a direct cost.

Postdoctoral Research Associates/Senior Post Doctoral Research Associates

  • Salary levels vary from department to department based on market and seniority – rates not to fall below mandated minimum. 
  • Postdocs cannot be Principal Investigators in their own right. Postdocs must have their faculty advisor as a Co-PIIf sponsor guidelines do not allow for the budgeting of any faculty effort or if the program is strictly a Postdoc research grant or fellowship and specified as such in the sponsor guidelines, the faculty advisor should be listed on the IPF as a Co-PI and included in the IPF routing. See Roles and Responsibilities of Principal Investigators/Co-investigators.

Graduate Research Assistants

  • Determine annual salary, fringe, and tuition charge levels using the Kuali Salary Guide (Excel) found here. This calculator will reliably calculate graduate Research Assistant (RA) base salary, percent of effort, and tuition while also accommodating for sponsor specific Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA). 
  • Print out the Kuali Salary Guide and load it into the Internal Attachments section of Kuali. This will help OPAS confirm your calculations. 
  • Be sure the Budget and the Budget Justification match these calculations.

Undergraduate Students

  • Budget using an hourly rate – must be at least the current Commonwealth of Massachusetts minimum wage.
  • Only budget fringe on summer effort and only if not enrolled in summer classes. See Fact Sheet for current rate (Student Summer Payroll)

Temporary Employees (03)

  • If salary is budgeted for an individual who doesn’t otherwise have an appointment nor will s/he be appointed on a permanent basis if the proposal is awarded, and this individual will be using UMass facilities to help conduct the actual research, that person qualifies as a temporary employee. 
  • 6 month maximum appointment per year (50%) 
  • Non-benefitted: For non-students, classified, professional, or faculty hired below 50% time, benefits are not applicable, only the non-benefitted rate is assessed - Unemployment Compensation Insurance Premium (UI), Universal Health Insurance (UHI) contribution, and the employer share of Medicare Tax (MTX).

Fringe Benefits

Fringe Benefits Allison Koss

Fringe benefits are assessed on salaries depending on appointment type and term (academic year or summer). Fringe must be assessed against the budgeted salary at current rates.

  • Faculty academic year effort: Full fringe less Sick Leave Bank
  • Faculty summer effort: Only Worker’s Comp, UI, UHI, and MTX
  • Faculty 12-month calendar year appointments: Full fringe less Sick Leave Bank
  • Benefitted staff: Full fringe
  • Post docs: Health insurance, Worker’s Compensation, UI, UHI, MTX and Health & Welfare
  • Graduate Research Assistants: GEO Health Deferment rate, Health & Welfare, and Worker’s Compensation/UI/UHI/MTX on summer effort only

Some sponsors restrict charging for fringe or put a cap on the level that can be charged. These are rare, but in the event this requirement is in play, the difference between the amount allowed for reimbursement vs. actual fringe costs must be covered by UMass and typically that coverage will need to come from the department. Please consult with the OPAS pre-award administrator for input.

For current rates and details, please see the Fact Sheet.


Equipment Allison Koss


The definition of equipment, as stated in 45 CFR Parts 74 and 92, is an article of tangible nonexpendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. 

  • Itemize each piece of equipment listing specific brand names and associated specifications that affect costing.
  • In the budget justification, verify why the equipment is needed to carry out the specific aims of the project.
  • Costing must be based on vendor quotes or published catalog rates. Do not guesstimate.
  • Note dedication level in the justification. If budgeting the full cost of the equipment, the proposed project must receive the full benefit of its use. 
  • If a piece of equipment benefits two or more projects, the cost should be allocated proportionately. It is generally expected that only large equipment items should be split funded. Provide the rationale for split funding and be sure to make a direct parallel between expected proportional use and corresponding proportional cost. 
  • If the sponsor's indirect cost base is Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC), equipment is exempt from indirect costs. If it’s a Total Direct Cost (TDC) base, it is not exempt from indirect costs. 

Fabricated Equipment 

Fabricated Equipment is an item of capital equipment that has been constructed at UMass by UMass personnel specifically for a UMass project, as opposed to being purchased “off the shelf” from a vendor or commercial supplier. Fabricated Equipment must satisfy the Federal definition of equipment, meaning it must have a total cost of $5,000 or more, must be non-expendable and must have a useful life of one year or more. 

From time-to-time for reasons of cost efficiency, timeliness of delivery, non-availability or uniqueness of a particular piece of equipment, it may be necessary or advantageous for a research project to fabricate a piece of equipment rather than purchase the item. Such Fabricated Equipment is exempt from the Indirect Cost (F&A) Rate, subject to the criteria listed in the requirements: Fabricated Equipment Costs on Federal Research Grants and Contracts.

Principal Investigators should select Yes to fabricated equipment in the Kuali questionnaire and fill out the further questions.


Travel Sarah Vega-Liros


Travel costs are classified as those expenses for transportation, lodging, subsistence and related items incurred by employees who are traveling on official university business related to a sponsored project. 

Unless otherwise stated by the sponsor, domestic travel is considered to be travel among any of the 50 United States, its possessions and territories, and Canada. 

Foreign travel is classified as travel outside the areas listed above. 

Some items to consider

  • During budget preparation, consideration should be given to expenses for attending professional meetings and conferences related to the project, field work travel and living allowances, consultation with experts, and meetings required by the sponsor. 
  • Travel expenses and requests should be clearly justified and reasonable. 
  • Costs should be based on historical data (previous travel) and the UMass Travel Policy, airline quotes from a travel agency, and sponsor guidelines. 
  • Travel in excess of commercial coach airfare is normally non-recoverable. 
  • Keep in mind, foreign travel is a restricted category by most federal agencies and requires prior approval by the sponsor. 
  • When costs are charged to a federally-sponsored agreement, the use of U.S. flag carriers is required. 
  • The budget justification page should include the number of trips, the purpose and relationship to the project, and the estimated costs for each trip. For foreign travel the countries to be visited and the visit dates must also be included. 

Resources for Travel 

Materials and Supplies

Materials and Supplies Allison Koss

Materials and Supply Costs

Material and supplies is a broad category of costs that contains all non-capital items like computers and electronic equipment as well as laboratory materials and research related supplies. The scope of work will drive what gets budgeted in this cost category. The expenses must benefit the project, as well as be specifically identifiable with the aims of the project.

Budgeted costs must be Reasonable, Allowable, and Allocable (RAA).

  • Reasonable: Basis of cost should be provided in the Budget Justification. The cost should be based on existing costs for same or similar sponsored projects as it correlates to the needs of the project or should be based on actual quotes.  Note the basis of your cost estimate in your Budget Justification.
  • Allowable: The sponsor must allow the budgeting of the cost. Federal cost principles for example restrict the charging of so-called administrative/office supply costing (see below).
  • Allocable: Cost and use must be solely assignable to the sponsored project.

Administrative/Office Supplies (federal)

Office Supplies: This type of expense may be appropriate as a direct charge to a grant/contract only when it clearly benefits/supports programmatic objectives. Examples would include research notebooks and computer paper used during the technical course of a project. Items such as pencils, paper clips, memo pads and post-its are normally considered an indirect cost and therefore not allowable as a direct charge. Reasonable judgment should be exercised when charging office supplies directly to a grant/contract because they are likely to be highly scrutinized during sponsor proposal review or during an audit.

Postage: The direct charging of postage to an award for purposes such as the shipment of materials, mailing of research surveys to human subjects and submitting deliverables is appropriate if reasonable care is taken to assure that such costs are for the sole purpose of the grant/contract and can be specifically identified and justified as such. Routine correspondence is considered to be an indirect cost and not an allowable direct charge.

See Administrative Costs Requirements and the Guidelines for Charges to Sponsored Projects Funded by Federal Agencies

Animal Care Costs

Animal purchases are considered technical supplies. Budget the cost to purchase laboratory animals separately from the cost of animal care. Please consult with the Animal Care Services for current rates.

Computers and Electronic Equipment (Federal)

Although the Uniform Guidance indicates that computing devices need not be solely dedicated to the performance of the federal award, there is still the concept of allocability that must be addressed. We need to confirm the allocability of the item in terms of cost vs. the benefit to the project. The cost of the computer to the project must accrue to the budget proportionally to the expected use. We do need to confirm that if we are budgeting the full cost of the computer that it is not in turn being used for other projects as well.

Incidental use for non-project related emails, etc. is acceptable, but if the project is charged the total cost of the computer, it is assumed that the project benefits proportionally and it is not being used on other projects. If proportional usage is expected, then the amount budgeted must be based on some reasonable expectation of allocable use.

In summary, and other points to consider about costs for use of computers and electronic equipment:

  • They must be necessary for and provide benefit to the project: the computer must be essential for project activities.
  • They must be allowable: the computer is specifically identifiable to the grant as an "unlike circumstance.”  While the Uniform Guidance indicates that the computer does not need to be solely dedicated to the project — it can be split funded and shared with other projects — a robust justification must be provided in the budget narrative demonstrating “unlike circumstance” and thus the justification will provide very specific and robust details on how the technical and scientific nature of the project drives the need to budget computing and electronic devices.  To provide evidence of unlike circumstances, the Principal Investigator must document in the proposal that the use of the computer is beyond the normal and customary use and application of computers in the day‐to‐day operations of the laboratory
  • The items must be directly allocable: the principal use of the computer must be directly allocable to the purpose, goals, and activities of the funded projects; they can be split funded with other projects but the justification should provide a rationale for charging a proportional cost to the grant.
  • They must be reasonable: there must be an informed, prudent decision making regarding the basis of the cost, utility, and value to the project.
  • Although incidental email use is acceptable, they must be non‐personal in nature.
  • The need for the items has been included in the original proposal and completely justified as to the reason it is being included, the purpose and benefit to the project have been fully described.
  • The PI is required to evaluate and ensure that the project does not have reasonable access to other devices or equipment that can achieve the same purpose. Devices may not be purchased for reasons of convenience or preference.  Include this evaluation in the budget justification.

