The Five College Renaissance Seminar association presents seminars by Renaissance scholars from around the nation and the world. Four seminars are held each year on a broad range of interdisciplinary topics. Sponsored by Five Colleges, Inc.
Surekha Davies, 'Humans: A Monstrous History'
Pari Riahi, UMass Amherst, 'Francesco di Giorgio Martini's Drawings: Notes on a Practice and a Project'
Janie Cole, University of Connecticut, 'Music in early modern Ethiopia'
Monika Schmitter, UMass Amherst, 'Character in Search of a Play: Parmigianino’s Portrait of a Dignitary'
Dariusz Krawczyk, University of Lille and University of Warsaw, '"Fountain of Civility": Early Reflections on Civility in 16th-Century France'
Alisha Rankin, Tufts University, 'The Witches Brew: Potions & Poisons in Renaissance Europe'
Yael Rice, "Painting the Persianate World: Portable Images on Paper, Cloth, and Clay: An Exhibition Preview"
Makoto Harris Takao, "A Bowl by Any Other Name Would Ring as Sweet: The Transcultural Sounds of Christianity in Sixteenth-Century Japan"
Eyob Derillo, British Library, 'Illuminated Ethiopian manuscripts at the British Library'
Shannon McHugh, UMass Boston, 'Petrarch and the Making of Gender in Renaissance Italy: A Conversation'
Christopher Nygren, University of Pittsburgh, 'Salt, Water, and Stone: The Ecology of Art in Renaissance Venice'
Will Steffen, American International College, '"The Sweet Marjoram of the Salad": Abortifacient Plants and the Shakespearean Bed Trick'
Douglas Pfeiffer, Stony Brook University, 'Style as the Lydian Stone: How Early Modern Readers Invented Authors for Their Texts'
Catherine Infante, Amherst College, 'The Arts of Encounter: Christians, Muslims, and the Power of Images in Early Modern Spain'
Adam Zucker, UMass Amherst, 'The Soundscape of The Tempest'
Mary Crane, Boston College, 'How Did Natural Philosophy Become Natural Science?'
Marco Piana, Smith College, 'Medusa Colonised: Euhemerism, Colonialism, and Proto-Feminism in Lodovico Domenichi’s La nobiltà delle donne'
Jutta Sperling, Amherst College, 'The Nursing Virgin in Late Medieval and Early Modern Ethiopia'
Ayesha Ramachandran, Yale University, 'Petrarch's Lyric Anthropology'
Jessica Beckman, Dartmouth College, 'The Borrowed Motions of Shakespeare’s Sonnets'
Adhaar Noor Desai, Bard College, 'Bodgeries: Tudor Composition Pedagogy, Poetics, and George Gascoigne’s "Patched Coat"'
Noah Tuleja, Mount Holyoke College, '"Thou Art Changed": Using Theatre Practice in the Literature Classroom'
Lyn Tribble, University of Connecticut, '"A Strange, Hollow, and Confused Noise": Prospero's Start and the Phenomenology of Magic'
Jane Degenhardt, UMass Amherst, 'Fortune’s Early Modern Turn: From Pagan Goddess to Proto-Capitalist Economics'
Sanam Nader-Esfahani, Amherst College, 'Reflecting and Refracting Reality: Optics and Politics in Early Modern France & Italy'
Jun Hee Cho, Amherst College, "Of Keepers and Stewards, or the Princely Business of a Northern Renaissance Court"
Marjorie Rubright, University of Massachusetts Amherst, “TRANS * ARCHIPELOGICS”
Steve Mentz, St. Johns University, "Hostile Environments in Hamlet"
Amanda Henrichs, Amherst College, “Visualizing Absence: Broken (hyper)Links between Mary Wroth and Mary Sidney Herbert”
Linda McJannet, Bentley University, "Timur's Theatrical Journey: Or, When did Tamburlaine Become Black?"
Travis Williams, University of Rhode Island, "The Spaces of *Hamlet*"
Jennifer Higginbotham, Ohio State University, "Mary Wroth's Blank Spaces"
Adam Zucker, University of Massachusetts Amherst, "Antihonorificabilitudinitatibus: Love's Labour's Lost and the Pedantic Text"
Peter Berek, Amherst College, "Defoliating Playbooks and the Reading Public"
Greg Semenza, The University of Connecticut, “Shakespeare and the Auteurs: Rethinking Adaptation through the Director’s Cinema”
Jutta Sperling, Hampshire College, “The Roman Charity: Queer Lactations in Early Modern Visual Culture”
Henry Turner, Rutgers University, “Corporate Identity and Early Modern Literary History”
Martin Mueller, Northwestern University, “Digital Humanities and Shakespeare”
Gerard Passannante, University of Maryland, "Catastrophizing: The Disaster of Renaissance Materialism."
Malcolm Smuts, University of Massachusetts Boston, "How the Elizabethan Monarchical Republic Failed to Build a Republican Monarchy: The Earl of Leicester and the Netherlands"
Cyrus Mulready, SUNY New Paltz, "#Shakespeare: Following Falstaff in Early Modern England and Beyond"
Christopher Pye, Williams College, "Political Aesthetics in the Time of Shakespeare"
Russ Leo, Princeton University, "Lodovico Castelvetro's Heterodox Poetics: A Protestant Aristotle"
Suparna Roychoudry, Mt Holyoke College, "Trouble at Sea: The Perturbations of *Pericles*"
Joseph Black, University of Massachusetts Amherst, "The Sidneys and Their Books"
Molly Murray, Columbia University, "From the Closed Cell to the Infinite Universe: Prison Projects and the Ralegh Circle."
Valerie Foreman, NYU Gallatin, "Transatlantic Developments and Global Consciousness: Politics, Economics, and Aesthetics."
Steven Urkowitz, CUNY City College, "A Clean Smock, or Not--Working the Women between Quartos of Romeo and Juliet"
Stephanie Elsky, Amherst College, “Sidney's Aporia: Common Law and the Poetics of Doubt in the Old Arcadia”
Amy Rodgers, Mt. Holyoke College, “The Language of Looking: Jonsonian Masque and Conspicuous Consumption”
Erika Lin, City University of New York, “Erotic Horseplay and Demonic Desires: Festive Performance in The Witch of Edmonton"
Steven Mullaney, University of Michigan, “Shakespeare and the Wreckage of History"