The Renaissance of the Earth

The Renaissance of the Earth revolutionizes what it means to engage the early modern past with questions about our environmental future. Through a range of cross-disciplinary collaborative models, it puts students, artists, and scholars at the center of an interdisciplinary research mandate with the goal of discovering diverse avenues for creating sustainable and equitable life.

Collins Lecture

The Dan S. Collins lecture is dedicated to the late professor, who taught English at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He served as an editor of the journal English Literary Renaissance since its inception and was co-editor of the special issue on "Renaissance Historicism" published in 1986.

Normand Berlin Lecture

This lecture is held in honor of the late Normand Berlin, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His research interests ranged broadly, from Shakespeare to Eugene O'Neill. His publications include O'Neill's Shakespeare and The Secret Cause: A Discussion of Tragedy. For many years he taught a highly-attended community class at the Center on Shakespeare.

Graduate Conferences

The Center has hosted an annual conference lead by graduate students since October 2002.

The Refinery

A forum for advanced graduate students to share work-in-progress with an invited scholar whose work is currently shaping their thinking. Both authors precirculate works-in-progress and papers are to be read in advance. The authors will kick off discussion by raising questions for one another and then we will open into a roundtable conversation.

Field Notes: A Premoderinst Skill Share

An informal gathering of graduate students interested in sharing skills of their trade. Over the course of the year, across four sessions, Field Notes takes students through the full cycle of designing advanced research projects in the premodern humanities.

Five College Book History Seminar

The Five College Book History Seminar series is a collaborative lecture series that focuses on the production, circulation, and reception of early modern and medieval texts.

Five College Renaissance Seminar

Four seminars are held each year on a broad range of interdisciplinary topics. Sponsored by Five Colleges, Inc.

Medieval Studies Certificate

The Certificate Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to receive recognition for their exploration of the rich diversity of medieval culture. It includes the historical, artistic, literary and intellectual dimensions of a major formative period of Western civilization. 

The Premodern World Working Group

The Graduate Reading Group at the Center brings together graduate students to discuss the premodern period.

Tasso and Music Symposium & Concerts

A scholarly symposium and concerts to celebrate the NEH-funded Tasso in Music Project, directed by UMass music history professor Emiliano Ricciardi.

Raymond J. Lord Symposium on Historical European Martial Arts

An annual symposium on historical European martial arts, traditions, and their social contexts.