Consultants and Subrecipients

Consultants and Subrecipients Allison Koss


The Internal Revenue Service issued findings against UMass in an audit regarding the payment of individuals as consultants rather than employees (temporary), therefore, special consideration must be taken in the appointment of consultants. 

Please consider the following when budgeting: 

  • A consultant lends their expertise and advice in their given field without actually "working" on the project. 
  • A consultant does not conduct independent research. 
  • A consultant is neither affiliated with UMass nor using its facilities. 
  • A consultant does not use their home institution’s facilities to conduct any portion of their consultancy. For example, a consultant who is also employed by another university must not use their employer’s facilities to carry out their consulting agreement. 
  • A consultant must provide UMass with a letter that describes their role and indicates the number of days/weeks charged to the grant and provide daily or weekly rate. If the letter is on their home institution’s letterhead, the consultant should email the PI or OPAS confirming that they will not be using their home institution’s facilities for any part of their proposed consultancy. 
  • Intellectual property or publishing rights are not anticipated. 
  • UMass and other Commonwealth of Massachusetts employees cannot be paid as consultants on UMass-sponsored projects. 
  • UMass may be subjected to significant institutional tax penalties should the individual be incorrectly classified as a consultant when they are actually working on the project in a manner consistent with employer/employee relationships. 


Generally a subrecipient (known in the Kuali system as an Organization), as compared to a consultant or fee for service vendor, is defined as an entity, often another university, who helps the grantee carry out the activities of the award by independently performing a portion of the research work using their own facilities. 

Documentation needed by OPAS includes: 

  • UMass subrecipient form (to be filled in by subrecipient) 
  • A letter of intent to establish a subaward agreement signed by the subrecipient's business official (OPAS equivalent) endorsing the work referenced in an attached statement of work and budget
  • Statement of work (subrecipient specific does not include UMass effort) 
  • Subaward budget, use sponsor budget forms as applicable 
  • Additional sponsor forms, including certifications as applicable 
  • Most federal sponsors also require biosketches from key personnel 
  • Facilities/Resources statement following sponsor format. Required by most federal sponsors and some non-federal 
  • Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if subrecipient is charging indirect costs) 
  • Sole source justification (provided at award stage) 

The subrecipient's sponsored programs office should forward the items listed above to the UMass PI well in advance of the deadline. The UMass PI will review the subaward budget in the lead proposal. All other items are not typically incorporated into the proposal but forwarded to OPAS for review and held on file in case of audit. 

The UMass detailed budget should not blend subaward costs with UMass project costs. Two separate detailed budgets should be included. The UMass detailed budget will include a line item each year showing Subrecipient Total Costs (inclusive of indirect costs). 

Subaward vs. standard procurement vs. consultant: If the individual or company in question provides a service for which a flat fee is charged for the work to be done and they are not involved in the research effort but simply provide a service at a fixed fee, this transaction of services is classified as a standard procurement rather than a subaward. 

Other Direct Costs

Other Direct Costs Allison Koss

Other Direct Costs

Other direct costs can be a catch all for costing that does not easily belong in any of the other major cost categories. Often they are contracted services rather than supplies, travel, equipment or labor related. They include such costs as:

  • Fee for service costs
  • Participant support costs
  • Maintenance contracts
  • Software licenses
  • Tuition
  • Telephone service

Fee for Service Costs

A fee-for-service cost is when a vendor provides a service for a set fee according to a published rate schedule routinely charged for same or similar items to all potential customers.

  • Examples of fee-for-services have included items such as assay services, catscan services, MRI facilities use, aerial photography, etc.
  • Provide OPAS a copy of the published rate sheet by loading it to the “Internal Attachments” section in Kuali.
  • In contrast to a subrecipient, the vendor would not be responsible for conducting a portion of the research but rather they simply provide a defined service for a set, published fee.
  • Fee-for-service items should be budgeted under "Other Direct Cost” and not blended with “Materials and Supplies”.
  • If the cost is a university-approved fee, the budget justification must show the facilities/service being utilized along with the actual university-approved fee per unit cost. Load a copy of the university-approved rate sheet to the “Internal Attachments” section in Kuali.

Human Subject Compensation (Research Participation Incentives)

Payment or non-monetary reward to subjects as remuneration for time and inconvenience of participation in research studies, as well as an incentive to participate. Compensation can include monetary (cash, gift cards, vouchers, etc.) and/or non-monetary (gifts/promotional items, course credit, extra credit, etc.) enumeration. Such compensation is subject to limits as outlined in the university's Business and Travel Expense Policy and Standards. See also the Controller's Office guidance on compensating human subjects. When budgeted into a grant or contract budget, such costs are treated as other direct costs and included in the direct cost base when calculating indirect costs.

 All research involving human subjects must be reviewed by the campus Institutional Review Board (IRB).  Approval must be obtained prior to any involvement of subjects.

Participant Support Costs

Participant support costs means direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with conferences, or training projects (2 CFR Part 200.75).

  • Costs that qualify as “participant support” are exempt from indirect costs.
  • Participant support costs are often subject to special sponsor regulations, in particular, the NSF –excerpted from the “Grant Proposal Guide”:

    “This budget category refers to costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with NSF sponsored conferences or training projects. Any additional categories of participant support costs other than those described in 2 CFR § 200.75 (such as incentives, gifts, souvenirs, t-shirts and memorabilia), must be justified in the budget justification, and such costs will be closely scrutinized by NSF. (See also GPG Chapter II.D.9) For some educational projects conducted at local school districts, however, the participants being trained are employees. In such cases, the costs must be classified as participant support if payment is made through a stipend or training allowance method. The school district must have an accounting mechanism in place (i.e., sub-account code) to differentiate between regular salary and stipend payments.”
  • In contrast with the NSF, NIH states that unless specifically listed as an allowable cost in the Program Announcement, NIH and other PHS agencies applicants should not budget Participant Support Costs. Keep this in mind and note the qualifying criteria in the definition provided above from 2 CFR Part 200.75.
  • UMass requires projects to track participant support costs in a separate sub-account
  • The transfer of funds budgeted for participant support costs, as defined in the Uniform Guidance (§200.75), to other categories of expense requires sponsor approval.

What does not qualify as participant support costs

  • Honoraria for guest speaker at a conference, symposium or workshop
  • Human Subjects – Incentive payments to encourage individuals to participate in research study and provide private data/information through intervention or interaction.  This includes participation in surveys and interviews.
  • Fellowships – financial support for a postdoctoral fellow to do things such as attend conferences or workshops
  • Payments to university employees (faculty, staff, and student employee on the award) or subrecipients
  • Project organizer, consultant, facilitator, or coordinator of the workshop, conference, training session
  • Speaker fees (unless the majority of time is spent as a participant and not a speaker)
  • Rental fees, catering and general supplies

Maintenance Contracts

Budgeted costs must be Reasonable, Allowable, and Allocable (RAA).

  • Reasonable: Basis of cost should be provided in the budget justification. The cost should be based on existing costs for same or similar contracts, quotes, or on-line catalog prices. Note basis in your budget justification.
  • Allocable: Cost must accrue to the budget based on benefit to the project for the covered item. If the equipment will be used 100% on the project, 100% of the maintenance can be charged to the sponsor. Provide a rationale for proportional usage and corresponding cost. See Budget Justification.

If budgeting based on expected proportional use, split funding generally should not fall below a reasonable level whereby multiple investigators share the cost in a manner that would suggest the need to create a fee based account for shared equipment use.

Split funding maintenance contracts should generally only occur on large laboratory equipment, not small equipment.

Software Licenses

Budgeted costs must be Reasonable, Allowable, and Allocable (RAA).

  • Reasonable: Basis of cost should be provided in the Budget Justification. The cost should be based on existing costs for same or similar contracts, quotes, or on-line catalog prices. Note basis in your Budget Justification
  • Allocable: Cost must accrue to the budget based on benefit to the project for the covered item.  Software cannot be split funded with other accounts. The budget justification should name the software product; note that it is dedicated to the project; and provide a strong justification for why it is needed especially emphasizing what aspect of the project will benefit from its use. The software should not be general purpose software but rather specialized in a manner that supports the specific technical aims of the project.

Do not split fund software. It must be dedicated exclusively to the aims of the proposed project.

Tuition Charge

A tuition charge (TC) is assessed on working Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) appointments.

  • TC is budgeted on an hourly basis during the academic year up to 760 hours per academic year (20 hrs. a week for 38 weeks as outlined in the GEO/university contract definition of "full-time"), per GRA. Summer effort is exempt.
  • For current rates, see the Fact Sheet
  • TC is always exempt from indirect costs.
  • If tuition is not allowed by the sponsor and that restriction is clearly noted in their guidelines, TC cost cannot be budgeted.
  • Use the Salary Guide (Excel) found here.

Telephone Service

Toll calls are allowable if they are allocable to the project and justified in the budget justification. Cell phones are generally not allowable due to difficulties of assuring allocability. They are however allowed in extremely unique situations.

Further guidance:

  • Explain why these devices are necessary for the performance of grant work or are necessary in order to accomplish the programmatic objectives of the project; clarify how they are for business, not personal use.
  • Is there an extensive and continual need for such devices throughout the project life, rather than simply an infrequent or periodic occurrence?
  • Demonstrate that the charges are easily allocable to the grant: substantiate that the cost will be solely consumed by, and solely benefit, the sponsored agreement or can be easily allocated in some manner.
  • Substantiate that these devices will be used for project work at a remote site inaccessible to normal departmental administrative support or normal phone facilities.

Charges for land lines are also not generally allowable except for extremely unique situations. The land line must be dedicated to the project and a strong justification provided that ties back to the technical needs of the project and specific aims of the project.

Cost of Living Adjustment

Cost of Living Adjustment Allison Koss

A cost of living adjustment (COLA) or allowance must be budgeted in order to cover cost increases ranging from union mandated raises for salaries and generic inflationary forces for other direct costs.


  • Budget 3% to 5% COLAs for future years on multiple year projects.
  • Some sponsors set limits on COLAs. For example, NIH limits them to 2%.
  • If the budgeted rate of pay exceeds the employee's current rate of pay by more than 5%, or is otherwise out of line with bargaining unit agreements, please provide an explanation. Are there any pending personnel actions or anticipated promotions? Since OPAS is required to assess reasonableness of cost, provide detail either in a note to OPAS or in the budget justification itself.
  • The PI should be prepared with supporting documentation when sponsor award negotiation occurs in case any questions arise.

For the latest bargaining unit contracts and information on COLA's and merit raises, visit Human Resources.

Non-Salary Inflation Factor

  • Anywhere from 3 to 5% is also recommended.
  • Some sponsors place limits on the rate of inflation built into the proposal. Check sponsor guidelines for any restrictions.
  • Cost of living increases should not be applied to fringe or indirect cost (F&A) rates: use current (predetermined) rates or provisional rates as applicable. See the Fact Sheet.

Tuition Charge

  • Tuition charges should be inflated by 2 to 5%. Apply the same COLA rate to tuition charges as for salary and non-salary items in the budget. So, for NIH budgets, use 2%. For most other sponsors, use a COLA of between 3 and 5%.
  • Keep in mind that actual tuition rates will apply to the award, and tuition rates usually increase every year, so it is best practice to apply a COLA.  
  • Please reach out to the R&E Help Desk with questions about sponsor policies that deviate from these instructions.

Indirect Costs

Indirect Costs Allison Koss

Unless the sponsor has a published policy disallowing them, indirect costs must be budgeted see below for more details. For current rates, see the Fact Sheet. 


Indirect costs, also known as overhead and more recently defined by the federal government as Facilities and Administration (F&A), are those costs that UMass incurs for common or joint objectives that cannot be identified easily with a particular project. Such costs are for UMass facilities and administrative services as a whole. 

The following are some examples of the pooled costs used by the university in determining its indirect cost rates: 

  • Maintaining and operating a physical plant 
  • Utilities 
  • General administration 
  • Library 
  • Use of capital assets 


Indirect costs are assessed on a percentage basis against the direct costs of the project including salary, fringe, supplies, administrative costs, travel, consultants, subawards, maintenance contracts, etc. Tuition Charges are always exempt from indirect costs. 

Important considerations: 

Indirect cost rates vary according to the following factors: 

Project type 

Project types include: 1) Research; 2) Instruction; or 3) Other sponsored activities such as conference funding and short term workshops.  


Sponsored Research means all research and development activities that are sponsored by federal and non-federal agencies and organizations. This term includes activities involving the training of individuals in research techniques where such activities utilize the same facilities as other research and development activities and where such activities are not included in the instruction function. 

Research seeks fuller knowledge of a subject and involves investigation aimed at the discovery of new facts or revision of accepted theories. Research projects may include laboratory work, testing and evaluation, questionnaires, pre- and post-tests, and statistical analysis. 


Sponsored Instruction means the teaching and training activities of an institution established by grant, contract, or cooperative agreement. These activities may be offered for credits toward a degree or certificate or on a non-credit basis, and may be offered through regular academic departments or through separate divisions, such as summer school or extension. (Research training is not included; it is included under Research above.) 

Instruction is used when the primary purpose of the project involves training, curriculum development, instruction, demonstration, or efforts to improve pedagogical methods.  Instructional projects may include some elements of research, particularly if new techniques of instruction or curriculum content are being developed. 

  • Any project for which the purpose is to instruct any student at any location; recipients of this instruction may be UMass students or staff, teachers or students in elementary or secondary schools, or the general public 
  • Curriculum development projects at any level, including projects which involve evaluation of curriculum or teaching methods; such evaluation may be considered “research” only when the preponderance of activity is data collection, evaluation and reporting 
  • Projects which involved UMass students in community service activities for which they are receiving academic credit. 
  • Activities funded by awards to departments or schools for the support of students 
  • Dissertation work funded by grants, including grants for travel in relation to a dissertation 
  • Programs bringing local students on campus for classes 
  • General support for the writing of textbooks or reference books, video or software to be used as instructional materials. 
Other Sponsored Activities 

Other Sponsored Activities are programs and projects sponsored by federal and non-federal agencies which involve the performance of work other than instruction and organized research. They usually involve community engagement.

Examples include health service projects, community service programs, non-credit community education, and conferences. 

Sponsor Type

Sponsor types include: Federal, industry, non-Massachusetts governmental agencies; foundations and non-profits; Commonwealth of Massachusetts and local government agenciesKeep in mind that the prime source of funds is often the determining factor of defining whether a project has a federal or non-federal rate. For example, if the Commonwealth of Massachusetts receives federal funding and issues a subaward to UMass, if federal terms and conditions of the federal prime flow down, indirect costs would generally be budgeted at the federal rate and not the Commonwealth of Massachusetts indirect cost rate. When in doubt, check with your business manager or OPAS contact. 

Sponsor-mandated Restrictions

If the sponsor does not allow, or limits the indirect cost rate, the sponsor guidelines or other published sponsor policy must be provided to your business manager and to OPAS.  

  • When in doubt, contact your business manager and/or OPAS as early as possible.  
  • If the rate is not supported by a published policy or in written guidelines that applies to all applicants, the applicable indirect cost rates must be budgeted.
  • Emails from sponsors do not suffice as adequate documentation. It must be a published restriction.
  • On the Kuali Questionnaire, check Yes to indirect cost variance and further check Sponsor-mandated.


Indirect costs vary depending on the indirect cost base. Indirect costs are assessed either on a Total Direct Cost (TDC) basis or a so-called Modified Total Direct Cost basis (MTDC). Check sponsor guidelines for direction. 

If the guidelines are inconclusive, please confer with your business manager or with the OPAS pre-award administrator assigned to that particular sponsor. 

Total Direct Cost basis (TDC) 

  • Indirect costs are assessed on all direct costs less the tuition charge. 
  • Tuition Charge is always exempt from indirect costs. 
  • TDC is the default base for foundations/non-profits unless the guidelines specify otherwise. 
  • Consult sponsor guidelines for applicable rates/bases. 

Modified Total Direct Cost basis (MTDC) 

Indirect costs are NOT assessed on the following costs: 

  • Equipment (with a unit cost of $5,000) 
  • Tuition 
  • Subaward costs in excess of $25,000 (indirects only assessed on the first $25,000 of each subaward) 
  • Patient care costs 
  • Rental costs of off-site facilities (not owned by UMass) 
  • Fellowships and scholarships 
  • Capital expenditures (construction costs) 
  • Participant support costs

On-Off Campus Indirect Cost Determination

There are two scenarios that drive when the off-campus indirect cost rate can be used. 

Scenario #1 applies when all project activities are performed in facilities that are: 

  • Not owned by UMass Amherst and; 
  • Rent is directly allocated/budgeted to the project(s) 

Scenario #2 where project activities are performed in facilities provided at no cost by another organization for longer than one semester or three summer months.  

  • Qualifying project personnel must be budgeted for that period of time (1 semester or three summer months) 
  • Qualifying project personnel must be at the off-campus location continuously without interruption – there cannot be regular or intermittent travel back to UMass during that period. 
  • Home offices do not qualify as “off-campus 
  • the off-campus facility must be used in place of UMass Amherst facilities 
  • The direct costs must be apportioned between on-campus and off-campus components. Each portion will bear the appropriate rate see the Fact Sheet for current rates. 

For all other conditions which do not meet the requirements of the two scenarios listed above, the on-campus indirect cost rate shall be applied to the modified total direct costs of the project. 

Processing Procedures 

An explanation of the indirect cost rate(s) applied in the project budget should be included in the budget explanation to the sponsor. This should be done by providing a table or tables that provides a distinction between on and off-campus costs. 

Unrestricted Grant

Unrestricted grants carry a reduced indirect cost rate but are also very strictly defined – the award and the project are, simply put, unrestricted. See detailed description below: 

Unrestricted grants carry an indirect cost rate of 10% TDC for any award $1000 or more. The F&A is assessed in all cases. In order to be classified as an unrestricted grant, the faculty members must be free to use the funds in any way that benefits the university by supporting their general research interests. They differ from regular grants and contracts in that there can be no formal requirements by the sponsor for financial or technical reports and the sponsor has no claim whatsoever to any intellectual property rights that may result from projects supported by unrestricted grants. Because of the unrestricted nature of the project, it is anticipated that there is no attributed level of effort on behalf of the PI. If the PI feels that a level of effort is required, the PI must report that level of effort to OPAS and the award letter must provide the sponsors acknowledgment and approval that the PI use this money for appropriate salary per university guidelines. 

For current rates, see the Fact Sheet. 

Indirect Cost Waivers 

If a reduced indirect cost rate or total waiver of indirect costs is deemed desirable by the PI, a request can be submitted for consideration by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement all applicants

  • The VCRE may reduce indirect costs rates with substantial justification. 
  • Reductions are an exception rather than the rule. 
  • For the process to seek such a reduction, see the Indirect Cost Waiver/Reduction Form.
  • Read the instructions carefully. 
  • Indirect cost waiver requests must be submitted to the VCRE via the dean with chair input no later than 12 days before the sponsor deadline. 

Budget Justification

Budget Justification Allison Koss


A well-developed budget is accompanied by a budget explanation or narrative, also known as a budget justification. A complete and realistic budget justification demonstrates that your project is well conceived. It also tends to minimize the chances that sponsors will arbitrarily reduce or eliminate budget categories. Sponsors have a good idea of what a project should cost, and generally know when you are over or under budgeting. See some examples/templates below.

The budget is reviewed by OPAS and the sponsor to verify that costs are reasonable, allowable, allocable and necessary to carry out the proposed project, and if it conforms to the sponsor's instructions. During award negotiations a budget is sometimes subjected to further analysis by the sponsor's audit staff. Thus it is important to maintain all the documentation and justification you can assemble for each cost element and category, in case the sponsor questions items and estimates.

For newcomers to the process, consult with experienced faculty or staff within your department for advice, or contact the OPAS pre-award administrator assigned by sponsor to discuss potential costing.

The budget justification is a categorical description of the proposed costs. Generally, it explains staffing and supply/service consumption patterns, the methods used to estimate/calculate (including escalation or inflation factors) and other details such as lists of items that make up the total costs for a category. The budget justification should address each of major cost categories (salaries, fringe benefits, equipment, travel, supplies, other direct costs and indirect costs), as well as any additional categories required by the sponsor.

A thoroughly written justification that explains both the necessity and the basis for the proposed costs must accompany the budget. The justification section is critical as it enables the principal investigator to emphasize the importance of essential project costs. A budget that is adequately and appropriately justified is the best way to assure a positive cost analysis by the sponsor.

Below are some helpful tips:

  • Organize the budget justification listing items in the same order and format as the sponsor’s budget categories.
  • Only include budgeted items. Some sponsors like NSF will disqualify a proposal if contributed items are listed. Do not list cost-shared items unless cost-sharing is mandated by the sponsor.
  • Budget narrative must match the budget in terms of dollar amounts and language — double check everything.
  • Explain why items are essential in relation to the aims and methodology of the project as well as meeting the goals of the project.
  • Explain the line items. Do not merely restate the proposed expenditure.
  • Provide detail sufficient to justify the rationale for acquiring the item under the proposed project.

Budget Justification Examples and Templates

Salaries and Wages

Also see Personnel Costs.

  • List all personnel and positions to be paid with project funds and briefly describe their role in the project.
  • Only list paid personnel unless cost-sharing is mandated by the sponsor.
  • In addition to how the sponsor requires effort to be shown, also always list effort in person months for faculty and staff. For Graduate Research Assistants, list number of months and hours per week.
  • When listing effort, do not use approximations. Show effort out to two decimal points (e.g. 1.52 months) as applicable.
  • Include a COLA of 3% to 5%. Verify any sponsor-driven limitations on COLAs. Currently for example, UMass budgets only 2% with the NIH.


Also see Consultants and Subrecipients.

  • List consultant name and describe in detail the services to be performed.
  • Include number of days, rate of compensation, and total amount per year. This must be corroborated in a letter provided by the consultant.

Materials and Supplies

Also see Materials and Supplies.

  • Only request supplies directly relevant (allocable) to the research plan.
  • Explain in detail why specific supplies are needed.
  • Do not request general office supplies if federal (allowability).
  • Budgeting should be based on actual experience or quotes (reasonableness).
  • Use an inflation factor (COLA) for future years (verify any sponsor limits).
  • The breakdown should be more detailed when the total supplies cost is substantial. Where large amounts of supplies or expensive items are budgeted, specify items and justify their necessity.

Equipment & Travel

Also see Equipment & Travel.

  • Definition of Equipment: A unit cost of $5,000 or more and a useful life of at least one year.
  • Get accurate price quotes.
  • Explain why the equipment is needed in support of the project aims.
  • Confirm equipment is dedicated to the project. If equipment is shared with other projects, budget an amount that corresponds to expected project use and verify the rationale. Split funding of equipment should only generally occur with large equipment purchases.
  • Ask for reasonable amounts.
  • Indicate basis of cost (historical, quotes, etc.).
  • State exactly which relevant meeting/conference you plan to attend. If not known, provide examples.
  • Include breakdown of costs for airfare, meals, lodging, and ground transportation. Some sponsors like NSF will reject a proposal if insufficient details are provided.
  • Include number of people, number of days, purpose and location of travel.
  • Budgeting should be based on actual experience or quotes.
  • Use an inflation factor (COLA) for future years.
  • Avoid partial financing of travel requirements.

Other Direct Costs

Also see Other Direct Costs.

  • Fee-for-service: Justify use; show the university approved rate, or if an external vendor, their published rate.
  • Equipment maintenance and service contract (justify need) and verify that the covered equipment is dedicated to the project;  If proportional use on the covered equipment is anticipated, provide the proportional cost/use rationale;  Cost/usage should not generally fall below 50%; Note the basis of the cost (quotes, etc.).
  • Software should be identified by brand, type, and unit cost; verify in the justification that it is dedicated to the project; and provide a strong justification for why it is needed especially emphasizing what aspect of the project will benefit from its use; the software should not be general purpose software but rather specialized in a manner that supports the specific technical aims of the project; verify basis of cost (quotes, catalog prices, etc.)
  • Human Subject Payments (breakdown # of subjects and cost to each).
  • Provide details for publication costs.
  • Give detailed breakdown of each cost.
  • Tuition — provide details. See the Fact Sheet for current rates and provide them to the sponsor. Use the Kuali Salary Guide found here.


Also see Consultants and Subrecipients.

  • Clearly identify subrecipient organizations and their key personnel.
  • Briefly explain their scope of work.
  • Explain the need to subaward with a particular organization, expertise of subrecipient PI/key personnel, institutional facilities.
  • Keep in mind that subrecipients will provide their own detailed budgets and corresponding budget justifications. These should be separate and distinct from the UMass budget and budget justification and follow the UMass budget and budget justification.

Cost Restrictions on Federally-Supported Projects

Cost Restrictions on Federally-Supported Projects Allison Koss

Federally-supported projects are subject to several cost restrictions, which are outlined in the OMB Uniform Guidance. Because the university must treat like costs in a similar manner, these restrictions have been implemented in the Administrative Costing Requirements for Proposals and Awards policy. Cost categories that the university normally charges as indirect costs must meet specific requirements to be justified as direct costs.

These costs include: 

  • Administrative or clerical salaries
  • Office supplies
  • Postage
  • Telephone service

These costs are likely to be more highly scrutinized and must be well-justified. Be sure to review the resources below, and check in with your department or college business manager or grant administrator, OPAS Pre-award administrator, or the R&E Help Desk with questions.


Policies and Resources Affecting Administrative/Secretarial Compensation

Sponsor Guidelines

Sponsor Guidelines Allison Koss

Navigating the complex web of sponsor guidelines can be confusing. Many sponsors such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have several sets of guidelines that must be considered in addition to specific guidelines mentioned in a solicitation. Below are some tips to help make the proposal development process easier:

  • Review the OPAS Sponsor-Specific Resources for specialized guidance on NIH, NSF, DOD, Commonwealth of MA, non-profits, and other sponsors.
  • Begin planning early on. Check in with pre-award support staff in your department or college for help.
  • R&E also provides Proposal Preparation Services if department or school/college support is unavailable. 
  • Carefully review the most recent applicable guidelines. In addition to the solicitation, you will want to review the sponsor’s general instructions. For NIH, this is called the General Instructions for NIH and Other PHS Agencies. Please note that NIH has several sets of instructions based on the type of proposal. For example, R01 proposals follow the ‘Research’ instructions, while F32 fellowship proposals follow the ‘Fellowship’ instructions. For NSF, you should review the NSF Proposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide.
  • Compare the instructions in the solicitation to the general guidelines. The solicitation always takes precedence when the two diverge. If the solicitation is unclear on the content of a specific document, refer to the general guidelines.
  • Be sure to click all links in the solicitation, to view additional instructions, templates, or guidelines. The sponsor's website may also contain valuable information including webinars and FAQs. Sometimes guidance is only accessible after logging in to the application portal so be sure to get access early.
  • Pay special attention to attachment format. These directions often apply to all proposals submitted to that sponsor and contain information regarding acceptable font type, size, color, margin size, file naming conventions, citations, and other formatting rules. These instructions will also discuss whether things like images, videos, URLs, headers, pages numbers, etc. are required, allowed, or should be excluded.
  • Double check that you have included all required documents. After reviewing the general guidelines and the solicitation, you should have a good sense of which documents you are required to include. Put together a checklist if the sponsor does not provide one to be sure you have everything covered.
  • Try using Proposal Development Tools and view other proposal resources.
  • Don't forget to load the relevant sponsor guidelines to the Kuali record before routing!
  • If you are unclear about any requirements, please contact the OPAS staff person assigned to that sponsor, contact the R&E Help Desk, or email @email.  

​​​​​​​Collaborations and Required Documentation

​​​​​​​Collaborations and Required Documentation Allison Koss

Subrecipients, Consultants, and Contractors (Vendors)

It is important to line up collaborations with research partners four weeks or more prior to the due date to request required documents and to work out the appropriate roles for each collaborator. There is often confusion at the proposal stage when determining whether a participant in a project will be a subrecipient, consultant, or contractor (vendor). The proper determination depends mainly on the substance of the relationship and engagement between UMass and the entity. It is important to make the determination before the proposal and budget are finalized.

Proper classification of collaborations and correct documentation is in the PI's and the university's best interest. Not doing so will slow down the proposal and award process, and can also have a negative impact on the funds available for project direct costs. In addition: 

  • The sponsor's approval process (required by most sponsors when a subaward is added or identified after an award is made) can significantly delay the issuance of the subaward and could impact the scope of work.
  • If a subaward must be added, funds for the subaward (which will include direct and their indirect costs) will have to be rebudgeted from awarded funds, which could leave a deficit in the remaining funds available to complete the full project.
  • Intellectual property rights are given to the subrecipient, and not to consultants or contractors (vendors).
  • The university may be subjected to significant institutional tax penalties should the individual be incorrectly classified as a consultant when they are actually working on the project in a manner consistent with employer/employee relationships, or where the individual is carrying out a role that is more consistent with a subrecipient role. 
  • The university may be subject to audit findings if awarded funds are improperly allocated or not expended in compliance with federal requirements and guidance.
  • International (foreign) collaborations may require additional vetting, budgeting considerations (International Research Tab), and compliance requirements. Please reach out to OPAS well in advance of routing any proposal with an international component.

Please review the definitions of subrecipient, consultant, or contractor (vendor). If you have any questions, or need clarification, it is advisable to contact your OPAS pre-award administrator, or reach out to the R&E Help Desk prior to finalizing your proposal and budget.

Proposal Requirements & Documentation

The following documentation is required when the UMass proposal contains one of the following:


The UMass PI must plan for the inclusion of a subrecipient in the proposal in advance of the proposal deadline to OPAS to allow sufficient time to gather all required documents and for the PI to review and approve the scope and budget of the subrecipient. If proper documentation is not included, the subaward may need to be excluded from the project or included on a “To Be Named” basis only. 

Subrecipient Documentation:

Here’s what to request from prospective subrecipient on any proposal. OPAS requires these items before the proposal can be submitted to the sponsor.

  1. A UMass Amherst subrecipient commitment form (found here under the Pre-Award FORMS section) must be completed and signed by the Sponsored Projects Office (OPAS equivalent) of the subrecipient, including members of the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP). If an FDP member, the subrecipient's information from the FDP Clearinghouse site should be uploaded to Kuali and included with the other subrecipient documents.
  2. A letter signed by the subrecipient's business official (OPAS equivalent) endorsing the work referenced in an attached statement of work and budget.
  3. Statement of Work (or Scope of Work) describing the work to be done by the subrecipient’s personnel only. It should not include any work to be done by UMass personnel) .
  4. Detailed budget (use sponsor format if required). Budgets should include detailed yearly and cumulative budgets (itemized budget should include salaries and wages, fringe benefits, equipment, travel, materials and supplies, and other costs as allowable).
  5. Budget justification.
  6. Biographical sketch in sponsor format for all senior personnel.
  7. Current and Pending Support/Other Support forms for all senior personnel (if required).
  8. Collaborator and Other Affiliations Form/List of Conflicts of Interest for Selection of Reviewers (if required).
  9. Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if the subrecipient is charging indirect costs).
  10. Fringe rate agreement (if charging fringe benefits) or link to a PDF.
  11. Letter of commitment or collaboration (if required by sponsor).

Other required documentation may include:

  • Other documents as required by the sponsor’s guidelines.
  • Facilities/Resources/Equipment statement following sponsor format
  • When required, subrecipient documents should be put onto sponsor forms or formatted according to sponsor requirements.
  • Additional sponsor forms, including certifications as applicable 

The subrecipient's grant's office should forward the items listed above to the UMass PI well in advance of the university's internal deadline. The UMass PI will review the subrecipient’s budget and statement of work, and if it looks in keeping with expectations, incorporate the subrecipient budget into the lead proposal.  Subrecipient documentation must be included in the proposal record for OPAS for review and to hold on file in case of audit. 

  • Merge subrecipient documentation into one PDF package per subrecipient with the subrecipient commitment form being the first document in the package. This minimally consists of the subrecipient form, scope of work, budget, budget justification, and indirect cost rate agreement (if applicable). Load subrecipient's approved documentation to the proposal record; attach in the Internal Attachment tab of Kuali before routing the proposal.
  • When required, some subrecipient documents need to be loaded into the sponsor’s online submission system (e.g. budgets, budget justifications, biographical sketches, current and pending, etc.).

A proposal that include subrecipients without a budget, budget justification, statement of work and subrecipient commitment form for each subrecipient will not be considered complete, and the proposal will not be logged into OPAS without these items.


  • A signed letter from the consultant providing details on the nature of their consulting activities and documenting the basis for their rates (hourly or daily rate, # days or hours consulting, etc.).
  • A link to their published rate structure if available.
  • If the consultant is a colleague at another university or education institution the letter must confirm that the consulting activities will fall outside of the individual’s normal academic responsibilities and that he/she is not using his/her institution’s facilities, personnel, students equipment or any other resources for the consulting activities. If they are, then it is a subrecipient relationship, and not a consultancy.

Contractor (vendor)

  • A letter or formal quote from the contractor (vendor) detailing the activities, services, or items to be provided and the basis for the charges

Unpaid Collaborators/Other Significant Contributors

In general, when a named collaborator is going to provide information, expertise, and the like in a proposal, a letter from the collaborator should be included as part of the proposal, whether or not the collaborator will be paid by the project.

  • Unpaid Collaborators or Other Significant Contributors (OSC) do not have any measurable effort and do not conduct research on behalf of the proposed UMass project in a way that is integral to the project. OSC’s act in an advisory capacity with so little devoted effort it’s not measurable. An OSC conducts their own parallel research that can be complementary to ours but it should not be integral and incorporated into the aims of our project in such a way that makes them a foundational member of the research team. An OSC’s research is supplementary and complementary with ours in such a way that, all things being equal, our work could technically progress without their input. The point isn’t that they aren’t charging for effort, it isn’t that they don’t provide important contributions, it’s that their effort commitments are so minimal, they are not in theory measurable, thus they are characterized as having “no measurable effort.”
  • There can be collegial sharing of research results, but if the OSC’s effort is integral to the project and is committed to this project in a manner that in actuality results in measurable effort (beyond ad hoc contributions), then the proper collaborative vehicle would be a subaward.

OSCs provide things like:

  • Animal lines, like mice lines at no charge
  • Access to laboratories for training purposes. Often quid pro quo and of course gratis.
  • Provide ad hoc advisory consultations, gratis. Effort is so minimal that it is not measurable.
  • Shares results of their own research in a way that will supplement ours. This research will not be conducted in a way that solely benefits our project. The research is already being conducted by the OSC and the results are being shared. They are not carrying out or otherwise responsible for the conduct of research as stated in our Specific Aims. Time committed specifically to our project is so minimal that effort is not essentially measurable.

For NIH:

  • OSC’s are listed in the Senior Key person section of the proposal as well as the bottom of the Personnel Justification (if Modular), or at the bottom of the budget justification if non-modular.
  • A biographical sketch must be loaded in the Senior Key person section. If a biosketch is not available, the individual cannot be listed as an OSC. A letter of support however can be loaded, but they cannot be referred to in the proposal as an OSC.

For NSF:

  • Any substantial collaboration with individuals not included in the budget should be described in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal (see GPG) and documented in a letter of collaboration from each collaborator. Such letters should be provided in the supplementary documentation section of the Proposal Preparation Module and follow the format instructions specified in the PAPPG.
  • Letters of collaboration should be limited to stating the intent to collaborate and should not contain endorsements or evaluation of the proposed project. The recommended format for letters of collaboration is as follows: “If the proposal submitted by Dr. [insert the full name of the Principal Investigator] entitled [insert the proposal title] is selected for funding by NSF, it is my intent to collaborate and/or commit resources as detailed in the Project Description or the Facilities, Equipment or Other Resources section of the proposal.”
  • While letters of collaboration are permitted, unless required by a specific program solicitation, letters of support should not be submitted as they are not a standard component of an NSF proposal. Letters of support are typically from a key stakeholder such as an organization, collaborator or Congressional Representative, and are used to convey a sense of enthusiasm for the project and/or to highlight the qualifications of the PI or co-PI.


Consultants Sarah Vega-Liros

A Consultant may be an individual or a commercial entity and is a type of contractor (vendor) paid through a purchase order issued by the Office of Procurement. A consultant provides guidance or shares technical expertise on a specific aspect of the scope of work. In the past, the Internal Revenue Service issued audit findings against UMass regarding the payment of individuals as consultants rather than as employees or temporary employees. Therefore, special consideration must be taken in the appointment of consultants. Commonwealth of Massachusetts employees, including faculty from any of the other UMass campuses, may not serve as consultants.

A consultant's roles or characteristics include:

  • An individual consultant is a non-UMass employee hired to provide technical expertise in support of a sponsored research project. As a general rule, the activities performed by a non-UMass faculty member who is named as an individual consultant in a proposal must fall outside of the individual’s normal academic duties and cannot make use of his/her institutional facilities, personnel or students. If these criteria are not met, then the faculty member’s home institution should appear as a subrecipient in the UMass proposal rather than as a consultant. 
  • consulting firm is a commercial entity whose regular business activity is to provide services similar to those proposed under the current project.
  • UMass and other Commonwealth of Massachusetts employees cannot be paid as consultants on UMass-sponsored projects.
  • A consultant lends their expertise and advice in their given field without conducting any independent research on the project. 
  • A consultant’s deliverable may be intermittent throughout the project, is not clearly defined and do not ordinarily generate patentable or copyrightable results of an original or substantive nature.
  • A consultant’s services are on a “work for hire” basis and all intellectual property or copyrightable rights are assigned to UMass by the consultant.
  • A consultant is not subject to the compliance requirements of the Prime Contract.
  • A consultant’s fee is based on an hourly or daily rate which is provided and explained in a consultant rate proposal.
  • A consultant must provide UMass with a letter that describes their role and indicates the number of days/weeks charged to the grant and provide daily or weekly rate. As a general rule, the activities performed by a non-UMass faculty member who is named as an individual consultant in a proposal must fall outside of the individual’s normal academic duties and cannot make use of his/her institutional facilities, personnel or students. If the consultant letter is on their home institution’s letterhead, the letter should indicate that the individual consultant will not be using their home institution’s facilities for any part of their proposed consultancy. An email to the PI or to OPAS may be substituted if this information is omitted from the signed letter.

Contractors (Vendors)

Contractors (Vendors) Sarah Vega-Liros

A  contractor (vendor) is issued a purchase order based on a request sent by an administering unit to the university’s Procurement Office. The purchase of goods and services, including “consulting services,” are obtained from a commercial contractor. A contractor provides a good or service that is narrowly constrained or defined, normally a one-time procurement.

A contractor (vendor):

  • Provides similar goods and services to multiple customers as part of their routine business operations.
  • Competes for customers with other like providers.
  • Provices services that are ancillary to the scope of work.
  • Does not retain intellectual property or copyright to the deliverables.
  • Does not require cost sharing
  • Does not seek joint authorship of publications
  • Does not receive the general terms of the Prime Contract.

Note: If the individual or company in question provides a service for which a flat fee is charged for the work to be done and they are not involved in the research effort but simply provide a service at a fixed fee, this transaction of services is classified as a standard procurement rather than a subaward. 

Contractors (Vendors)


Subrecipients Sarah Vega-Liros

A subrecipient, also known as subawardee (called an “Organization” in the Kuali system), is distinguished from both a contractor (vendor) and a consultant in that a subrecipient is responsible for a significant role under a sponsored project and engages in a reciprocal relationship with the prime recipient. Generally a subrecipient is defined as an entity, often another university, who helps the grantee carry out the activities of the award by independently performing a portion of the research work using their own facilities. 

The subrecipient:

  • Performs a substantive portion of the proposed Statement of Work incorporated into the Prime Contract.
  • Has responsibility for internal programmatic decision-making and design.
  • Is responsible for assisting the Prime Recipient in meeting the goals of the project.
  • Has its performance measured in relation to the larger project goals of the proposal and objectives of the program being funded.
  • Contributes to a broader purpose in relation to the funded scope of work, rather than a narrower role of providing goods or services for the direct benefit of the Prime Recipient.
  • Is responsible for adhering to applicable Federal programmatic compliance requirements.
  • May be required to contribute a proportionate amount of cost share to a project.
  • Retains intellectual property and copyright to the work produced by the subrecipient’s personnel; may co-author an article in a professional research journal.
  • Is considered a Co-PI of the project.

Note: The university does not issue subawards to individual persons; only to a company or organization.

The UMass detailed budget should not blend subrecipient costs with UMass project costs. Two separate detailed budgets should be included. The UMass detailed budget will include a line item each year showing Subrecipient Total Costs (inclusive of indirect costs). Please also add the Subrecipient as an Organization to the Kuali proposal development record. Please see additional information on inputting subrecipient information into Kuali.

Be sure to attach the required Subrecipient Documentation in the Kuali record as well.

Cost Sharing

Cost Sharing Allison Koss

Cost sharing, also known as “matching funds," is the portion of the total project costs of a specific sponsored project borne by the Amherst campus (or in rare circumstances, by a third party), rather than the sponsor. Cost sharing typically represents a reallocation of departmental or school/college resources to partially support an externally sponsored project. Cost sharing on federal projects must be from non-federal sources.

The university limits the budget categories that can be used as cost share. Examples of allowable categories include contributions of personnel effort and associated fringe, equipment, tuition waiver and unrecovered indirect cost. Please see our Cost Share Requirements & Procedures for more detailed information.

Cost sharing is classified as either mandatory or voluntary:

  • Cost sharing is "mandatory" when it is a written requirement of the sponsor, and the ability to apply for and receive an award is contingent on the campus' willingness to comply with this requirement.
  • Cost sharing is classified as "voluntary" when it is not a requirement of the sponsor and the campus voluntarily proposes to cost share an expense, whether on the budget page or in the text of the proposal.

An agreement to cost share, whether voluntary or mandatory, represents a commitment, subject to audit, of the Amherst campus to provide the stated services or assets during the performance of the project. Principal Investigators are urged to discuss proposed cost-sharing arrangements well in advance of submission of the sponsored agreement proposal with their department chair and the Office of Pre-Award Services (OPAS). In all cases, commitments to cost-share must be approved in advance by Research & Engagement. See Cost Share Requirements & Procedures.


Commitments Allison Koss

A commitment is an obligation that the university must fulfill. It is usually specific and quantified, such as commitments of effort (salary/time) or cost sharing. Commitments must be tracked and reported back to the sponsor. Commitments may be adjusted only with the approval of the sponsoring agency. No commitment of university resources, including staff or student time, facilities, or other resources, should be made without appropriate documentation of approvals and vetting by OPAS and/or OPAM.

Requests for salary support and statements about cost-shared effort in the budget or budget justification become binding commitments when the university and the sponsor finalize the award agreement. When effort or collaborations proposed in the project description or research plan is specific and quantified, it also becomes a binding commitment at the time the university and the sponsor finalize the award agreement. That is why it is essential that collaborations with external partners have proper institutional approvals.

Commitments beyond the period of support should not be included in a proposal unless it is required by the sponsor. In the event this type of commitment is required, please provide a letter from the department chair documenting support of the proposal's commitment to resources or funding beyond the life of the grant/contract. Examples include: supporting fellows beyond the period committed to by the sponsor; purchasing equipment; or running a center or program. This letter should be signed by the individual authorized to commit funds for the anticipated costs. 

Letters of support may be less specific or involve external partners. If mandatory cost sharing is not required, commitments of quantifiable dollar amounts should not be listed in the proposal nor in the supporting letter, unless explicitly required by the sponsor guidelines. See also Third Party Non-Monetary Contributions.


Effort Allison Koss

Effort is defined as the amount of time spent on a particular activity. It includes the time spent working on a sponsored project in which salary is directly charged or contributed (cost-shared).

Effort is expressed in the proposed budget and budget justification as a percentage of the individual’s total university appointment devoted to the project. Effort should be represented in the format requested by the sponsor but should also be shown in the budget justification in person months as well. For example for faculty with 9 month Academic Year appointments, if 25% effort is expected during the Academic year and 25% as well for Summer, it would be represented in person months as 2.25 Academic months and 0.75 Summer months. For faculty and staff on Calendar year appointments, 12 months is used as the base upon which percentages are applied; e.g. 25% of a Calendar appointment amounts to 3.0 Calendar months.

For faculty on 9 month academic year appointments, effort can be budgeted as Summer or Academic depending on when the effort is expended. Summer salary paid directly from federal and state grants is capped at 2.5 months; for more details, see Additional Compensation Guidance. The amount of Academic year effort available for research is negotiated with the Department Chair but generally may add up to approximately 3.5 Academic months.

For federally funded projects, a minimum amount of effort must be budgeted by the PI and all other key personnel. For more details, see the Minimum Effort on Sponsored Projects requirement.

Budgeted effort should always reflect the anticipated time commitments to the project.

Effort charged to sponsored projects must be allocable, allowable, reasonable, and consistently reported and tracked in the UMass Effort Reporting System (ECC).

A reasonable amount of precision should be exercised to insure that the following align with each other:

  1. Key person effort as proposed and budgeted (or cost shared) in the original proposal submitted to the sponsor
  2. Key person effort devoted and charged to the sponsored agreement (grant, contract, cooperative agreement, etc.)
  3. Key person effort reported in the university’s Effort Reporting System (ECRT)

The effort maxim to keep in mind: effort budgeted in the proposal = effort charged to the grant = effort reported.

If the committed effort is reduced by 25% or more, the PI must contact OPAM for direction on how to appropriately notify the sponsor and receive permission for the reduction of effort. The university cannot directly commit quantifiable effort to any given project unless salaried effort is budgeted or cost shared to meet mandatory sponsor cost share requirements. That does not mean that faculty cannot perform research activities at no cost (no salaried effort) to the sponsor during the academic year. Indeed, how the effort commitment is worded in the proposal and budget justification will determine its allowability.

Auditors review the accuracy of the university’s payroll charges by verifying that the percentage of the employee's salary charged to a sponsored project reasonably approximates the actual proportion of the employee's FTE effort devoted to that project. The Effort Reporting System is called upon to provide this verification to audits.

In terms of cost-sharing effort, the university normally only cost shares effort when mandated in the sponsor’s written guidelines. If cost-sharing is not mandatory, it is the university’s policy to abstain from cost-sharing. See Cost Sharing Requirements for more details and how to request voluntary cost-sharing of effort.

Recently through the advent of OMB’s Uniform Guidance, the federal government provided greater clarification on its approach to the provision of voluntary committed cost sharing. If cost-sharing is not mandated in the sponsor guidelines, voluntary cost-shared commitments of effort cannot be used as a factor during the sponsor’s merit review of applications or proposals. For more details, see the Uniform Guidance, section §200.306; Cost sharing or matching. Keeping this in mind, it is extremely difficult to justify including voluntary committed cost shared effort in any federally funded projects.


Archived Effort Reporting Video from Oct 1. 2009 meeting - compressed version (350Mb)

Third-Party Contributions (non-monetary)

Third-Party Contributions (non-monetary) Allison Koss

Non-monetary third-party contributions should not be part of a proposal unless required by the sponsoring agency

In the event of such a requirement, and if a non-UMass Amherst third party pledges significant contributions to the project so that without that resource, the thrust of the project could be jeopardized, it is necessary to provide OPAS with a letter of support/commitment from the third party. This letter would provide some detail about the non-monetary resources committed at no cost and should be signed by the individual authorized to make such commitments (OPAS equivalent; contracting officer, business official, etc). 

When cost sharing is mandated by the sponsor, and the VCRE has approved third-party cost sharing, refer to the “Third-Party Cost Sharing” section of the Cost Sharing Requirements for more details.

Required Documents & Forms

Required Documents & Forms Allison Koss

All proposals must include a budget, budget justification, and scope of work (or project description).

Other frequently required documents include:

  • Biographical Sketch
  • Current and Pending Support
  • Collaborators and Other Affiliations
  • Data Management Plan
  • Facilities and Other Resources
  • Equipment

The Technical Proposal documents or "Science" typically include:

  • Scope of Work or Project Description
  • References or Bibliography
  • Summary

Collaboration Documentation

  • Documentation for subawards, consultants or vendors

Proposal Cost Documentation

  • Recommendations on what to include such as Cost Quotes and other budget-related documentation

Special Approval Documentation

  • Several situations require additional approvals that must be obtained separately from and prior to the Kuali proposal routing process, including AY cost share, indirect cost waiver, and late proposal routing, to name a few.

Important Notes:

  • The proposal development administrator can usually help with completing forms, attaching or uploading documents, and entering institutional information. They may need you to share access to the sponsor application portal to help.
  • The OPAS reviewer will always need access in order to review and submit the application.
Required Documents & Forms

Compliance and Special Approvals

Compliance and Special Approvals Sarah Vega-Liros

Understand and communicate the compliance aspects of your project, such as intellectual property, inventions, human subjects, vertebrate animals, export controls, conflict of interest, etc. early on. There may be additional forms or notifications that must be completed at the proposal stage.

Please complete the request for special approvals well in advance so that the required documentation can be uploaded to the Kuali record before routing. Examples of situations that require special approvals include:

Intellectual Property

Consult with the university’s Intellectual Property Policy statement prior to discussing intellectual property issues with prospective sponsors, especially industry, and other non-federal sponsors.

Some industry sponsors will require the completion of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before faculty and industry personnel collaborate on the proposal since potentially proprietary information could be exchanged between each party without the proper legal protections.

Confer with the UMass Innovation Institute (UMII) for assistance crafting and negotiating potential NDA’s.

If you have any questions regarding inventions, patents, licensing, start-up companies, and services for the creative arts, contact the Technology Transfer Office (TTO).

Inventions and Confidentiality

New inventions, patentable ideas, proprietary or confidential information should not be included in proposals unless necessary.  If sensitive information must be included, or if it is difficult to determine whether certain information is patentable or confidential, please bring it to the attention of the OPAS team.  In addition, please contact the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) as soon as possible about any potential inventions or patentable ideas you may wish to include. Grant applications are considered confidential, but federal grant applications constitute “publications” when a notice of award is issued, which may limit or destroy foreign patent rights. In most federal grant applications, publication can be avoided by simply checking a box, but other procedures may be needed when applying to other funding sources.

For your protection, a proprietary rights legend should be added to the cover page of your proposal. Two versions are provided here for your consideration:

  1. This data shall be disclosed only to sponsor employees or outside evaluators under contract to the sponsor and shall not be duplicated, used or disclosed in whole, or in part, for any purposes other than to evaluate the proposal; provided that, if an award is made to this offer or as a result of, or in connection with, the submission of this data, the sponsor shall have the right to duplicate, use or disclose the data to the extent provided in the contract, grant or cooperative agreement. The data subject to this restriction is contained on page(s):

    And mark each page that is to be restricted with the following:
    Use or disclosure of proposal data is subject to the restriction on the Cover Page of this proposal.

    Or, when the proposal contains ideas and information that could lead to patent applications and stronger, more specific language is desirable, the following sample legend is recommended:
  2. This document, or portions of it, contains confidential information that is or may become the subject of a United States patent application and that is important to future commercial efforts based on such confidential information. Accordingly, this document and the confidential information is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, Sections 552(b)(3) and (b)(4) of Title 5 of the United States Code and corresponding regulations of United States government agencies.

          Each page containing confidential information should be marked "CONFIDENTIAL".


Proposal Cost Documentation

Proposal Cost Documentation Sarah Vega-Liros

Please load documentation into Kuali under Internal tab in the Attachment section to verify the basis for cost calculations, as well as their reasonableness:

Grad student calculation assumptions

Upload Kuali Calculator grad calculations if available; if it is unavailable, the below assumptions need to be detailed in the budget justification. The Kuali Salary Guide with grad calculator can be found here.

  1. The hourly rate
  2. The number of hours the grad student is working during the 38 academic year
  3. The number of weeks the grad student is working during the 38 academic year
  4. The number of hours the grad student is working during the 14 week summer
  5. The number of weeks the grad student is working during the 14 week summer

Grad fringe and tuition fee are based on the hours worked in the AY and the summer, so we need the number of hours and weeks to assess if it has been budgeted correctly.


Please collate all documents below into one PDF form per subrecipient. See also Collaborations and Required Documents.

  • A UMass subrecipient form
  • Letter of intent to enter into a consortium/subaward agreement on letterhead and signed by an AOR is recommended
  • Statement of work
  • Budget loaded into Kuali (on the sponsor's budget form if required)
  • Budget justification loaded into Kuali
  • Fringe rate agreement loaded into Kuali
  • Indirect cost rate agreement loaded into Kuali
  • Other forms as required by the solicitation (biosketch, current & pending form, collaborator and other affiliations form, facilities form).


  • A signed letter from the consultant providing details on the nature of their consulting activities and documenting the basis for their rates (hourly or daily rate, # days or hours consulting, etc.).

Unpaid Collaborators

  • When a named collaborator is going to provide information, expertise, and the like in a proposal, a letter from the collaborator should be included as part of the proposal. More info on documenting collaborations.
  • For NSF, proposers should include in the facilities form an aggregated description of the internal and external resources (both physical and personnel) that the organization and its collaborators will provide to the project, should it be funded

Fee for service

  • A letter or formal quote from the vendor detailing the activities, services, or items to be provided and the basis for the charges.

Materials & supplies

  • Basis of cost must be explained in the budget justification
  • Supplies must be detailed so we can assess reasonability, allowability and allocability


  • Basis of cost must be explained in the budget justification
  • Travel should be broken down by specific costs such as airfare, per diem, hotel, ground transportation, parking, etc. Provide detail so we can assess reasonableness, allowability and allocability

UMass Amherst Cost Center Recharges (UMass Facilities Fees)

  • Cost center sheets for the current year with costs highlighted
  • If there is not a currently approved cost center, please include a cost quote

Cost share

  • AY cost share form for each PI committing cost share, signed and loaded into Kuali.
  • Kuali budget shows cost share
  • Voluntary cost share is approved in advance by the VCRE
  • 3rd party cost share from a subrecipient has a letter committing to auditable cost share
  • 3rd party cost share not from subrecipients must be approved by the VCRE
  • If cost share is made from waiving indirect costs, approval of waiver is in Kuali

Indirect costs

  • Indirect cost waiver loaded to Kuali if applicable
  • Load sponsor's policy on indirect costs if non-standard
  • See subrecipient requirements also

Limited submission

  • Email from Office of Research Development (ORD) for federal sponsors, or from Foundation Relations for non-federal sponsors, confirming this proposal was selected for limited submission

Vendor Quotes

  • Include vendor quotes

Equipment Quotes

  • Include equipment quotes

Fabricated Equipment

  • Include a separate detailed budget for fabricated equipment 
  • Include a detailed justification for fabricated equipment within the budget justification for the proposal
  • Complete the Kuali questionnaire for fabricated equipment
Proposal Cost Documentation

Routing for Internal Approvals, Review & Submission

Routing for Internal Approvals, Review & Submission Allison Koss

Routing for internal Approvals in Kuali can be completed by Principal Investigator or Aggregator. 

  • Approve the proposal in Kuali.
  • All routing approvals at PI and co-PI, department (or unit), and college (or major unit) levels are required to start the OPAS review process. See "Proposal Routing Reporting" in Tableau to find out what approvals are still pending.
  • When a proposal is due in the middle of a specific date, OPAS treats it as though it is due the day before. This is to ensure the early cutoff time does not jeopardize submission. Please take this into account when calculating the five-day internal deadline.

OPAS Review Process Begins Five Business Days Prior to Sponsor Due Date

  • Preliminary check for completeness in accordance with the Sponsored Project Proposal Submission Requirements and Procedures (Five Day Submission Procedure).
  • OPAS reviewer reviews proposal for compliance with university and sponsor guidelines, provides feedback, and requests corrections.
  • PI and/or aggregator may make corrections as needed, based on the OPAS review.
  • Final proposal description should be uploaded at least two business days prior to the sponsor deadline.

Administrative Review and Submission

  • Understand the Sponsored Project Proposal Submission Requirements and Procedures (Five Day Submission Procedure)
  • There are more details on the Review and Submission Process as well as what to do if the proposal is late.
  • The OPAS reviewers’ job is to help you submit a successful proposal that the sponsor will evaluate based on the science without the distraction of any administrative errors. Some errors can cause a proposal to be returned without review.
  • Prompt feedback from the PI is often required during the five-day review period. Please stay in touch or assign a delegate who can make decisions about the proposal.
  • OPAS Submits Proposal: The Board of Trustees has delegated authority for submitting proposals for funding opportunities to the Office of Pre-Award Services (OPAS). 
  • Proposal Status: Proposal and submission status are reported live in Kuali.
  • Reporting: Tableau offers dynamic reporting for proposals and awards.

Proposal Types and Procedures

Proposal Types and Procedures Sarah Vega-Liros

Not all sponsored projects fit neatly into a standard concept of a proposal. We treat a number of different types of proposal submissions in the same manner, with a few caveats. See these pages for additional guidance:

  • Pre-Proposals and Letters of Intent
  • Revised Budgets
  • Just-in-Time
  • Progress Reports
  • Fellowships
  • Contracts and ISAs

Revised Budgets

Revised Budgets Allison Koss

Revised budgets are generally requested by the sponsor if the proposal is up for consideration for an award. Revised budgets may be less or more than the original request. If the change in the amount of the revised budget is greater than 25% or there are changes to committed resources such as personnel, cost-sharing, etc., the Kuali Proposal record must be re-routed for approval signatures. The sponsor's request for changes must be included in Kuali as an Internal Attachment.

Revised budgets must be created in Kuali and then submitted to OPAS. OPAS will then review and submit the revised budget following the directions provided by the sponsor (e.g.,, revised package, email, etc.). See Creating a Revised Budget. If you have technical questions related to Kuali, please contact the R&E Help Desk. For specific sponsor-related questions, please contact the OPAS reviewer assigned to that sponsor. 


Just-In-Time Allison Koss

Just-in-Time (JIT) is a concept popularized in grant administration by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and defines a process where the gathering and submission of potentially time-consuming documentation is deferred until after both the deadline and peer review, but prior to the final review and adjudication by the responsible institute’s Advisory Council.

Other federal sponsors including the Department of Defense will occasionally require the submission of JIT documentation that will include some or all of the following: 

  • Other support documentation (current and pending) 
  • IRB approval 
  • IACUC approval 
  • Cost documentation including the following:
    • documentation of salaries and fringe
    • equipment quotes
    • elaboration of travel and supply costs
    • subrecipient cost documentation 

Roles and responsibilities:

  • Sponsor contacts the PI and/or OPAS to request further documentation 
  • PI/Business Manager and OPAS work closely together to assemble a response 
  • OPAS communicates with the sponsor 
  • OPAS submits the JIT documentation to the sponsoring agency 

Contracts and ISAs

Contracts and ISAs Sarah Vega-Liros

Some sponsored funding comes in the form of a contract with the funding organization. Grants are awards of financial assistance, usually from a governmental agency or foundation, primarily for carrying out a public purpose of support or stimulation. In contrast, a contract is used to acquire property or services for the government or organizations' direct benefit or use. In cases where the proposal is not being submitted in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP), there may be a period of informal negotiation before the sponsor sends a contract for signature. If during this process the sponsor requests a budget, be sure to reach out to OPAS for guidance before submitting any budget information to the sponsor. Submitted budgets can become binding commitments for the university, therefore they require institutional review and submission

Federal Contracts including IDIQ 

All federal contracts should follow the same process as federal grant submissions. Do not send budget documents that have not been vetted by OPAS, as the federal sponsor will consider them a binding part of the contract. IDIQ stands for Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity. In layman's terms, this means the quantity of products or services that the contractor is delivering is not yet determined. OPAS must review IDIQ proposals because the university will be bound by the rates set by the IDIQ for future contracts.

Industry Collaborations

Please reach out to UMII when starting this process. Involving UMII will make the negotiation and contract approval process go more smoothly. 

Commonwealth of MA

Commonwealth of MA contracts are usually issued in the form of an ISA (Interagency Service Agreement). If the agency is requesting a budget, then the proposal should be routed to OPAS for submission. In some cases an ISA is sent even though a proposal has not been submitted. These should be routed to OPAS for an internal review and for further processing by OPAM. See sponsor-specific guidance for more information on Commonwealth of MA proposals. 

OPAS ISA Guidance Questions

  1. Who generated the ISA? (who filled out the form?) 
  2. For the budget in the ISA: 
    • Is there a capped amount the sponsor will fund? 
    • Has the sponsor approved the line item budget or can budget changes be made if necessary? 
    • If there are cost centers in the budget, have cost center rates uploaded to Kuali in attachments?
  3. What indirect cost rate is being used? 
    •  If there a federal prime sponsor, the indirect rate should be the full federal rate unless there is a posted sponsor limitation on indirect costs loaded to Kuali in attachments.
    • If the indirect cost rate is less than 26% and there is not a limitation in the RFP, please upload supporting documents to the Kuali record for the rate used. Example: cooperative agreements.
  4. What is the earliest date that expenses will be charged for this project? 
    • ISAs are effective only on the date of last signature—if they arrive after the projected start date costs before the effective date will not be allowable unless stipulated in the terms of the ISA and agreed on by all parties. UMass needs to know about Pre-Award spending on an ISA prior to signature to make this happen. 
    • The ISAs are signed by the “Seller” (UMass) first and then the “Buyer” (Sponsoring Agency).
    • If the ISA funds a multi-year project, is carryforward allowed from one year to the next? 
  5. If the sponsor is not requiring a budget justification, has an internal budget justification has been loaded to Kuali as an attachment?
  6. Are we submitting the unsigned ISA and other proposal documents to the sponsor? If no, has the sponsor already seen and approved proposal documents? 
    • Has the PI verbally agreed to terms & conditions of the ISA? 
    • Has the agency given us any instructions on how they want the ISA signed (original signatures, wet signatures, hard copies, electronic signatures, email?) 
  7. If the ISA is internal and to be reviewed by OPAS/OPAM, please: 
    • Do not put internal as proposal type under proposal details. Please use new, revised or supplement. 
    • If revised is selected, please enter the original institutional proposal ID number under basics, sponsor & program info. 
    • If supplement is selected, please enter the original award ID number under basics, sponsor & program info. Please note, this number must end in -00001. 
    • Please put "Internal to OPAM" under basics/delivery info/submission description.

Pre-Proposals and Letters of Intent

Pre-Proposals and Letters of Intent Sarah Vega-Liros

A pre-proposal (sometimes called a white paper, letter proposal, preliminary proposal, pre-application, or concept paper) or a letter of intent is a short description of the proposed project. Usually, the purpose of a pre-proposal is to inform and interest the potential sponsor in the project, resulting in a request for a more detailed formal/full proposal. 

Pre-Proposals and Letters of Intent must be routed to OPAS via a Kuali Research proposal development record (choose "Pre-Proposal" or "Letter of Intent" as the proposal type) and will be subject to the university proposal requirements and procedures when they include any of the following:

  • A commitment of university resources (including, but not limited to: PI time/effort, staff time, space, facilities use, project completion, students, and/ or post-doc participation/time, etc.)
  • A detailed budget
  • Cost sharing or an exception to the university F&A Cost rate
  • Certifications, representations, or assurances signed by an institutional representative
  • A requirement for an authorized signature or submission in a portal by an institutional official
  • Acceptance of terms and conditions

It is not necessary to route a pre-proposal for institutional approval if it:

  • Includes a total cost estimate without a detailed budget; and
  • Is not expected to result directly in an award without a full detailed proposal; and
  • The university is not bound in any way by the content of the pre-proposal; and
  • Does not require an authorized signature
When should I route a Letter of Intent to OPAS?

Please contact the R&E Help Desk if you have any questions about whether or not to route a pre-proposal.

Graduate Student Fellowships

Graduate Student Fellowships Allison Koss

A fellowship is an award to assist a graduate student in the pursuit of his/her studies or research, usually with no requirement for service or performance, and is classified at the university as a Non-Working Fellowship. A student on a fellowship is typically expected to focus on their training, research and/or study.

Fellowship awards are sometimes made to individual applicants and awarded through a host institution. Others are fellowship opportunities at the institutional level led by a lead faculty Principal Investigator (PI). These awards are generally funded in response to proposals which are routed through, and endorsed by, the Office of Pre-Award Services (OPAS), and are processed with a faculty sponsor/advisor listed as PI on internal approval documents. Each sponsor’s guidelines and any terms and conditions must be reviewed for UMass acceptability.

Fellowships differ from traineeships which are typically paid out to cohorts of students from federally-funded multi-year grants awarded to faculty PI’s (e.g., NSF IGERT, NSF NRT or NIH T32). With the exception of the NIH F31, traineeships are not handled like prestigious external fellowships. For information on how to process appointments for students funded by NSF or NIH Training grants, please consult the Graduate School. Fellowships are also distinct from working assistantships (TA/TO, RA, etc.), in which the student is an employee of the university and has assigned duties to perform in that employment.

Support of the fellow is provided as a stipend. Because a fellowship is not an employee/employer relationship, GEO benefits are not usually applicable. For exceptions, please see Prestigious External Fellowships and Traineeships. In addition to a stipend, there are often funds for some or all cost of education expenses in accordance with sponsor’s published guidelines. Cost of education expenses include the following:

  • Tuition (tuition credit for non-working fellows is not automatic and will be given only when the fellowship terms do not include provisions to pay the tuition - refer to the Tuition Credit webpage for more information)
  • Service Fee
  • Graduate Senate Fee
  • Student Health Fee
  • Supplemental Student Health Fee (if applicable)
  • Other expenses (depending on the sponsor’s guidelines, other expenses such as travel, supplies, and computer purchase are sometimes allowable)
  • Indirect cost is not normally allowable

Current Fees can be found at the Office of the Bursar. See also sponsor-specific resources and NIH F31 Pre-Doctoral Fellowships.

If a fellowship application is awarded, the award is reviewed, negotiated if necessary, and processed by the Office of Post-Award Management (OPAM). Accounts are set up in the Controller’s Office under the faculty sponsor/advisor’s name. Management/supervision of expenditures on the account are the responsibility of the faculty sponsor/advisor.